Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Any Way the Wind Blows

Hello friends and happy Wednesday! I hope the week has been treating you well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Rainbow Rowell’s final novel in the Simon Snow trilogy, Any Way the Wind Blows.

You can read my review of book one: Carry On
You can read my review of book two: Wayward Son

Any Way the Wind Blows

Any Way the Wind Blows by: Rainbow Rowell: Simon and his friends are back in England, but that doesn’t mean all is well. Simon must now figure out what he wants for his future, Baz is struggling with his vampire identity. Meanwhile Penelope has smuggled an American Normal into the country to try and fix his curse and Agatha is just trying to find her purpose. All of them are on the path to moving forward. For a concluding novel, this one was alright. The reader can see why people really liked it, it had a lot of banter between the main characters and for the most part the characters were pretty likeable, but they just didn’t do anything for the reader. This novel had so many different plots happening simultaneously, some made more sense than others. At times, the reader wasn’t sure why certain plots were added because there was no mention of it before and now all of a sudden this was happening; maybe Rowell felt she needed to give each of her characters a true ending, but this reader didn’t really need it. The characters were likeable, but the reader found a hard time caring about them or what they did. They definitely went through a lot from the beginning of this trilogy to the end and watching them grow and try to become better people for the people in their lives and for themselves was redeeming to read. The ending was surprising because it wasn’t seen coming and it did bring to the story to a nice close. Overall, this was a little on the long side, it did go by fast as the story was very fast-paced, but it was just okay to this reader; for fans of the series, it’s probably a worthwhile read.

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