Monthly Wrap-Ups

November 2023 Wrap-Up

Hello friends, happy Friday! I can’t believe we’re at the end of yet another month! How do we only have 1 month left of the year?! For now, let’s get into wrapping up my November!

Currently Reading:

On page 56

Cycle of the Werewolf by: Stephen King. My next King read is a collection of short stories – each month has a short story. It started off a little rocky for me, but it’s starting to pick up. It’s also really short so I know I’ll have this finished by the end of the year!

On page 118

The Divine Comedy – Purgatory by: Dante. I’ve now moved on to Purgatory. I’m not too far into this, but I’m not exactly enjoying this one as much as the first. I can’t quite put my finger on why, but I’m hoping the further I go, the more I’ll like it.

On page 138

Love Hate & Other Filters by: Samira Ahmed. I’m about halfway through this and it’s so fast-paced and I’m enjoying it. I’m so curious to know where it’s going to go. I love that our main character is obsessed with film and making movies, it’s so much fun to read about!

What I’ve Read:


Hotline by: Dimitri Nasrallah. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was short-listed for Canada Reads and was such a well written book on immigrants in Canada.

Empire of Wild by: Cherie Dimaline. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really wanted to like this more, but it was too all over the place to stay focused.

Say You’ll Remember Me by: Katie McGarry. ⭐️⭐️ Nope, this wasn’t for me, it was so predictable and cliched and I just did not enjoy this.

Pet Sematary by: Stephen King. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I finished my next King read and I enjoyed it; it got darker than I was expecting and had more to do with child death than pet death, which was what I thought I was going to be getting.

Betrayals by: Kelley Armstrong. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was much like the previous book where it focused too much on the love triangle, which is unfortunate because there’s only one book left in this series.

The Divine Comedy: Inferno by: Dante. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I enjoyed this, but I found myself kinda bored in the middle. This had a lot of really interesting concepts and I’m still curious to read the next two volumes.

Heart of the Sun Warrior by: Sue Lynn Tan. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I adored this story so much. I loved the writing and the characters and the journeys they went on. I had a good time reading this.

The First to Die at the End by: Adam Silvera. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was so excited to see where this was going to go in terms of getting more from the world and Death Cast… but it just didn’t deliver as much as I had hoped.

Links to my my blog posts this past month:

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

The Orangutan Librarian wrote a post about how they are pro prologues.

Jan @Inkspun Tales posted a list of book cover illustrators that are god tier.

Sam @Spines in a Line posted more bookstores in their Beautiful Bookstores series.

Sofi @A Book. A Thought. celebrated 7 years of blogging and paired books with coffee.

Krysta @Pages Unbound discussed if it’s easier to write negative reviews.

This month flew by in the blink of an eye, but in a very good way! I celebrated my 30th birthday all month long with friends and family. It was such a great month and I’m happy with how everything turned out! I got to see so many people – some I haven’t seen since before the pandemic! 😱 Such a magical, beautiful month!


✨Got my nails done for the first time in a while for my birthday!

✨Bought balloons to celebrate the big day!

✨Started using a film camera to capture memories

✨I turned 30! 😱😂

✨Went out to brunch with my friends on the day, good company and got free cake!

✨Went out to dinner with my family on the day… more free cake! 😄

✨Bought more balloons to celebrate

✨Wore a sparkly dress to dinner with friends at an Italian restaurant for a wonderful evening

✨Went up the CN Tower for the first time, what a view!

✨Had dinner at the 360 CN Tower restaurant with my mom and coworker. It was such a fun experience, I’m so glad I went.

✨Went to dinner with current and past colleagues, such a fun night out!

What I’ve watched:

That ’90s Show; season 1. I’ve been meaning to watch this and I finally got around to it and managed to watch the entire first season in a night. It’s very bingeable and easy to watch. I liked more of the old cast, Kitty and Red were definitely the highlight – although I got tired of Red saying his catch phrases over and over again. When the old cast would make a camio I enjoyed that, I think Fez was my fave, yet again. I also didn’t really care for the fact that the entire young cast was a replica of the old one, they could have been more creative in that respect, but I will give them credit, they could be very entertaining. Ozzie is my favourite character, which he’s supposed to be the Fez of the group, which makes sense why I liked him so much – he just says it like it is. I will be looking out for season two when it drops.

Sense8; season 1. This has been on my Netflix list for a very long time. I’m finally going to start making that a priority. So begins my journey. I already know that this show got cancelled, so I’m interested to see how everything plays out. I have to say, this was so confusing when I started watching this. You had people from different parts of the world, each of them had their own story and then BAM another character would show up in another person’s life, but only they could see each other – I feel like I was just as confused as the characters. The synopsis about 8 individuals from around the world were connected in some way was very intriguing, but it wasn’t until maybe the 4 or 5 episode where I started to get it and become invested. Some characters I felt more invested in than others, but I did like seeing them be there for each other as the season went on. I’m not really sure how or what the resolution was for this season because they all ended up going to save the one Icelandic girl and then it was kinda over. I was like, what about all the other storylines, especially the one with Nomi and the guy trying to cut open her brain. And what about the guy Jonas who is sorta connecting them all. I feel like I have more questions that answers. I look forward to what season 2 brings.

All the Light We Cannot See; limited series. I read the book last December so when I saw this show up on Netflix this month I decided to give it a chance. For the most part I enjoyed it. I couldn’t remember all the details from the book and I think that’s what let me like this more than I’ve seen others like it. I thought it was beautiful to watch, they really did an amazing job visually. The acting was really good, too. I like that they actually cast a visually impaired actress to place Marie, that was very inclusive. I enjoyed Hugh Laurie in this, Mark Ruffalo was alright. The actor who played the main German solider felt very stereotypical in his choices (or the way he was directed to portray a Nazi). As for the story, I found it easy to follow along with; there were moments when I found myself a little bored because the episodes ran a little long and there just felt like there was dead space that could have been filled better. Aside from that, this was good, and a 4-episode limited series was the perfect length for the story.

Star Trek: Voyager; season 3. I’m starting to enjoy this series more now that we’re getting further into it. The characters are becoming friends with one another, there are good bonds forming, and the plots aren’t all as tedious as they were in the beginning. We are still on our mission back to Earth, but I have a feeling that’s still a long way off. I like that we’re getting to see Janeway and Chakotay become really good friends (although I honestly think they are more than just friends). The friendship between Tom and Harry is one of my favourites now, I’ve really grown a soft spot for Tom – not sure where it came from. He and B’Elanna are funny to watch. This season we’ve also come across the Borg again and they are probably one of the most interesting species in the Star Trek universe (among the Ferengi and the Q). I’m excited to explore them more in the next season!

Goosebumps; season 1. I’m assuming there will be a season 2 just how this ended on a cliff hanger. At first I was really confused where this was going because by episode 8 (out of 10) the main storyline wrapped up and I’m like now what? They kinda went a little meta with this because the teacher then uses the whole experience to write a book… a series no less, so he’s R.L. Stine? I loved the Stephen King reference, the publicist was like ‘you could be the next Stephen King’ and then she’s like you need a better ending and I couldn’t stop laughing because King is notorious for his less than stellar endings. Anyways, aside from that, where it went from there was good, bringing slappy back, then the guy who started slappy and using his magic book to bring one of the kids back… I can see how this is going to lead to a very interesting season 2. I look forward to it (if it happens!). Justin Long was so good in this, he played the clueless teacher so well; all the kids were fun to watch, too. The adults not so much, so I’m glad we didn’t focus a lot of attention on them. This was the perfect amount of nostalgia for the book series and 90s TV show, mixed with modern horror and technology, that this really worked for me.

The Crown; season 6; part 1. It’s the start of the end and I like the way they’ve decided to separate the season. The first half is all about the death of Diana, which I thought they did really well. It didn’t feel too rushed. What felt rushed was the relationship between Dodi and Diana. I liked them as a couple, but geez Dodi’s father was the menace to that relationship. If he didn’t push so hard, I’m sure both of them would have been here, either today or for a little bit longer at least. It was so tragic to watch. I also liked that the show used actual footage from the press at the time to really encapsulate the feeling her death had on the world. I look forward to seeing what the second half of the season holds. I’m not sure what year they’re going up to, but it’ll be pretty close to the present, we’ll find out in December.

The Simpsons; season 11. I liked the way this season ended, with the knock off on Behind the Music, with Behind the Laughter. They treated the Simpsons like it was a reality show, interviewing them like Behind the Music would, it was hilarious and just really well done. It was a really memorable episode. I also liked that there was an episode where Bart could see into the future, and Lisa was president… after Trump… in which that was a total prediction since that episode aired in 2000, 16 years before Trump would become president. It was so trippy to see one of the epiosdes where the Simpsons predict the future. I know there are quite a few of these episodes. Lastly, did they really kill Maude off?! I thought that was going to be a ha-ha joke… but I guess not? I couldn’t believe they did that. I did a little Googling (without spoiling too much for myself), it looks like they killed her off because they wanted to open up the storylines, plus the actress who voiced her quit over a pay dispute. Interesting.

List of Movies:

  • Disney Movies:
    • Rascal – a movie about a raccoon that I enjoyed more than I thought I would
    • The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes – such a strange title, but actually a really good movie
    • King of the Grizzlies – and we’re back to animal mocumentaries… in the 70s
    • The Boatniks – this movie was long, boring, and not for me
    • The Aristocats – I loved this movie as a kid, and I loved rewatching it, such a classic
    • The Wild Country – another Western, but I didn’t hate it… too much. The ending really sucked me in

Old – This is on Netflix about people who go to this secluded beach and start to grow old extremely fast and are trying to find out what is happening. It’s creepy, a little scary, definitely suspenseful, had me on my toes the entire time.

Pet Sematary – this was pretty faithful to the book, it was cheesy and little overacted, but still enjoyable.
Pet Sematary II – this was the sequel to the first movie, it was a lot more gorier, with a lot more death. It felt less about grief and more about fear. I didn’t hate it though, very nostalgic for the 90s.
Pet Sematary – the 2019 remake and they changed quite a bit in this one. Not a faithful adaptation at all; there were moments that worked and some that didn’t, but I didn’t completely hate this either.
Pet Sematary: Bloodlines – the prequel no one asked for. This takes place years before the first movie and takes a look at where it all started… sort of. I was bored by this one. Not worth it.

  • Christmas Movies (since I started early and decided to watch the Hall of Fame Hallmark Christmas Movies!)
    • A Christmas Love Story – a movie that was cheesy, but gave the warm fuzzy feelings
    • The Christmas Train – not my fave, it was cute, but I was invested in all the other storylines; I also didn’t find the ending believable
    • A Dog Named Christmas – this movie was so sweet, so heartfelt
    • A Heavenly Christmas – I didn’t hate the cute fluffiness of this one; the witty banter had me laughing

What I’m watching:

Star Trek: Voyager; season 4. This season is just slipping by! I’m already halfway through this season and I had no idea, the show is starting to really find itself. The characters are getting along, especially Tom and B’Elana, damn! I’m sad we lost Kes, I liked her, especially working with the Doctor. We did gain Seven of Nine (my mom’s favourite character ever!) who was a borg and is now figuring out how to be human again. I have to admit, she’s really shaken things up for the better… maybe that’s why I’m enjoying these episodes more? I don’t know, but I look forward to continuing.

Boy Meets World; season 3. I’ve finally caught up with the Pod Meets World podcast, so I’ll be watching 1 episode a week instead of 4, so it’s going to be taking me some time to get through. I’ve been enjoying season 3, aside from the possessiveness that Cory can get towards Topanga… in which she’s still barely in the show, which is so crazy to me. For a show that was so fixated on their love story… she’s never around. Also I’m LOVING the dynamic between Eric and Mr. Feeney, it’s been so great to watch unfold! Also I feel like Mr. Feeney is getting funnier, his lines are golden and the way he delivers them! Lastly, they brought a new Morgan into the fold – I honestly didn’t remember this as a kid!

The Simpsons; season 12. I just started this season and so far it’s been fun. I like the incorporation of computers and the Internet.

Sense8; season 2. I have to admit that I’m liking this season more, I’m so close to finishing it that I’m going to save my thoughts on it until my December wrap up. I’m sad that this got cancelled because it really did start to figure itself out this season; I’m going to miss this show and the characters.

The Santa Clauses; season 2. I had no idea there would be a second season to this show, so when I saw it on Disney+ I figured I’d give it a watch, it’s only 6 episodes (last one airs next week). So far, it’s been pretty entertaining as they have a new problem they need to solve. What I’ve liked (from what I’ve seen so far) is that they’ve brought back characters we met in the Santa Clause 2, with the same actors.

Instagram & YouTube videos from the month:

How was your November? Read, watch, do anything interesting? Let me know!

12 thoughts on “November 2023 Wrap-Up

  1. i’m happy to hear you had a great month! thank you for linking my post ❤

    your thoughts on sense8's plot mirror my own! i was so confused too, but overall i loved the theme of people from very different backgrounds connecting, it felt so human. it's good to hear you're loving the second season more! i'll be watching it when i find some time.

    hope you have a great month ahead!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! And you’re welcome! 😊

      Yes! I feel like I spent most of season 1 in confusion so I had a hard time enjoying it. Once we were in season 2 and I understood things better I was able to finally enjoy the show. I hope you like season 2, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!

      Thank you, you as well! 💞

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Omg, first of all, I love the pictures of your birthday!!! 🥳👏🏻✨️I’m turning 30 in February, so I feel you!!!! 😅
    Pet Sematary is amazing, I honestly saw the movie didn’t read the book but I love the story it’s one of the first horror movies in my life so super iconic for me. 😍
    Thank you so much for mentioning my post on your beautiful blog!!!!! 🥹❤️
    I always enjoy your wrap ups they’re super complete! Hope your December is wonderful sweetie 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww thank you, Sofi! ❤️ Haha turning 30 wasn’t as bad as it sounds. I’m enjoying my new decade so far; I like the fresh start feeling it has!
      That’s awesome! I watched the remake (2019) before I read the book but it had no impact on me. It’s definitely an iconic story!
      You’re very welcome! Thank you, I hope you have an amazing December as well! 💞

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice pictures of your birthday! You are so young O_O
    You are reading and watching an impressive amount of stuff. I am lucky if I get to finish a book and watch a movie in a week these days.
    I am a huuuge Dante fan (I’m Italian) but I must admit that my preference goes to the Inferno.

    I’m also a huuge Star Trek fan. Voyager is not my favourite series but I enjoyed some characters like Captain Janeway. I loved her dynamics with Chakotay, the Doctor… and Q =D
    I am currently in the process of re-watching DS9 for the first time since it aired (yes, I am THAT old). Back in the nineties I was very young and I found it way too dark for my taste, that’s why I haven’t watched it again. Well, it might end up becoming my favourite Star Trek series, although I love Captain Picard.

    Presently I have the novel “the lizard” by Italian writer Anna Maria Ortese on my night table… I hope I can finish it before Christmas =D

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I feel you, some weeks are better than others… this week hasn’t been it for me, I haven’t really read or watched anything. But hey, even the smallest amount of reading or watching counts!

      I have to say, Inferno is my favourite right now. I feel like I’m dragging through Purgatory – I can’t wait to be done with it. I’m looking forward to what’s in store for me in Paradise, but right now Inferno has been the best!

      I have to agree with you, out of all the Star Trek I’ve watched in the last few years, playing catch up to the fandom, Voyager has no been my favourite either, but I’m plugging away at it. I think DS9 is my favourite out of all the shows so far. It was so well done!

      I’ve never heard of the Lizard, but I hope you enjoy it and finish it before Christmas! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome!
      Sense8 was something so different from what I’ve ever watched before and I loved it. I wish we had gotten more, but alas the second season was SO good!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy belated birthday, and welcome to your 30s! I remember getting my nails done for the first time and LOVING IT, such a great self care option that really elevates.

    Looks like you had a fantastic reading month as well. Happy reading and closing out 2023!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I agree, it’s such a nice feeling – so much so I can’t wait to do it again. I don’t normally get my nails done, but I really like it!

      Thank you! I’m trying to squeeze in a few more books in before the end of the year. Happy reading! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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