Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Regional Office is Under Attack!

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of The Regional Office is Under Attack! by: Manuel Gonzales.

The Regional Office is Under Attack!

The Regional Office is Under Attack by: Manuel Gonzales: When a prophecy suggests that someone from inside the Regional Office is trying to create its downfall, they must recruit people to keep the office safe. They hire Rose who is a young assassin, and is eager to get started, and Sarah who is part cyborg, but very devoted to the office. When the two girls collide, it makes for a definite ride. This plot was definitely unique. It was fast-paced and full of action. The reader didn’t really know what to expect, but this novel delivered, as it was highly entertaining. The characters were so well written; the reader gets lost in their backstory because it was so fascinating and written with such detail. The way the plot was laid out in sections really helped break up the story and gave it good pacing. The chapters were really short so that helped balance it out. Overall, it was a quick read that immerses the reader in this crazy world that Gonzales has created.

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