Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #42 ☠️

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 602
On page 26

The Bachman Books; 65% of the way; I’m continuing with Roadwork, Bart, our main character does something stupid and I’m sitting here going, people are going to know he did this, how does he think he’s going to get away with this? Every chapter he becomes more and more unlikeable.

Lastly, I’m reading A List of Cages by: Robin Roe. I’m not very far, only a few chapters but I’m interested to see where this goes.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finally finished Chain of Iron by: Cassandra Clare. This novel felt super long and I did enjoy it but I don’t think it needed to be as long as it was. It had a little bit of everything that really kept me going, looking forward to the next book.

I also finished You Are Eating An Orange. You Are Naked. by: Sheung-King. This was a book on my Canada Reads list and this was such a different type of book; I’ve never read anything like this before – I liked this but from a Western perspective it was strange, but the point was to move away from Western tropes and more towards Eastern tropes, which I thought was super intriguing.

Lastly, I finished A Boring Wife Settles the Score by: Marie-Renée Lavoie; this was the the sequel to Autopsy of a Boring Wife and this one was just as good. I loved the ease at which this book was to read and Diane is such a hilarious character. Her adventures are fun to follow along with. It’s also fun to watch Diane take back her life.

Goosebumps Books:

How I Got My Shrunken Head This was an interesting book; it gave me Indian Jones vibes from it and for the most part I enjoyed it.
Go Eat Worms! I didn’t really care for this one, it was just gross in the way worms were talked about and used as a plot.
Ghost Beach The atmosphere to this was really great, the story was good and it was definitely chilling.
Attack of the Mutant I like the whole concept of a comic book coming to life was a lot of fun!
Night of the Living Dummy 3 This was the first Slappy book that I actually enjoyed, this one wasn’t intentionally mean and awful.
The Blob that Ate Everyone I liked this one, it was fast-paced and it had a possessed typewriter which was exciting!
The Ghost Next Door This one was such a good story, I truly loved it. I didn’t like the disability rep and how it was used to progress the plot.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #41

Review: The Midnight Bargain

Let’s Talk About… ER Season Twelve

Review: Alanna: The First Adventure

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kristin @Kristin Kraves books posted a great recommendation list of ghosty books – I’m all about the spooky books right now

CW @The Quiet Pond also recommended some spooky reads – loving all the diverse spookiness

I spent some time with my two best friend’s this past week/weekend. We went out to dessert Saturday night to this place called D Spot. The food was tasty, my drink was HUGE! It was the size of a beer mug and it was a macchiato, so that was fun.
We also went out to dinner on Wednesday night to a place called J. Red & Co. They had a really good sangria, mine was an orange cranberry flavour which was so good!

Aside from that it’s been a pretty quiet week.

What I’m watching:

Chapelwaite; season 1. We’re nearing the end of the season and the town is now splitting into two sides as more bad things keep happening. I’m curious to see where this is going to end.

Station 19; season 5. Just when I thought we were going to get more from Andy and Robert… we don’t, but I think Andy is starting to realize some hard conversations she needs to have… not only with Robert, but with herself. I also loved the the training they received for crisis intervention, so good!

Grey’s Anatomy; season 18. Addy did appear in this episode, that shocked me. I guess her patient wasn’t doing so well, so they needed to follow that up and not just let it drop. I think it’s been interesting the military plots this season. I think they’re important to talk about because it’s something that is always swept under the rug. Support our troops but not the damage war inflicts mentally and physically on them.

Midnight Mass; limited series. I started this because it’s by the same director/creator of The Haunting of Hill House/Bly Manor so I was expecting good things… so far I’m kinda bored but I’m not very far in it yet.

Star Trek: Enterprise; season 1. SO, I’ve decided to take the plunge into the Star Trek world. I’ve never been very interested in this show, but every day it comes on and I’ve started to get curious so I’m starting here, where a website told me to start (since watching it chronologically by release date confuses newbies like me, apparently) so I’m watching it chronologically by the years in the show. I’ve only seen a few epiosdes and I’m not hating it, it’s been fun.

What I’ve watched:

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life; I finally finished my entire re-watch of Gilmore Girls and it feels so good!! Fall is definitely my favourite of the 4 revival epiosdes; it’s got Jess and Dean, Lorelei and Luke get married, Lorelei and her mother reconcile, it’s SO good. I do hate that Rory ruins the ending (I’ve always hated this ending) because it’s awful, why couldn’t they leave it at the wedding? Anyways, great episode!

Schitt’s Creek; season 6. I did it guys, I finally finished Schitt’s Creek. Did I cry, I teared up. The wedding was just SO sweet; I love how Moria was the one to wed them, so sweet. The season 2 finale will always be my fave finale, but I liked the way this show ended. Very well done. I then watched the special on Netflix, Best Wishes, Warmest Regards and I love watching behind the scenes things and learning how things came to be. When they talked about the LGBTQ+ community and how it effected the fans, woof emotional! I will miss this show, I have lots of love for it.

Dear White People; season 4. I also finished the final season of this show (look at me finishing shows!). If you’ve followed me for some time, or read some of my TV Tuesday posts, you’ll know I don’t like musical epiosdes (and this whole season was a musical) and I can’t stand meta endings, and this one was meta… but I actually didn’t mind either of these things in this show because it was done well and with a purpose; I loved the message at the end of this and how everything came full circle. I will miss this show too.

Scary Movie 2 & 4. Netflix was removing these movies from its streaming service and I had the second one on my list so I watched it, I wasn’t the biggest fan of it but there were moments that were pretty funny. Then I just continued (Netflix didn’t have the third one so I just moved to the fourth one) I actually enjoyed the fourth one; the ending was super weird but the rest of it had good funny bits.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

3 thoughts on “Weekly Update #42 ☠️

  1. A LIST OF CAGES! I’m so curious to hear what you think of this book. It ruined me. So many emotions ahah. I so agree with you about Gilmore Girls. I feel like that ending ruined everything, it was so frustrating! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are SO many emotions! I have just under 100 pages (I’m going to try and finish it today). At first it took me some time to get into, but I’m completely in and woof!

      I knew about the ending for a while, there was a lot of talk before the reboot aired what it could have been and the podcast I listened to at the time (Gilmore Guys) predicted it and I was shocked when they were right because it’s a dumb way to end it! UGH! Still mad. 😅


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