TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Fuller House Season Four

Hey guys and welcome to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking about the Netflix reboot Fuller House, season four!

Sometimes I really don’t know why I continue with this show, but at other times it’s funny and a complete guilty pleasure.

So this season starts on Christmas Eve where Max isn’t into Christmas and DJ can’t figure out why. It isn’t until an ornament breaks that she knows… and yet the viewer is still left in the dark. We find out soon after that it’s because he misses his father. So to cheer him up they watch old videos of them.

Now ok, this plot was beyond crazy and completely unbelievable, but I understand the point. So apparently now that Kimmy is pregnant she has this super power hearing and can hear the tiniest thing. So when their father takes a call, and movies out of the frame on camera, only Kimmy knows what’s happening… I also don’t know how she got all the information as fast as she did; she only heard them speak for a few seconds.

Apparently their father was talking to his mom about presents he hid for the kids and DJ, and so she goes to get them. Cute sentiment, but really weird exposition.

Then after everything has been said and done, it starts to snow… in San Fran… again great sentiment, but weird.

So now DJ and Steve are trying to have the perfect date to make up for lost time and everything they’ve been through the past 3 seasons. But they both set the expectations too high and get stuck in traffic, which turns into this horrible musical number…

Ahhhhhhh this is why I don’t like this show… why did they feel they needed to do a musical number by being stuck in traffic? This isn’t La La Land, uhhhhhhhhh. I hated every moment of this.

In the end they don’t go to the winery they were supposed to, but sit on hill and have a picnic, which is a lot better.

It’s hilarious how they are portraying newer technology and the way the different generations use it. When Jackson uses Facebook to declare that he and Rocky are in a relationship, but only “old” people use Facebook, and so she gets a photo on Snap Chat about it. She doesn’t want to be in a relationship, so he wants to use the landline to call her… Max goes “what’s a landline” I have to say it’s a good bit and in the end Rocky and Jackson commit to each other.

It’s funny to watch Steph get crazy over Kimmy and her pregnancy.

Danny is having a hard time adjusting to retirement. All he wants to do is clean and shop at Costco. When Becky’s co-host really violates a code of conduct… because he’s already an ass, he’s gone and Danny’s back in; it’s good to see him doing what he loves.

This whole feud between DJ and Matt is back. Ugh. So they both end up on Wake Up San Francisco to promote dog adoption, but that turns into a bit of a disaster. So the two try to ruin the others business. That is, until Matt goes over to talk to DJ and runs into Danny… I get the ha-ha funniness of Danny feeling comfortable in the kid’s room to have a talk, it was still weird.

In the end, Danny talks Matt out of hating DJ and into them becoming partners again… things move quickly on this show.

I didn’t realize that Jackson and Ramona were in high school… here I was thinking they were in middle school, and the same age. Apparently Ramona is getting ready for college… when did that happen? Because of this Jackson is on a mission to find out what he’s good at, we also find out he’s a freshman. Turns out his talent is kicking a football so he joins the football team at school.

Ugh, Ramona’s new friends are so bleh. Obviously Ramona is mad and hurt, so Kimmy has a talking to the girls, but that doesn’t really go over well, but what does work is when Steph talks to them because she knows how to get to them and tell the truth. It’s nice to see.

What the hell is this two-week giftiversary thing? Why does it exist? Steve and DJ go competing to give each other bigger and better gifts and it just gets wildly out of hand. It doesn’t help that Fernando and Kimmy are trying to run the show. I’m glad it ends after too many gifts, but the gift that really works is a note Steve has.

Wow, Steve still has the first note that DJ sent him in high school… it’s totally cute.

Okay so now that DJ and Matt are friends again she finds out he has a new girlfriend so she invites them on a double date with her and Steve… why does that sound like a good idea? So it turns out that Matt is dating Gia… why does this show have such a small pool of characters? So they go to this escape room and so she shows up and it becomes this whole competition about which couple is better. Talk about annoying to watch. Steve and DJ get into a fight about him being a real doctor or not. Meh, they make up though, but still, meh.

Kimmy, Fernando, Steph and Jimmy all go (when I say go I mean it was in their living room obviously) to a mommy class to teach them about being a mom. Kimmy and Steph get into this competition about who is better, which turns into Kimmy being worried about what will happen once the baby is born. She’s worried Steph won’t want her around; they have this heart-to-heart and Steph tells her she’s going to need her more than ever, sweet.

Ramona is really growing up. She’s really getting involved in politics. She starts a rally to better education for her generation, and it’s good to see. It was also cute to see her spend time with her dad before he leaves for (I think he said six months) a race.

So the Kimmy, DJ and Steph decide to have a girl’s night out on a 70s themed cruise. They dress up as Charlie’s Angels, but when they get there they realize it’s a cruise for people 70 years old and older. That’s kinda hilarious.  They did have some of the original cast in the episode which was pretty cool. A whole mystery goes down about some diamonds going missing so the girls set themselves out to be real Charlie’s Angels.

Ugh the way they talk out what they’re going to do is mega annoying. They say they’re going to do a dance number, and a montage, meh.

In the end, what was “Diamonds” actually ended up being people. It was definitely cheesy to watch this whole thing go down, and the whole Kimmy getting finger prints matched to one of the guys was totally implausible as they are on a ship in the middle of water, there is no way she got that glass anywhere near a cop who could do anything about it. But that’s what this show is, full of plot holes no one cares about.

Ugh the amount of times they mention ‘Netflix’ is a little annoying.

It’s always near the middle of the season when plots get weird. So Danny has to get a colonoscopy live on TV to create health awareness… but then right as they’re about to do it they have to cancel for another day. Like what? There are SO many other ways to create public awareness. I hated this plot, SO much.

DJ thinks the next best thing for Max is to run for student president. So he takes this seriously, but we find out his girlfriend Rose is also running, she breaks up with him and intends to win. Max takes things in his own hands and starts playing dirty and doing what all politicians do and creates this dirty campaign video telling lies about Rose.

CJ (remember her? I didn’t think she’d be back.) brings Rose over to talk to DJ about it. Well of course it’s awkward between the two, but they actually talk sensible to the two kids. In the end Max decides to drop out of the campaign so Rose can win, and they get back together. Cute.

Right after DJ wants to talk to CJ about Japan, and somehow the two are able to reconcile. If I’m being honest I think CJ was way too nice to DJ, like everything was genuine, but accepting to go for coffee feels a little weird, or maybe that’s the cynic in me.

So it takes eight episodes for Uncle Jesse to show up, you all know that everyone is dying for him to show and I’m always curious to see how long it’ll take. Another weird plot, but I get it at the same time.

I completely forgot about their daughter Pamela. So Becky goes to a mommy class with her, but she can’t see to find an in with the yoga pants mommies. She thinks they all hate her so when Jesse shows up, obviously all the women fawn over him… I hated that, like really? He doesn’t think the class is so bad. Then he shows up wearing Becky’s yoga pants… why? That’s when one of the mommies totally hits on him and he realizes the class is a bad class. Strange plot, but I did like seeing Becky and Jesse together because they are cute.

So apparently there’s this big award for vet of the year coming up, DJ is really excited, but Matt is running against her. Things turn a little ugly when he wins, but the two reconcile after having to deal with an emergency with a turtle.

This kinda blends in with the plot where Jackson and Ramona go to a party, Jackson gets really drunk and they call Fernando to get them home. DJ wasn’t going to find out until Jackson thought DJ was talking about him (when really it was Matt) and spills the truth. That makes DJ really upset and disappointed, not only in Jackson, but Fernando too.

Fernando just wants to be there for Jackson when he has any issues when he doesn’t want to turn to his mom. It isn’t until DJ is trying to save the teenage turtle that she realizes this. The moment with Fernando and DJ talking it out was very sweet.

Jackson wants to learn to drive, but DJ just can’t do it, in the end it’s Steve that helps out. I’m not going to lie I thought it would be Kimmy because in the original series Kimmy was the perfect driver, but I can see why they chose Steve as they wanted to give him bonding time with Jackson.

So the car breaks down, Steve tries to fix it, but clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing so Jackson calls Matt, Matt can’t fix it either, and it almost looks like it’s going to turn into this competition, but in the end Steve fixes it and the three have a bro-moment and they cook steaks on the engine. Weird. That’s all I gotta say.

Max has a hard time dealing with failure… he gets a B, and that makes him seem like a fraud for being smart. We all know he’s a perfectionist, but it seems to run in the family. It’s Danny and DJ (the two other perfectionists) who talk him down and help him see reason… I like that DJ also says that Max can also tell them when either one of them is being too much, which really brings it home that they all need to look out for each other.

Fernando’s mom comes to visit. What. The. Heck. His mother hates Kimmy and in order to get her to like her Fernando and Kimmy lie, say they live in DJ’s house and she’s the maid, and that Steph’s baby is their baby.

Well that only works for so long until DJ (who isn’t in on this secret) asks what is going on. That’s when everyone talks up Kimmy, how an amazing person she is and that’s when Fernando’s mother sees it and understands and no longer hates her, it’s a sweet moment, but the whole plot was weird.

Dealing with parenting in the millennial age. Jesse starts going a daddy program with Pamela, since the mommy one was a horrible flop, and it turns into a huge hipster group with Josh Peck as their ring leader.

Uhm, ok so Peck’s character has a meltdown when Jesse brings real donuts with real sugar. So to bring everyone together, he starts singing Aerosmith. What a weird plot. I do like that it’s bringing up today’s parenting because it’s gotten crazy. But I feel like they took it over the top… or maybe that’s how it is… I don’t know, I don’t have children.

Jackson is now the Golden Toe because he kicked the ball and won the football game. DJ is so happy for him… possibly a little too much but she just wants to know he’s loved.

He gets hurt, but it turns out that he wasn’t really hurt. He just said so to get all the attention. Well he’s definitely mister big shot now.

So Kimmy wants to have a gender reveal party. Steph isn’t into it, but caves so they buy a balloon that when popped it’ll either have pink or blue. Well, they are ready to pop the balloon… only it won’t pop. Steph tries everything, she even gets a knife, but by that time the balloon floats away. Fernando gives Steph a letter about what gender he thinks the baby is, but she rips it up. She doesn’t want to know anymore.

I guess we’ll find out later.

I also don’t know why Peck’s character was at this party and all he does is eat sugar… so weird.

So Kimmy thinks she goes into labour, but it turns out to be false. When Steph tries to call Jimmy, he doesn’t answer because he’s playing a game on his phone. She just tells him the next time, please pick up. DJ doesn’t like how that went down so she tries to talk to him, but he still wants to take this job somewhere that involves a plane. When DJ finds out he’s packing she automatically assumes it’s for this job. She tries to tell Steph, but Steph is mad that she meddled.

On top of that to let out her frustrations, Steph joins a dodgeball team, is quite good at it. DJ decides to join the opposite team just so she can talk to Steph, when she finally says that Jimmy is leaving, she pretty much just leaves to talk to him.

Anyways, it turns out that he was packing her overnight bag for the hospital. Sweet. Jimmy is a really weird character; you can’t help but love him.

So Kimmy gets herself an assistant: Casey. She can’t see he’s gay, so she sets him up with Ramona… obviously Ramona can see it, but it’s Casey that opens up Ramona’s eyes to how awesome her mom is.

Oh man, so Jackson and Ramona are going to prom, Jackson with Rocky and Ramona with Casey. Well Ramona’s enemy shows up wearing the same dress as her, and with her ex-boyfriend, Popko… clearly her enemy just wants to be Ramona. In the end Casey finds a boy and Popko ends up alone so he asks Ramona to dance, kinda sweet, he looks so different.

Then there’s Jackson. Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. So he wants to get in with the football team, and they end up making fun of Rocky… I thought he was going to defend her, nope, just plays right along. Ugh. That doesn’t go well when she hears him.

So after their horrible time at the prom, Jackson invites Rocky to come over… to break up with him; how did he not see it coming? The poor kid is clueless.

So when he and Ramona get the text that Kimmy is having the baby, they call Rocky to drive them… talk about awkward. Why does Rocky suggest taking an Uber… while she’s driving them? She ends up staying too, clearly she really does like Jackson.

The weird montage of Kimmy birth is SO weird, so cheesy, the song feels so out of place, but somehow the scene works, it’s so hard to describe the weirdness of it all.

In the end, they have a girl.

The season ends with Jimmy getting down on one knee to ask Steph to marry him. She says yes, which means she’s going to be a Gibbler. I’m happy that she show ended on a sweet note… I’m not sure if there will be a fifth season, but something tells me there will be. I have a strong feeling they’re going to continue this show until they can get one of the Olsen’s to commit to being on, even just as a cameo, so we’ll see if my prediction is right.

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