Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Small Great Things

Hello friends and happy Thursday! I hope you’re all having a great week, despite the 100s of cancelations due to the corona-virus! It’s crazy how this is stopping e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! Anyways, on a more positive note, I’m here with a review of Jodi Picoult’s novel Small Great Things.

Small Great Things

Small Great Things by: Jodi Picoult: Ruth is a delivery nurse, and has been for the past twenty years, but when a patient, Turk, requests a different nurse for the care of his newborn baby because of the colour of her skin, she is taken off the case. When the baby goes into distress while Ruth is present, she’s unsure of what she should do. Her actions then lead a lawsuit that could cost her everything. This novel was riveting and truly made the reader think; it was really thought provoking and brought up issues that we all know are problems, but it also brought up issues that are so mundane and so engrained in us as a society that we are so blind to think about them. This novel takes those issues and really exposes them. This novel also taught the reader a lot about hate, but from hate how we can love just as strongly and it was so good to read about. The way Picoult always does so much research for her books shows in her writing and for this novel it gave her story an in-depth look at both sides and it really broke her plots down and created a narrative that was so compelling. Picoult knows how to craft a well told story, her pacing is so well done; she knows when to keep up the pace and when to slow it down, which really worked for this novel. The ending was interesting, as much as it was the perfect ending, it felt a tad too perfect. That didn’t take away from the overall story, point or voice of the novel, and it really drove home her novel as a whole, it just felt to unbelievable. Her characters were so real and so poignant; they were raw and truly let the reader live in their shoes. Beyond the twists and turns of this novel, the reader found themselves lost in a world that is very much our own that is scary and unfair and unjust.

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