TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Dead to Me Season One

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday, and welcome back TV Tuesday! It’s been a hot minute since the last TV Tuesday, but it’s so good to be back. I’ve got a few Netflix shows I’ve been watching to share my thoughts with you all. Today I’m going to be talking all about the show Dead to Me.

My first impressions of this show, to be honest, I’m like what is going on. The character dynamics are a little strange, but they work. The dialogue is great and the acting is so good. It’s very addicting. All you want to do is know more about what’s going to happen next.

Damn, the exposition in this show is so good! It’s like we learn bit by bit through different people the real true facts.

So we’re dropped into the show when one of our main character’s Jen, loses her husband Ted. This leads her to grief counseling where she meets Judy. Judy has just lost her fiancé Steve. Their introduction is a little strange, Judy feels the need to be friends with Jen, even if Jen doesn’t want it. By the end of the session Judy gives Jen her number to call her when she can’t sleep. Turns out Jen takes her up on that, and the two become fast friends. The two talk every night and Judy comes over a lot so Jen feels like she should visit Judy.

What a turn of events. So while exchanging photos of their dead husbands Jen sees the address of Judy’s place and decides to just show up. Well, what a rude awakening she gets to the place and who answers the door… Steve, a very alive Steve.

Well, now Jen is pissed. Judy lied and we have no idea why. Turns out that Judy and Steve broke up because they weren’t working and they’d been trying to have a baby, but she’d had five miscarriages. It takes time but Jen comes around to forgiving Judy but she does.

She learns that Judy lives above an assisted living centre and she invites her to live in her guest house, the place she can’t bear to go because that was Ted’s music studio.

The way these episodes end too, so dramatic and full of suspense. We see her going into a storage locker and there’s a car with a busted front… and as we learned Ted died from a hit and run and Jen likes to see cars that have “human sized dents” to the front of them to report it because she’s dead set on finding out who killed her husband.

At first I thought it might have been Steve who did it and Judy was covering up. Then we see a flash back where it was her, so that got me wondering if Steve knew, he was in the fuckin car!

The night that Jen met Steve she hands her, her business card, as she’s a realtor and now she’s helping Steve sell his (his and Judy’s) house. This is how we learn more about how weird Judy is. I have a feeling that Judy purposefully put herself in Jen’s life to forgive herself. Seeing Judy in the guest house is sad, you can tell she feels Ted’s presence and it freaks her out.

God, when Jen finds out, this is going to be wild. I do like how Judy gets along with Jen’s kids and that she really fits in.

I love the girl power in this show too. I love how Jen just says it like it is and is so about woman power.

So we’re led to believe that Judy is a stalker because she’s stalking Steve, Steve gets a restraining order against her, but all Judy wants to do is drag him into her problems. She tells Steve that she’s gotten close to the woman who was married to the man they hit. Steve is still in denial and calls it a deer and wants no part in it.

Oof, Jen’s mother-in-law is truly a queen bitch, my god. Not only does she call Judy homeless, but she calls Jen a bad mother, thinks Ted is perfect and everyone else ruined his life. I despise people like that.

HA! What a play. They are having a birthday party for Ted when cops show up. At first Judy thinks it’s for her, but it’s really for Jen since the car she thinks hit her husband she smashed up, but all Jen wants to know is who did it… of course Judy then goes “I did it” which makes it sound like she killed Ted… even though she did, but she takes the fall for Jen’s golf club accident. She goes to jail, and Steve bails her out. Is this going to bring the two of them back together? Because they are super cute together, even if they are killers.

Now, Jen is getting strange messages from this Bambi on this online game… so was her husband cheating on her?

This show just loves to play with your head, but it’s so good. I love how we learn so much about the characters through all other characters, the exposition is SO GOOD!

Wow, they track down Bambi, and she’s this kid who loves to overshare so she talks about how her musician, boyfriend Ted have been together a year and a half and that for three months he’s ghosted her.

Whaaaat?!? So first off, after Jen leaves, Judy pretends to be Ted’s wife, she tells Bambi that Ted is dead and that she’s his wife. That’s when Bambi says that’s impossible because Ted said his wife was dead. Dear lord!! This plot thickens.

It’s interesting to watch these characters talk to each other because certain characters know more than others and others have secrets. Like when Jen talks to Steve, she doesn’t know what Steve and Judy know, but Steve also doesn’t know what Jen and Judy know… oh it’s so good!

Hmm, I wonder if Jen’s crusade to find Ted’s killer is over?

So the girls go on this retreat where Jen goes to a widows group and Judy goes to a miscarriages group. Jen meets Jason who has lost his wife, and all she wants is to sleep with the guy, but that isn’t going to happen.

When she’s walking back to her room she almost gets hit by a car… geez she almost dies the same way her husband does… irony?

Hmm so the guy that Judy meets is a cop, a detective… what’s Judy’s game? Because we all know that she did it, is she going to try and pin it on Steve? How is this going to help her be friends with Judy? This is infuriating to not know! Former detective, why is this guy a former detective… god this is getting weirder and weirder.

Oh damn, we find out Jen’s oldest son, Charlie is selling all kinds of drugs. Oh damn, he doesn’t want to say where he got the drugs, but I have a sneaking suspicion they are from Judy… or are they his father? Oh, they are his father’s pills. This just makes Ted an even more dynamic character.

Oh dear, the two girls get Judy’s cop friend to scare Charlie about his drug selling, but when he searches his bag he finds a loaded gun. Holy hot damn. That escalated very fast, I love that Jen goes I’m calling this off I’m a very powerful lady, again with the woman power.

We also find out that the person who found Ted’s body was a girl in Jen’s younger son’s, Henry, class… a nine-year-old, but now Judy is obsessed with this girl, like what is her game? Well, that just opened a can of worms for Judy as the girl, Shandy actually took something from the body… a headlight it looks like. Now Jen has new ammunition and Judy looks to be screwed. So she goes to the storage locker where all her stuff is and bam, the car is gone, what is Judy going to do?!?

Ah, so it was Steve who took the car, and he’s “taking care of it”. He’s taken the car to his mother’s house and he’s dismembered it so that the car doesn’t really exist anymore. Now Judy and Steve are reconnecting, even though Judy is seeing that ‘former’ cop. I truly don’t think that Judy cares about the cop guy, she’s just using him to get her out of her situation. She totally is still into Steve.

Meanwhile, Jen has gone to the cops with the piece of the car, but all it really does is make her upset. That’s when she freaks out at work while showing a house and her partner fires her. Well, I didn’t see that coming, but when it rains it pours.

Is cop guy going to try and get with Jen now? He’s all trying to ask how she is… ugh I actually can’t stand him… I know his name is Nick, but I like calling him cop guy.

When Jen finds out the make a model of the car my heart started racing, just as Judy threw up.

Oh geez, now the three of them (Jen, Judy and cop guy) are going to ‘talk up’ and check out all the people who own a 1966 Mustang… all 240 of them.

Well, Judy sees an address that’s familiar to her and this could be bad.

Oh damn! Judy could be pregnant! … with Steve’s baby! But guess what, Steve is seeing someone. Okay, so she’s not pregnant, and she never will be.

While Judy is getting that news, copy guy has found the shop where all Judy’s paintings are, the same place as one of the addresses listed on their list of Mustang owners… is cop guy smart enough to figure it out?


Okay, so first off we find out that Steve owns the art gallery and now cop guy is snooping around trying to find out what he can about the 1966 mustang.

So cop guy did figure it all out, but the actual detective on the case doesn’t really believe his creditability because he’s a former detective and is on psychiatric leave.

Well now Steve is all in a huff so he tells Judy it’s every man for himself. So Judy goes to the detective and we think she’s going to tell the truth, instead she tells her that Steve is into money laundering and leads her to the storage locker. Well, while in there she finds oil stains which makes her reconsider cop guy’s theory.

Back to Jen for a second, she needs a way to come up with some money she she uses Steve to buy some homes in cash so she can one pay the mortgage and two her son a new laptop. But her son has other plans. This is when we find out a out the night that Ted went for his run… turns out the two of them were having a fight, Jen was mad that after vasectomy Ted didn’t want to touch her anymore and so he left after she said she hit him and said she didn’t want to see him again… what shitty last words. Well Charlie witnessed that and now hates his mother for it. What a messed up situation.

Anyway we learn about this while Jen is our talking to Judy, and that’s when it call comes out holy shit! Judy tells her she hit him, she says it over and over again. At first it almost seems like she’s practicing a grief technique but she lets it allllll out. Holy damn, I was not prepared for that.

So now Jen wants Judy dead, and with the detective and the oil Judy is a wanted person holy crap!

That season finale! Wow! Words!

So at first I thought it was a pretty tame ending, Jen wanted Judy dead and Judy wanted herself dead since Jen didn’t want anything to do with her. Judy takes all the money out of her joint account with Steve, which was a hefty sum, and gives it to Jen.

Well Steve is in a lot of hot water with his money so when he goes to grab for the big cash, we’ll it’s gone. So the cash he used to buy the two houses from Jen he takes back.

When looking for Judy he finds Jen, and that last scene, the confrontation was so good. The build up was amazing because it looks like they’re on the same side, both Jen and Steve have been fucked over by Judy. But Jen knows better. She starts asking about the night they murdered Ted and he claims it as the worst night of his life, yet he can’t remember the details conveniently.

Jen knows that Judy wanted to go back but something was holding her back, and Jen knows it was Steve. The way Steve turns is incredible but Jen isn’t buying any of it. So she pulls the gun that Ted had in the safe.

Meanwhile Judy tries to kill herself by standing in the road and hoping to be hit by a car, but that doesn’t happen, and luckily enough because that’s when Jen calls her.

The two meet at the house and guess who’s in the pool with a bullet in his body? Steve.

So now they’ve killed each other’s husbands. What an ending. I freakin love it! It’s pretty genius.

I’m so curious how season two is going to go now that they know Judy did it, but Jen has a crime to her name, and what are they going to do with the body?!

So many questions, too much time to ponder them all. This is definitely a binge worthy and amazing show.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Dead to Me Season One

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