Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Masked City

Hi friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of the second novel in the Invisible Library series, The Masked City by: Genevieve Cogman.

You can read my review of book one here: The Invisible Library

The Masked City

The Masked City by: Genevieve Cogman: Just as things start to become status quo for Irene, her apprentice Kai, a dragon of royal decent, has been kidnapped by the Fae. His kidnapping not only shakes Irene up but it could disrupt the forces of chaos and order within all the worlds and dimensions. This leaves Irene no choice but to work with the Fae leader to go into a version of Venice, performing dark magic to help rescue him and prevent a war. This novel was a big step up compared to the first novel. The plots took higher risks and the reader actually felt closer to the characters. The overall plot arc was so good, full of adventure and heists. The way the story would dip and dive with no real direction left the reader completely hooked. This novel was still slow-paced, even with everything going on, but it let the reader ingest all that was happening. The world building is still slowly developing; the reader would like to see more of it and to understand it more. We keep getting glimpses of all the magical worlds and the powers it yields but we still haven’t seen enough of it to grasp it all and to fully appreciate it. The characters really grew on the reader this book; in the first book they felt very two dimensional, but this one they started to grow and shine and care for one another more, which is maybe why the reader liked them more this time. They are characters who have so much potential to become really something great, they just aren’t there yet. After this novel, the reader is excited to see what is in store for the next book. Overall, this was fun, it was action-packed with characters the reader wants to know more about.