Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Captain America [Trilogy]

Hi guys! Happy Monday! I am happy because I had today off, woo! (hence why I’m posting at almost 10 p.m.) So for the month of July, because hello we are already into July how crazy!? Mondays I’m going to be dedicating to movie reviews. I hope you enjoy! Today I’m going to be review the Captain America movies!

Captain America: The First Avenger: It’s the year 1941 and Steve Rogers is all prepared to go to war to defend his country, his only problem, he’s too small. He finally gets his chance when he joins an experimental program where he’s turned into Captain America. Once changed into a superhero he joins a team to take down and fight a Nazi based group. This film was done well, but could have been a bit better. The first hour was all about how Steve Rogers becomes Captain America, and as interesting as that is, did it need to be an hour long? Sure there was story to be told, but visually it just didn’t work; if anything it was boring, and it took too long to get to any scene that were gripping and full of action. The first scenes were just dry and full of information so that we, the viewer, understood the story. It felt like too much telling and not enough showing. The second half the film was a lot better, more action to keep the viewer engaged and interested in the film, and definitely an ending to get the viewer prepared for what could possibly come next.

 Captain America: The Winter Soldier: The world is at risk when there is an attack on S.H.I.E.L.D and Captain America finds himself thrown into the action to help save the world. Him and Black Widow make a great team, and then Falcon joins to help, and he’s a really good fit. This film seemed to have it all; from high action fight scenes, to slower more moving scenes it was able to take its viewers to new highs and new lows. The action was really well done, it was highly intense, and orchestrated in a way that yes it was very unbelievable, but it was a lot of fun to watch. As events unfold the viewer can definitely see Steve’s struggle with living in the present, as his past is slowly drifting away, and those little glimpses that are shown really move the viewer, and play on their emotions. It’s a film that is not just about superheroes fighting the bad guy, it’s also about them and their own lives.

 Captain America: Civil War: An all-out war has broken up between the Avengers. On one hand we have Captain America who thinks superheroes should be free to defend the world without the government interfering in their work, while Iron Man believes the opposite. Now all the Avengers must pick sides, and it gets ugly. As much as this was the longest Captain America film, it was the best yet. Between the great action scenes, and those drone shots were pretty awesome, and the witty dialogue this film felt like it had it all. We get a new character introduced in all the mix as well, and it fit so perfectly that all together it was a stellar performance. All the acting was phenomenal, it really let viewers submerge themselves into the story and just get sucked in. This was definitely something worthy of seeing.

6 thoughts on “Movie Review: Captain America [Trilogy]

  1. Oh my god, the Captain America movies! ❤ Team Cap all the way so I absolutely love that you chose to review the movies and I’m so, so glad to see that you enjoyed them for the most part because they’re some of my favorites out of all the Marvel movies! I loved your reviews and I can’t wait for future movie reviews! 🙂

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  2. Great reviews for these films Meghan. I really love the Captain American films, he’s my favourite Marvel superhero, and Civil War is definitely my favourite, mainly for the fact that it’s an amazing film but also because it introduced Black Panther who is now probably my second favourite Marvel superhero! 😀

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