Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Girl At War

Happy Monday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Sara Nović’s novel Girl At War.

Girl At War

Girl At War by: Sara Nović: Ana is a young ten-year-old girl, whose childhood is interrupted by the Civil War in Croatia in the early 90s. As times get tough, her safety begins to waver, and she must now find a way to survive. Flash forward ten years later, Ana is living in New York going to college, but still missing home. The novel takes on this journey of a young girl who has to grow up fast in order to stay alive. The pacing of this novel was really well done; Nović doesn’t give it all away in the beginning, but sets up her story so that her characters can flashback. The order she chose to tell the story helped put into perspective what the character was feeling. As much as the plot was heartbreaking and filled with horror, it was done very well. The use of the child’s perspective, and her writing of it, is what truly broke this novel and gave it that originality. Lastly her characters were very strong even for children.

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