Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Everything Leads to You

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! 🙂 Today I’ll be posting my review on Nina LaCour’s novel Everything Leads to You. 

It’s such a beautiful day! I left work early today to just be in the sunshine, and well I was dying of boredom. I hope it’s sunny where you are! 😊☀️

Everything Leads to You

Everything Leads to You by: Nina LaCour: Emi Price is just trying to find her way in the world. Between wanting to get into the movie business as a production designer and moving on from a broken heart, she navigates through L.A. with her best friend with a goal in mind: to fulfill her brother’s wish, to use his apartment for something great. It’s only when she starts to let go of everything that things start to fall into place. This novel was the definition of a slow burn romance. The romance was done really well because it didn’t dominate the story but managed to take the reader by storm. There seemed like there was so much going on, yet nothing at all. LaCour has this way of writing that makes the reader feel the emotions of her characters. Emi’s struggles were enjoyable to read because they were relatable. All of LaCour’s characters were done well, she gave them so much story, background and detail that they felt real. Sure there were some points along the way where it felt a little unrealistic and a little too perfect, but LaCour matched it up with the imperfect and flaws. This novel was cute, it was engaging and most definitely captivating.

10 thoughts on “Review: Everything Leads to You

  1. I’m glad you enjoyed this book Meghan. 🙂 Nina LaCour is an author I’ve heard a fair bit about recently, so much so that I’ve added pretty much all her books to my TBR list, but I really can’t wait to get around to Everything Leads to You. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it so far.
    Great review! 🙂

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