Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #52 ⌛️

Hello friends, happy New Year’s Eve and happy Friday, welcome to my last Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 829

The Bachman Books; 89% of the way; I’m continuing to read The Running Man this week and I’m kinda getting bored. The main character is on the run, no idea what the endgame is. At least the pacing is fast.

Lastly, I’m reading

What I’ve Read:

Last week I read Fireblood by: Elly Blake. Wow, I wasn’t expecting as much as what I was given in this book. This definitely didn’t have second book syndrome; I can’t wait to read the final novel.

I also finished The Edge of Everything by: Jeff Giles. Ehh I didn’t really care for this novel all that much. The concept sounded so cool, but it fell so flat and I hated the insta-love.

I also ended up finishing Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck & Fortune by: Roselle Lim – I managed to read this in 2 days! I’m loooved this; the food descriptions are beautiful and the actual story is so touching and I enjoyed the ups and downs.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #51 🎲

Review: Chain of Iron

Let’s Talk About… ER Season Fifteen

Review: You Are Eating an Orange. You Are Naked.

Wrapping Up Bony’s 2021 Bookish & Personal Goals

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kal @Reader Voracious talked about why book blogs are relevant and how they are a valuable marketing tool – any time some writes about this topic I can’t help but share it, I agree with this post!

Here we are guys, the very last day of the year! This will be my last weekly update. Starting next year I will be going back to monthly wrap-ups. Weekly ones have been fun, but they are very demanding to keep going; I’m proud of myself that I managed to keep it up every single week this year!

I hope you all had a lovely holiday season and that your Christmas (if you celebrate!) was merry and bright! Mine was filled with good company and good food. We were able to get together with some family and that was nice and it felt normal.

What I’m watching:

Star Trek: Enterprise; season 3. Like I said last week, this season has been a journey. It’s so interesting to see the show come together. Each episode isn’t a stand alone anymore, we’re getting continuous plots that are leading up to something big. The end of possible the human race? There have been so many episodes where I didn’t know if characters were going to survive.

Inside Job; season 1. I’m giving this show a chance… and it’s starting to grow on me. This is hella political, but I do like some of the poking fun this does and some of the jokes really do land. I thought this was a kid show when I started and ohhhoho it is not that.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine; season 7. Look at me making it yet another one episode this week! Jake and Amy are trying to have a kid, and wow the struggle is real.

What I’ve watched:

Miracle on 34th Street. It’s tradition for me to watch this every Christmas Eve, the 1994 one I should add. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the original.

The Movies That Made Us; season 3. I ended this season with holiday films and I loved that. I didn’t get around to watching Elf this year, so having an episode on that movie was like I was watching it. I hope that there will be another season because this show is so much fun!

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Desolation of Smaug & The Battle of Five Armies. I have re-watched the Hobbit trilogy because as my brother tells me, I need to re-watch these before I can (finally) watch Lord of the Rings. We’ve been watching a movie a night and they’re really good; some scenes could have been cut down (hello 3 hour movies!) but I’ve really enjoyed being back in this world.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

4 thoughts on “Weekly Update #52 ⌛️

  1. Happy New Year! I hope you will have an amazing 2022 😊💖
    It’s amazing that you managed to keep up weekly updates so long! I couldn’t even manage one post per month last year 😂😂
    I have been thinking about re-watching The Hobbit movies, since I don’t really remember much about them. What I do remember is that I didn’t like them as much as the Lotr movies and I want to see if I would still think that. Maybe I need to re-watch all six movies? 🤔 Not that it would be a problem, since they are fun movies 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy New Year to you as well, Anna! 🎊

      Thank you so much! 💞
      Omg I LOVED the Hobbit movies, we re-watched them first and I had forgotten much of what happened too so it was such fun to be back. I love being in middle earth. I’ve never seen the Lord of the Ring movies, we have 1 more left to watch and I’ll be sad after because I don’t know what I’m going to do after! Definitely worth the watch of all 6 movies!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year!

    I am always in awe of people who can manage weekly updates – I feel like I have too many stints of not reading that even my monthly wrap-ups are sometimes just the same old “blah”! 52 weeks of weekly updates is amazing, well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy New Year to you as well! 🎊

      Thank you, it was challenging, and I’m proud I stuck with it. Very happy to go back to monthly updates. Aw, hopefully this year will be the year of reading for you! 😊


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