Personal Ramblings

Bony’s 2022 Bookish & Personal Goals

Hi friends, happy New Year! I can’t believe we’re at the start of another year, but here we are! I hope that your 2022 has started off on the right foot. I’m here today to write down some goals for the year, so let’s get started! šŸ˜Š

I enjoy, for the most part, creating lists and setting goals for myself. The thing about it though is that I set these goals… and then I forget about them šŸ˜… I think a goal for me this year would be to actually keep an eye on them and to remember them throughout the year. We shall see how that goes! If not, I’m just going to roll with the vibes šŸ˜„

Bookish Goals

Read 100 books this year. Last year I read way over my goal so I’m keeping it neutral with setting a goal that I pretty much hit every year. If I think about it too much, I wonder if I’ll hit this, but that’s why it’s called a challenge.

Read More Diverse Books. This was something I started to pay more attention to last year and I was saddened by the numbers, so this year I’m going to try harder to bring those numbers up!

Use Twitter More. Last year was alllll about the Instagram for me, so this year I want to try and get back into Twitter more, whether that be to talk about books or just life.

Start a YouTube Channel. If you’ve been following me on either of my socials (Twitter or Instagram) you’ll have seen that my first video went up on Saturday (yay!). I’ve been posting videos on Instagram for the last year and now I want to branch out (as it will also be easier to share videos with people who don’t have Insta). I’ve been thinking about this for a few months now, but it was my brother who sorta convinced me to ‘reach the people’ so I said why not.

Save quotes. Sometimes I’ll come across a quote in a book I like and I’ll think about it, but I never save it. I think to save it, sometimes I even take a photo of them, but that’s as far as that goes. This year I want to actually start saving them.

Start Using Notion. I’ve seen so many bloggers use Notion for multiple things, but I’d really like to get into it to help me manage my reading. I like to keep track of how many pages I read in a day, so that’s something I really want to use Notion for. Who knows, maybe I’ll use it for more.

Personal Goals

Ride My Bike. Yep, for a third year in a row I’m throwing this goal up there and hoping it sticks. One of these years it’s gotta… right?!

Drink More Water. Last year I was all about drinking at least 4 glasses a day, this year I just want to drink more and not quantify it too much. I was gifted a Brita filter for Christmas and I’ve started using it with a reusable bottle so I’m hoping that will push me to drink more.

Start Lifting Weights. This one is more of a questionable goal. My brother has a set of weights he uses and recently I’ve been goofing off with them and maybe I should actually just use them, so we’ll see.

Continue to go for Walks & Stretch. I’m combining these two because these are already 2 things I do on a regular basis and so it should be easier to do them.

Continue to be a Work in Progress. I want to keep this as a goal because it’s good to always be evolving. I think for the first half of the year I’d really like to continue to learn patience, because I can have no chill sometimes šŸ˜…

Get back into Baking. I’m really hoping that I can keep this up this year, Last year was a complete flop, so I have some hope for me.

Continue Knitting. I’ve been really good at knitting last year and I want to keep that up this year. I’d like to continue knitting blankets because I really like it; they take time, but I’m very much okay with that.

Continue using Duolingo for French & Start Italian. I mean, I did start Italian last year but I haven’t gotten very far, but I’m very proud with how far I’ve gotten with French and I’m still making my way to an 1000 day streak ā€“ only 219 more days to go!

And that’s it for me. I’m sure I’ve missed a goal or so, but so far, from what I can remember, this is my main list of goals that we’ll see if I can accomplish! Do you set goals? What are your goals for 2022?

9 thoughts on “Bony’s 2022 Bookish & Personal Goals

  1. Good luck with your goals. Well done on the Duolingo streak. I’m up to 608 days on my Italian although I’m still not sure how much I’ve actually learned.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      Oh congrats on your 608 streak! I feel you on the learning bit; I don’t know how much I’ve truly learned either but over time I have picked up sentence structure better.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah best of luck with all of your goals! I’m amazed that you’re reaching for 100 goals and that’s attainable for you, ahha. This is so great! And yes to drinking more water, that’s a personal goal I should have, too, ahah. Wishing you all the best! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good luck with your goals Meghan! I hope to read more diverse books this year too and drinking more water, yes yes yes! And wow just 219 days to a 1000 day streak- that’s amazing!

    Loved reading this post!

    Liked by 1 person

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