Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: What We Saw

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all having a good Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Aaron Hartzler’s novel What We Saw.

Before I start I just want to put a trigger warning on this book as it contains rape/rape culture. Please be advised.

What We Saw

What We Saw by: Aaron Hartzler: After a heavily boozed party Kate first wonders how she got home. When she slowly picks apart the pieces, the aftermath of that said party starts to reveal itself in the most awful ways. Not wanting to get into it, but knowing she must, Kate breaks down walls to try to find out the truth to that night. This was a hard-hitting novel with a very tough subject matter. Hartzler did a good job of creating and setting up his scenes and the plot. From the first chapter the reader is hooked because what could something that happened when the main character was five have to do with her life now and it all relates thanks to Hartzler’s crafty way of telling a story. As for the rest of the plot, he carried it with as much grace as can be hoped for surrounding rape; he showcased what to do and what not to do. It came off as very informative to younger readers if they ever find themselves in situations similar to this, what to do and how to handle themselves. The way he portrays his characters is also done in a respectable manner, even if they are relatable or not they were real and raw. As much as this was hard to read at times, it was also hard to put down; a very powerful read.

2 thoughts on “Review: What We Saw

  1. Great review for this book Meghan. 🙂 It sounds like What We Saw deals with a difficult subject matter but that it was handled really well by the author. I think it’s great we’re getting more books that deal with subjects like these, and it certainly sounds like a powerful story just based on your review as well! 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed this one.

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