Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Sensory Reading Memories

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is: Books with Sensory Reading Memories. Let’s get into it! 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic is Books with Sensory Reading Memories. I’m not going to lie there may be a few of Cassandra Clare books on here just because I was always somewhere when reading them!

  1. City of Lost Souls by: Cassandra Clare. I remember sitting in a hotel room in Niagara Falls back in 2012 with my family desperately trying to read this!
  2. Clockwork Princess by: Cassandra Clare. I remember reading this on the plane coming home from Florida in 2013.
  3. Lady Midnight by: Cassandra Clare. I remember reading this around the time I was going to New York!
  4. Marley and Me by: John Grogan. I still remember laughing out loud in math class when I was secretly reading this. My friend goes, ‘oh you’re one of those kind of readers’ -meaning I literally lol.
  5. Catching Fire by: Suzanne Collins. I read this book in pretty much a whole day. I can still remember it; I was waiting for a friend to come over, and she was taking her sweet time, so to pass the time I read this whole book.
  6. Wake trilogy by: Lisa McMann. This reminds me of second year university. I would take books upon books out of the library. I had a friend who just couldn’t see the appeal to reading, even if they are small books.
  7. Crank by: Ellen Hopkins. This was my first ever Hopkins book and boy did I get sucked in. I remember just feeling all these emotions after reading it, plus it was a gloomy day when I was reading it. All the feels.
  8. The Fellowship of the Ring by: J.R.R. Tolkien. I was working at La Senza for holiday help and before we could leave for our shift we had to get our bags inspected and this book was in my bag and my co-worker goes ‘oh whatcha reading?’. It became this conversation about how she wished she had more time to read.
  9. Evercrossed by: Elizabeth Chandler. I wasn’t a fan of these books, but I read them anyways, that’s why when this random guy asked me what I was reading on the bus I said “some stupid book”. The guy kept trying to want to hang out with me, but it was a no.
  10. The Age of Miracles by: Karen Thompson Walker. It’s funny I couldn’t tell you what this novel is about, but I remember sitting in my then boyfriend at the time’s basement hiding away because his mom was having a colleague Christmas party upstairs.

That’s all for me. This was fun to go down memory lane!


6 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Sensory Reading Memories

  1. Oh I have really clear memories of reading Catching Fire myself as well. 🙂 It was another series my friend recommended to me but after reading and enjoying The Hunger Games I took ages to get around to the second book in the trilogy. I will say reading Catching Fire is definitely a good way to pass the time waiting for a friend to arrive, good reading choice, and great picks for this tag too! 😀

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