Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: The Avengers: Infinity War

Hi guys! Happy Friday! I finally… finally! saw the Avengers: Infinity War last Friday… it only took me over a month. Today I’m going to be sharing my thoughts with you!

Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War: The Avengers are on their biggest mission yet: to try and save the world before the evil Thanos destroys it. Using the Infinity Stones, Thanos plans to collect them all because once he has them all in his possession there’s no telling the destruction he can cause; it’s up to the team of Avengers to stop this from happening. From the start this film was action packed and full of drama leaving viewers wondering where the plot was going to go. The action and the plot was good; seeing all the Marvel characters in one film was amazing. No one character outshone the other and they all played really nicely together. The acting was so on-par. These actors are so in sync with these characters that it’s like second nature and the viewer can really see that. It’s also clear that they all care very much for one another. The order in which they chose to shoot everything was so well done too because it was easy to follow along. The fact that they had every Marvel character in this film was a good reason why it was almost three hours in length; sure the film felt long at some points, but in order to get all the characters in it felt like a sacrifice that the creators had to make. This leads to the ending of the film, which had a cliffhanger ending; the fact that they left it that way leaves the viewer wondering why they had to wait all that time to find out that there isn’t a resolution. The viewer felt cheated in a sense one, because of what happens to a lot of characters and two, the way it just ends very abruptly. Overall, it was well paced, yet missing some of its humorous flair, but worthwhile if you’re into the Marvel universe.

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