Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Lady Bird

Happy Friday friends! We made it to the end of the the week… the first 5-day work week of the year! Woo! Alright I’m ready for bed šŸ˜. Before that though, today I’m going to be posting my thoughts on the movieĀ Lady Bird.

Guys, this movie w-r-e-c-k-e-d me. I cried through the last 45 minutes of the movie, for an hour after… and the next day. There is something about mother-daughter relationships that really get to me.

Lady Bird

Lady Bird: Growing up in a small town in Sacramento Christine, or as sheā€™d like to be called, Lady Bird, just wants to leave everything behind and jet set her new life on the east coast in New York. But obviously there are restrictions she must overcome to get her dream. This coming of age story was so hard hitting; from a teenager thinking they know everything, to a disaster of a relationship between mother and daughter, this story is so poignant, yet full of love. The ups and downs the main character goes through are so relatable, and make the viewer feel like they arenā€™t alone, and that they arenā€™t the only ones to have had these thoughts. Lady Bird is such an outspoken character, sheā€™s fierce, even when sheā€™s wrong she follows through with everything she believes and itā€™s almost something to admire about her. The relationship with her mother is something every mother/daughter relationship sees, but on a blown out scale, but it was still blunt, honest and raw. The acting was so well done, as well as the writing. The addition of the music was also really well set and it was made sure that it was used for emotional effect. The way this film ends was rather abrupt, but it worked so well for this film. Probably not a movie you watch more than once, but definitely a movie to see at least once.