Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Spider-Man Trilogy

Hello everyone! I hope you all are good on this Wednesday! Like I mentioned last week, I have a bunch of movie reviews that I will sporadically be posting. Today is the Spider-Man trilogy from the early 2000’s.


Spider-Man: Peter Parker is your average teenage boy who keeps to himself and loves the girl next door. When he gets bitten by a strange spider on a school trip his whole life is turned upside-down, almost literally, when he becomes the human spider. On the other hand, his best friend’s father has a secret, in which taking down Spider-Man is his mission. The film did a great job of creating the world of Spider-Man, as the plot was really well done. It had a little bit of everything, from action, to drama, to romance and a little of everything in between. The actors did an amazing job playing their roles as they felt believable, and kept it entertaining for the viewer. The transitions between scenes was beyond cheesy, and at times was a little cringe worthy, but in the end, it was worth watching for Toby Maguire was hilarious, and really made Spider-Man come across as a tough, sarcastic guy.

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2: Things aren’t looking so great in Peter or Spider-Man’s life. His best friend, Harry hates Spider-Man for killing his father, and then Dr. Octopus shows up, blaming Spider-Man for the death of his wife. On top of all this, the love of his life decides to marry another man. There was definitely enough drama to go around in this film. From one plot to the next, something was always happening. This film was full of action, and it felt like it never stopped once. This time around the film decided to take a scarier approach to the plot, with Dr. Octopus terrorizing the city. It wasn’t the best approach, but it did make it entertaining to watch. Aside from the terrifying plots, this was an enjoyable film with its fair share of ups and downs, and like the first Toby Maguire did an excellent job playing Peter Parker.

Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3: Things are starting to look up for Peter, that is until things turn quite dark. When his suit starts to turn dark, Peter/Spider-Man gains enhanced powers but he also becomes a darker, angrier version of himself. Trying to control the suit, while also dealing with two new villains, Sandman and Venom, taking over the streets, Spider-Man has his work cut out for him. This film dealt a lot with the choices we make, as we finally got some backstory into how his uncle died, and we get to meet the person who did it. The plot was done well, it was heavy on the romance though; most stories dealt with Peter and MJ or Harry and MJ, which made it turn into his whole big love triangle that wasn’t really needed. The action, and the thriller parts of the plot is what saved this from being a horrible rom-com, and turning it into the superhero movie that is was. The characters all went through some transformations, some left the character for the better, others not so much, but everything was done tastefully. For the concluding film in this trilogy its ending was quite simply beautiful, even though sad, giving this trilogy a much awaited for closing.

3 thoughts on “Movie Review: Spider-Man Trilogy

  1. Oh I’m glad you enjoyed all these films Meghan. Honestly there’s been so many reboots of Spiderman it makes it hard to remember the original trilogy with Tobey Macguire in it. I remember really enjoying the first film, but for me it seemed to go downhill from there and in the third there were just so many villains and the plot was so heavy it felt like they were trying to cram too much into the story you know?
    Great reviews. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’ve seen them loads of times, even in the theatre, but I finally reviewed them, as I’m slowly rewatching and reviewing things I’ve seen 😛
      But I agree the last movie was very jam packed with things & I hated the whole love triangle they tried to throw in there, it wasn’t my favourite of the three!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thats all right. 🙂 Honestly I don’t really think I’ve seen these films more than once, but there are plenty of films I love that I have watched over and over again! 🙂
        Yeah there was just too much happening. Kind of made it hard to enjoy when there was so much to try and wrap your head around.

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