Memes · Music Monday

Music Monday: This Christmas by: The Summer Set

Hi everyone! Merry Christmas Eve! 🎄 I’m here with another Music Monday. This meme was created by Drew @The Tattooed Book Geek.

This has to be one of my favourite Christmas songs, and this is my favourite version of it as there are millions of it. I know the Summer Set aren’t Canadian, but I’m ending my year on a bang!

I also just wanted to say Merry Christmas y’all and that I hope you have an amazing Christmas 🎄. I was going to have a few posts this week, but then I thought, nah work has been i-n-s-a-n-e. So I’m just going to relax. I have one last post (my wrap up for December) coming next Monday and then that’s all she wrote for 2018!
Crazy to think 2018 is pretty much over!

Now enjoy the tune!

Hang all the mistletoe
I’m gonna get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it’s gonna be together
This Christmas
Fireside is blazing bright
We’re caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me
Presents and cards are here
My world is filled with cheer and you
This Christmas
And as I look around
Your eyes outshine the town, they do
This Christmas
Fireside is blazing bright
We’re caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me, yeah
Fireside is blazing bright
We’re caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me yeah
Hang all the mistletoe
I’m gonna get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it’s gonna be together
This Christmas
Fireside is blazing bright
We’re caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me
Merry Christmas
Shake a hand, shake a hand now
Wish you brother Merry Christmas
All over the land

3 thoughts on “Music Monday: This Christmas by: The Summer Set

  1. Hey Meghan 🙂
    It’s past Christmas now however I really enjoyed this song that you posted. It is such a catchy tune and a cute video 🙂
    Hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you all the best for the new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the song! 🙂 Definitely catchy since I couldn’t stop singing it.
      I did, thank you! I hope you have a brilliant new years! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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