
The Fall Book Tag

Hi! Happy Thursday! Since Halloween is almost here what better time than to do the Fall Book Tag! I was tagged by Beth @Reading Every Night! Thank you so much Beth, this looks like it’s going to be fun!


  • Please link back toΒ Bionic Book Worm, as the creator of this tag. She wants to see your answers.
  • Use the graphicsβ€”if you want.
  • Have fun!

No matter how many times I pick up in the world of Lisbeth Salander it’s always fresh and new, so I’m definitely going to have to say The Girl Who Takes an Eye For an Eye by: David Lagercrantz. I’m not going to lie it’s a wordy title though!

I read Orphan #8 by: Kim van Alkemade a few weeks ago and that whole story blew me away. So good, from the story telling to the actual plot of the story was just so thought out and calculated.

I just realized I haven’t read a contemporary novel in quite some time! The last one I read that gave me some fuzzy feeling was Everything Leads to You by: Nina LaCour.

This is my cover of The Drawing of Three by: Stephen King. These books have been consuming my life for the past few months. I’m reading the last one now and I know once I’m finished I’m going to miss them!

I just finished reading The Lost Hero by: Rick Riordan and that was non-stop action from the very first page to the last!

I just picked up All The Crooked Saints by: Maggie Stiefvater from the library so I can’t wait to actually start reading it!


Well I’m not 100% sure who’s done this tag or not so I’m not going to tag anyone this time around. But please if you see this and like it, go forth and do! πŸ™‚

8 thoughts on “The Fall Book Tag

  1. Oh great picks for this tag Meghan. πŸ™‚ I really need to read Nina LaCour’s books, I’ve heard some great things about her writing and all her books are on my TBR list, just a matter of actually getting around to them.
    Also I’m glad you enjoyed The Lost Hero too, I loved the whole of the Heroes of Olympus series, and I really hope you enjoy All the Crooked Saints. That’s another one still on my to-read list! πŸ˜€
    Again great picks for this tag. πŸ™‚

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