
This or That Book Tag

Hi guys! Today I’m going to be doing the This or That book tag. I was tagged by Sophie @Blame Chocolate. Thank you so much for tagging me, and let’s get started.


  • Mention the creator of the tag (Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks)
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Choose one of the options, you don’t have to tell the reasons why you chose that but you can also do them if you want to.
  • Tag other people to do thisΒ tagΒ to spread the love!

Reading on the couch or on the bed?

I tend to read a lot in my room so therefore my answer is bed.

Male main character or female main character?

I really don’t have a preference to this. Either is good for me.

Sweet snacks or salty snacks?

I usually go for the sweet, I have a big sweet tooth πŸ™‚

Trilogies or quartets?

Usually I like reading trilogies, but it really depends on the story and how good it is.

First person POV or third POV?

I really don’t mind either. I feel like I read a lot of first person.

Reading at night or in the morning?

I think I get more reading done at night, plus I love ending my day with a book!

Libraries or bookstores?

Well I’m always at my library, so I’ll answer library, but I do love bookstores just as much.

Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?

Definitely ones that make me laugh πŸ˜€

Black book covers or white covers?

Can I say colourful ones? They have more character πŸ˜›

Character driven or plot driven?

Ugh so hard, I like my plots to be thick so I’ll say plot driven. Without the plot the characters I find kinda boring.


Anna @My Bookish Dream
Sofii @A Book. A Thought.
Vikki @The Mundane Teenage Life

As always, don’t feel pressured to do this! This was fun!


15 thoughts on “This or That Book Tag

  1. Thank you for doing my tag!!! I loved your answer for the black or white covers, most people would just choose black or white, but I do agree that sometimes colorful covers are as beautiful πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! I had fun doing it! Thank you, I just thought I wanted to be a little different ha! Plus I have an obsession with colours… it’s the reason I have bought a lot of things, I like the colour πŸ˜›


  2. Great answers for this tag Meghan, I agree with so so so many of your answers. πŸ™‚ I always prefer reading in my room to anywhere else, and I’d always choose books that make me laugh over books that make me cry as well. Although there have been times when I’ve been in the mood for a book that will break my heart! πŸ™‚

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