Photography · Travel

Photo Blog: Holguin, Cuba

Hi friends! Aren’t you glad it’s Friday? I am, and the fact that it’s a long weekend here this weekend I am all for it! Today I’m going to beΒ finally showing off my photos from Cuba! β˜€

I have to say for the majority of our trip we had good weather. We had two days of rain out of seven, so not bad. You can tell it rained the day before in quite a few of these photos because of how dark they are. What I’ve learned, and was told before going, is that you don’t go to Cuba for the food, as it’s quite plain and boring, but aside from that, it was nice. The sun is beautiful and so was the beach (although I didn’t spend a lot of time there, just enough to get my feet wet and take those photos!)
I also learned that the palm trees you see photos of are their national tree: the Royal Palm Tree. Holguin is the third largest city in Cuba, and from the aerial shots of the city, you’ll see why.
You’ll also notice that there are two photos of towels… the maids are into towel art and I took a photo on the first day and of course the last. I hope you enjoy! πŸ™‚

Thanks for viewing! πŸ™‚

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