Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Thunderhead

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is doing well. Today I’m going to be reviewing the second novel in Neal Shusterman’s Arc of a Scythe trilogy, Thunderhead.

Read my review of book one: Scythe


Thunderhead by: Neal Shusterman: The Thunderhead is an all knowing and perfect ruler, but it does not rule over the scythedom. A year has passed since Citra became Scythe Anastasia, who gleans with compassion creating a ripple in the way things are done. Meanwhile Rowan has gone off the grid to become Scythe Lucifer, taking out Scythes who go against their killing code. But when Citra’s life is put in danger, will the Thunderhead get involved? This novel was just as fast-paced and emotionally charged as the first novel. The reader enjoyed the incorporation of the Thunderhead in this novel as it really opened up the world building and gave the reader a better understanding of what or who the Thunderhead is and how it all works. The plots were so well done; there was never a dull moment or a moment where the reader could figure out what was going to happen. Everything sort of came as a surprise and it was such a ride to be a part of. The characters are developing so well and the reader still can’t get over how smart these characters are. No matter what situation they find themselves in, there always seems to be some sort of solution or rhetoric. Shusterman is brilliant at writing fun yet serious characters and creating a world that is beyond this one, but at the same time reflects this one. It’s a lot of fun to be a part of. And that ending, the ending to this novel needs to be talked about because was it ever shocking. Just when the reader is sure that things were calming down in preparation for the next novel, Shusterman ramps up the ending and leaves his readers taken aback and in need of the final book in this trilogy. This was such a whirlwind of a novel that leaves the reader begging for more.

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