TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Six Feet Under Season Five

Happy Tuesday friends!  Today on TV Tuesday I’ll be chatting all about the final season of Six Feet Under, season 5.

From left to right: Freddy Rodriguez as Federico Diaz, Matthew St. Patrick as Keith Charles, Michael C. Hall as David Fisher, Lauren Ambrose as Claire Fisher, Frances Conroy as Ruth Fisher, Richard Jenkins as Nathaniel Fisher, Peter Krause as Nate Fisher, Rachel Griffiths as Brenda Chenowith and Jeremy Sisto as Billy Chenowith.


This season has started so on the left foot. Things are not how we left them, I don’t even know where to start.

I’ll start where the show starts and that’s with Nate and Brenda. Brenda is pregnant and they are on the verge of getting married. The day before their wedding, Brenda looses the baby so she has to go through with her wedding really sad.

At the wedding, we find out that Nate doesn’t really want another baby. He feels he needs to give Brenda a baby so she’ll feel better, he tells David he already has Maya he doesn’t need another.

Later on after the wedding, Brenda sees the ghost of Lisa and Lisa tells her that she won’t be able to have a child because it’s her karma, all her bad decisions and partying have led to that moment.

Speaking of babies, David and Keith are trying to adopt, but Keith is looking toward a surrogate. But David doesn’t want that, at first, he then changes his mind. So now they’ll have a surrogate plus they still want to go through with the adoption process.

Ruth is loosing her mind. So we find out that George had to be taken away because he’d gotten to crazy. Turns out that he’s always had mental issues, but now that he’s older they’re coming out more. They try everything but nothing works so they try electro therapy, it works, but he’s still fragile. He’s able to come home and go to the wedding (a wedding where he thinks Nate is his only son is getting married). Ruth is so angry because there is nothing she can do for him mentally, but she has to do everything physically. She also hates Claire right now because she thinks she’s wasting her life taking a year off school. She hits Claire, slaps her right across the face at the wedding when Claire takes a picture of her and George, but George has spilt his drink on himself, Ruth thinks it was very rude of her. I don’t think she likes who she’s with either.

Oh Claire, she’s dating Billy, and at the start she’s happy, but after dinner with her brothers they point out he could mentally be unstable. Now she’s just waiting for him to crack.

A happy note: I like how Federico and Vanessa are, they can finally talk to one another like friends. It’s really nice to see. I also like how they’re kinda giving each other subtle pointers for dating, I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up back together with each other.

So Federico is dating, and he’s going by Ricky now, oh boy. He’s seeing a girl named Sharon and he’s really into her, but clearly she’s not into him. When their lunch date gets cancelled because she doesn’t answer so he thinks something is wrong, seriously wrong and when he gets the landlady to open the door to her house, they find her there alive and well. Apparently she was ghosting him. So what does he do, he goes to Vanessa to ask for the boys, and he tells her Sharon died just to get her to feel sorry for him. Whaaaat?!

David and Keith are still in baby land, and Keith thinks to ask Claire for her eggs so they can make a child together as close as they possibly can, but Claire says no because her crazed mind can’t wrap her head around her being the aunt and mother to this child.

Ruth is seriously struggling with George. Maggie, George’s daughter comes to visit and both of them beg for her to stay because George needs to her to help remember and calm him down, and Ruth for the help and her sanity.

So Billy isn’t taking his meds anymore, this could be dangerous. When they go out to dinner with some of his old friends they can’t believe how old he’s gotten so this changes Billy’s mind about the meds.

Speaking of getting old, one of Nate’s high school friends ends up dead after running himself over with his car (weird I know) and that gets their other friend really thought out on turning 40. Like he’s freaking out, but Nate is just so chill about it, he’s so happy to get to spend another day alive, he appreciates life more and I love Nate for saying that. Unlike his fucked up friend who looks at teenage girls and gets all hot and bothered by it, ugh puke.

And Brenda has started an internship at this really low life clinic and she just can’t deal so she gets her mother to make a few phone calls because lord knows her mother has connections. So now she’s working in a school and she thought it was going to be easier, well it’s not. She gets slammed against a wall by a very angry guy and that really shakes her.

She has dinner with her boss, Jackie and she finds out that Jackie’s husband is also a therapist and you can see Brenda comparing herself to their family, their family is so happy, or well on the surface they do.

We finally find out who the woman George keeps seeing, it’s his mother! Apparently he watched her die at a very young age, and now her ghost is haunting him for killing her, how insane.

We also get a little backstory into Maggie, apparently she was married once and had a child, but her child died at a very young age.

Keith and David are still trying so hard for children, and they loose the adoption because David didn’t reveal that he was arrested in Vegas. Keith said that it was dropped but apparently it wasn’t so they can no longer adopt. How insane is that? Anyone can give birth to a child, but it takes so much to adopt one! I know it’s for the safety of the child, but damn it’s so vigorous.

Claire is just a complete disaster. She wants to buy a new camera, but finds out that her finds have been cut because she’s no longer in school, and the funds will open up when she becomes 25. Well both she and Billy are super upset; Billy wants to move to Spain to get her artistic juices flowing. She goes to talk to her mother and that goes as well as expected because Ruth says she’s living with a crazy person, and Claire throws it back at her that she is too.

Federico runs into Angela the weird assistant they had for all of five minutes, at a funeral convention, and the two end up sleeping together.

I find it hilarious the plot lines they are dragging David and Keith through. So because Keith is still working for Roger as his body guard and we find out that he is married, but just for looks, and they have two kids together and they are so weird. They want to talk about sex and it’s so weird to see 11-12 year olds talking about sex. Keith seems so down with it too.

The two of them have also found a surrogate, and she’s a little off her rocker, I wonder if they’ll go through with it. But then Roger comes through for them, as his wife was the head of an adoption agency and said they can adopt through them. Will they ever get a kid?

Nate turns 40 and they have this big surprise party for him and well it has ups and downs, Ruth yells at Claire while making a speech to Nate, Billy freaks out and is loud because he’s off his meds, and a foreign bird flies into the kitchen, which flies into the bedroom later. Oh man. But then it comes back! And so Nate freaks the fuck out and tries to kill it.

Nate and Brenda have this huge argument that stemmed from finding out she’s pregnant because Nate wants to tell everyone, but Brenda doesn’t want to jinx it so when he says at his party she gets mad. Then she sees him being rude to Billy and she hates that he always thinks the worst of him.

It’s funny to watch the two crazies have a conversation together. Billy pretty much asks George about the electro therapy he gets to see if it works.

Billy leaves after that and that’s when Claire is pissed that he’s left, and she knows he’s off the meds, so she sleeps with one of Nate’s friends, ehhh. When she tells Billy later he forgives her but he tries to rape her instead. This is just getting really toxic.

Later that night George freaks out at Ruth because he tells her she doesn’t love him or want to be with him, and that no one is lucky to be with him. Lord it is so sad.

And then on the other side of things that same night, Federico has to get his son and he fights with Vanessa, which all leads to them sleeping together. Go figure. Well that doesn’t make anything better because now the two aren’t talking to each other, and now their children are acting out and of course Federico goes to the principle of the school and tells them about all the problems they’re having at home, talking about the men Vanessa is dating and the antidepressants she was on, oh boy!

Nate and Brenda are still fighting, but now they’re fighting because Brenda thinks Maya is old enough to know about her real mother and Nate thinks she’s not. In the end they compromise because Nate doesn’t want to bring up the past and all the horribleness that goes along with it. (Lisa trapping Nate into marrying her with the baby, her sleeping with her brother in law, and when she threatened to end things he killed her). So they tell Maya who her birth mother is, but that’s as far as they go. To be honest I think it all went over the poor girls head. I wonder if she’ll even remember in years to come.

Speaking of birth mothers, David and Keith find out that their surrogate Mary is pregnant. I have to say the entire time seemed so fishy, and you can tell they weren’t too thrilled, ha. They go to an adoption picnic because Roger’s wife set them up to go, and they meet a boy named Anthony; he is so adorable, I know David wants to adopt him, I want him to be adopted!

So when they find out Mary isn’t pregnant (no shocker there) they go to inquire about adopting Anthony. That’s when they find out he has an older brother Durrell. I love when Keith goes, so when can we meet him, since the adoption agency wants to keep the kids together.

Then there’s Ruth and George. I have no idea how Ruth goes from wanting to leave George to wanting to move into a new house with George, but that’s happening. And Ruth is still mad at Claire and I hate watching it since I relate to Claire just by being close in age. Ruth wants her to get a job and pretty much leave; she even yells at Claire for eating “her” food, meaning the food she bought. Wow harsh.

And Claire really doesn’t have it easy. She breaks up with Billy, only for him to go to his mother and tell her everything. So what does his freak show of a mother do, calls Claire to have dinner with her because she wants to discuss Billy in person. In the end she wants to negotiate how to keep Claire and Billy together- how fucked up is that? That and Billy talks about his sex life to his mother like he would his buddies. Then when Billy shows up and Claire says she’ll never have feelings for him again ever, he freaks out because he doesn’t believe that and just starts crying. Someone has to help Claire please.

So I now know what Ruth’s game is, she’s moving George out slowly without him knowing. She says they’re moving to this new apartment, but she hasn’t brought any of her stuff. When her sister Sarah’s best friend dies Ruth uses that as an excuse to stay at the house.

We all know how Sarah is so it’s a wild night of partying. I love seeing Ruth let loose. Watching Ruth smoke a bong is hilarious!  They drunkly make plans to live without men, which in the end Ruth finds out that it was all a joke. That’s the night that Claire and Ruth apologize and reconcile, it’s really sweet.

Claire has found herself a temp office job and she hates it because she has to wear professional clothes. When she finds out that the art grant she wants she doesn’t get, she worries that she’ll be stuck in this office environment forever.

Interesting plot with Federico and Vanessa. She hires a person to come in and help around the house, only you can tell she came out to LA to make it big on survivor. After bringing in a homeless man, Vanessa throws her out, and asks Federico to move back in, interesting.

All this time Ruth has wanted to leave George, so when George finds out her plan, he breaks it off with her she doesn’t see it coming and damn is that a sad scene. George is hurting because that wasn’t the nicest thing Ruth did, and Ruth hurts because she didn’t see that coming.

Then there’s Keith and David who have agreed to foster the two boys. It’s a bit of a rough transition so much so that Keith calls the agency to tell them to take them back because it’s not working. When they do come, the woman is so busy that all she sees is the boys flourishing and says they’ve never looked better. David is happy because he’s in love with them, but I don’t know Keith is just angry all the time with them. I’m starting to hate Keith again.

Now Keith tries to stay out of the house as much as possible while David takes care of the kids. When David finds a pamphlet for a play Durrell is going to be in. He doesn’t want either of them to come, but David wants to go, but Keith thinks it’s the wrong thing to do. In the end they both go, and it’s cute to watch him in the play.

Durrell finds out that they went to the play and he’s mad at first, but after when he finds out that not just David thought he was great, but Keith did too, the smile on Durrell’s face is priceless.

I believe the actor who plays Brenda is pregnant in real life because in every scene she gets bigger and bigger. Anyways, in the show they find out that there could be something wrong with the baby. The doctor wants them to do a test to find out more, Brenda doesn’t want to do it because it could cause a miscarriage, but Nate wants her to do the test because he doesn’t want a sick baby. He’s also been talking to Maggie a lot about it since she went through something similar. I just hope that something doesn’t happen between Nate and Maggie.

In the end I believe Brenda decides not to have the test. I hope their baby is healthy.

Ruth is now single and she has all these things she wants to do. When George won’t stop pestering her she goes to see him to find out that he’s engaged! How am I not surprised he does everything so fast. Ruth say she feels nothing, but she ends up going to visit his fiancé and telling her all the things that she went through, this obviously scares her and she tells George. This leads to a yelling match between George and Ruth and lord we have never heard Ruth yell so loud, damn. She really hates George.

Claire is making friends with her new coworkers. She’s started going to the bar with them, and she meets Ted. One of the girls at work tells Claire she’s seeing him, but Ted tells her it was strictly sex. Could this be a new beau for Claire?

Then there’s Federico and Vanessa, he’s moved back in but he wants sex and well she doesn’t. Yikes. Maybe this is why he’s so angry. He’s calling Nate a racist for not knowing Spanish and not knowing the cultural ways of their funerals, I just hate that he’s always so angry about everything.

David wants to invest in a crematorium but Federico is so against it, he’d rather add another person, someone else who spoke Spanish. Then Nate pipes in and says that they should do everything organically get rid of everything, he’s seeing a new way of life after speaking to Maggie and deciding to join the Quaker community. They are a religious community where the whole service is silent and they wait for God’s presence. People can talk out if they want to. So he asks Brenda to go with him, and she does, but she doesn’t like it. She has another check up and they find out 1) they’re having a girl, and 2) that things are looking good, but they still aren’t out of the woods yet.

NOOOOOoooooOooooOOOOOooooo. So Nate goes to pick up Maggie to go to Quaker since she needs a ride and what does he do, he kisses her and I think he even sleeps with her! NO! We also see that in the end Brenda decides to go to Quaker to start supporting Nate after her friend at work yells at her to shut about her complaining because it’s always the same story. Ugh.

Nate’s karma is him having a seizure/stroke and passing out. Is this Nate dying part two?

Claire is hating her life and when she runs into her old friend Anita, Anita invites her to this art gallery they’re having. She doesn’t want to go, but it’s actually Ted at work who convinces her to go, she goes to his college thing, and he goes to hers. She runs into all her old friends and finds out they’re all still in the same place she left them, which makes her happy. In the end she makes our with Ted, definitely her new beau.

So David and Keith leave the boys with Ruth and that’s when the boys get away from her and drive a car! David ends up seeing them! I thought he was seeing things but when a side mirror is broken off, and Keith finds out, it’s real. Durrell pulls a knife on Keith and that’s when all sharp objects are taken away, and Durrell grounded for a long time.

It’s Anthony who really opens up to Keith to tell him why Durrell is the way he is. He says that he just wants to have fun before they get brought back to agency. Keith is so surprised to hear that the foster parents give them back so often. This then sparks Keith to plan a trip to Mexico. This was heartwarming.

And Ruth, who is this new Ruth? She goes to get her hair done, and she runs into her old lover, Hiram. They get together and she gets this idea to go camping with him. He’s all about it until she doesn’t sleep with him. That’s when he gets pissed and she runs away in the forest. She gets lost but finds a group of Asians who are traveling, and she gets a ride with them and makes friends with a few of them who she feels the need to tell them all about all her boyfriends.

Well while all of this is going on, Nate is in the hospital in surgery and no one can get a hold of her. So his AVM ruptured and it caused hemorrhaging and they have to go in and fix his brain. Everyone spends the night in the waiting room, this includes Claire’s boyfriend Ted, and Maggie. Everyone is starting to get somewhat the picture as to why she’s there, and I thought Brenda had it figured out but she keeps asking questions like she doesn’t, so it’s possible she doesn’t.

He gets out of surgery and they say he could be in a coma for weeks, but it’s only hours and he wakes. That’s when he takes the time to tell Brenda that he doesn’t think they’re right for each other. Holy, wow, you’re good Nate. Your wife is pregnant and now you want to break it off with her because you guys were never right and you always had to fight to be a good place. What a good time to break up with someone.

Then when he’s with David, he has this weird trippy dream where he sees David as this stoner who dresses like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. The next thing we know he’s flatlined, and his name rolls onto the screen to say he died. HE IS ACTUALLY DEAD NOW?!?!?!?

Wow, what an ending to his character. He ended being a jerk.

So Nate is really dead, and he’s donated his all his organs… including his eyes, ew.

So everyone is going through a really rough time. Claire is freaking out so she calls Ted, asking if he’s busy (when he clearly looks busy) but he says no and signs something without reading it, I feel like this is going to come back badly. They drive around going nowhere and the playlist is very interesting, Kelly Clarkson to the Dixie Chicks.

Ruth is in so much shock and she’s so angry at herself for not being there, she’s mad at David for not calling his doctor, even though they were told he was on vacation, Ruth is also mad at Claire for making her get her haircut and making her go back to Hiram.

I do like that Bettina comes to help Ruth out, I’ve loved their friendship from the moment it’s started.

Federico starts the funeral, and David goes up but freaks out and has a whole mental break down that Keith has to get him seated, and it’s George who finishes the speeches. It was very nice of George to do that.

David is seeing the guy who mugged him everywhere and that’s freaking him out. Ruth wants him at the burial ceremony so they wait until he’s ready.

Nate wanted a green ceremony which means there was no viewing since he wasn’t going to be embalmed. They wrap his body in cloth and burry him in a park so that he can his body can become one with the earth.

It’s six weeks later and lord no one is any better. Claire has literally gone insane. She goes to work drunk or high, then falls asleep or gets really pissed off. When she gets caught in the bathroom she freaks out, Ted takes her home, and she yells at some of the guests who just left the funeral home for having a support the troops bumper sticker. Lord does she loose her mind.

She goes out to visit Nate, and well she sees Nate and they have this very high conversation and on her way back she tries to avoid hitting a deer and flips her car. IS EVERYONE GOING TO DIE ON THIS SHOW?!?

David is just as fucked up because he freaks out at Federico for wanting to talk about the future of the business, and he yells at Keith because he just wants Keith to love him.

Boy are both of them a mess.

Brenda is now living with Billy, or well Billy is living with her. She keeps seeing Nate and he keeps saying that Billy is her soulmate, and she has this dream where they have this weird interaction talk about fucked up. I’m glad after that she decides to tell Billy to leave .

I love how dead Nate compares Brenda to a square watermelon. Like she keeps seeing him everywhere she goes and he’s just a pain in the ass every time. To be honest it’s getting annoying.

So Brenda wants Maya back, but Ruth doesn’t want to give her up. Ruth wants to raise her, and she sees Nate and Nate tells her he’d like Ruth to look raise her. I like George stays to help Ruth, but then we find out that when Maggie packs to leave, she actually hates George because he left her and her mother when her mother got sick. So he has a pattern, he leaves when things get tough.

So Claire doesn’t die, but she’s stranded and when the tow comes to get her car, she has to scrap it for parts, there goes the her hearse.

Because David is going crazy, because he truly keeps seeing things and I don’t know what’s real anymore, Federico has to run things, and he has to enlist Vanessa to help him out, and I have to admit they work really well together.

When Brenda goes to pick up Maya, Ruth tries to stop her, but Brenda’s water breaks, 2 months early and do they have to go to the hospital. While giving birth it’s Ruth who’s beside her.

Oh boy, let’s unpack this series finale because boy a lot happens.

So Brenda gives birth to her daughter  and she’s got some complications. She keeps seeing Nate who tells her there is something wrong with her and he completely hates the baby, but as the days go by she gets better and better. I love seeing how close this has made Ruth and Brenda, it’s quite beautiful.

David leaves to stay at his mother’s house because he’s gotten to the point where’s gone crazy. It takes a while and everyone is really sad, but soon David is back to somewhat normal and he goes back home. He has to deal with Federico who wants to have the company or have him buy it out, and David doesn’t want to sell to him, since its part of his family, and at first he doesn’t want to pay because he doesn’t have the money, but in the end Keith says they can pool their money and give him what he wants.

What I do like is that Federico and Vanessa are going to be working together.

Claire gets a phone call that she’s made it for this job in New York. She’s so thrilled, but when she sees her mother in pain she’s willing to stay but her mother wants her to go live her life do everything she can with life.

Because they are planning to get rid of the funeral home, this means that Ruth has to leave, at first she was going to live with George, but then she realizes she doesn’t want to do that, instead she’s going to live with her sister Sarah.

Keith is thinking of actually buying the house, and turning it into a really nice family home. They really, really make the place look amazing!

Well a few hours before her going away party Claire finds out that the job no longer exists because they were liquidating and moving to Chicago; but she sees Nate and he tells her to go anyways because she needs to get out.

They have an extremely lovely dinner where they all remember Nate; truly beautiful.

I have to admit the ending as beautiful as it is, was kinda sad and morbid. We get to see Willow’s first birthday. We get to see Ruth a Bettina open their dog daycare, but then we see her die a few years later from old age.

That’s when Ted comes back into Claire’s life. Later they get married!

We get to see David and Keith get married, and we see Brenda find a new man and have another baby. 

Then things get really depressing as they show how everyone dies, which I guess makes the show come full circle. Keith dies on the job being shot three times in the chest. Years later David dies so suddenly, he sees Keith and he just goes. Federico dies on a cruise, he just falls over. Brenda dies suddenly as well; she’s talking with Billy and then she goes. Last to go is Claire. She dies alone in her bed with cataracts eyes. It’s creepy as all hell.

I’m not going to lie I cried like a baby watching the ending, but I have to admit it was a really good send off to the show. There are literally no lose ends all our main characters are dead. This has definitely been one of the best shows I’ve seen. For all the grieve it put me through, still an amazing show.

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