Monthly Wrap-Ups

September 2019 Wrap-Up

Hello! Another month in the books. Does anyone else feel like September was 2 days long? I do. I honestly can’t believe that another month has gone by. Now that I got that out of the way 😅 it’s that time of the month to recap what went down, let’s get into it!

If you missed August’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
The Shining

I’m continuing my re-reading of The Shining for my Stephen King project; I can’t believe how fast I’m reading this! I’m just shy of Part 5, and the scary is just starting to pick up. I forgot just how much happens in this book.

Breaking Dawn

I’ve started the end of this saga, Breaking Dawn. If I’m being honest I did not care for this re-read, but I really wanted to review them. I don’t think I’ll be re-reading them ever again. This book has been so slow, I honestly don’t know how I’m going to make it. I have about half of the book left, I don’t know how much more can possibly happen.

Leave Me

I just started reading Leave Me by: Gayle Forman this morning. So far I’m 50 pages in and it’s a quick read, but it’s kinda sad and depressing. I don’t know, it has me worrying about the future in ways I don’t want to think about. How we get caught up in the daily grind, work, kids, payments… stress… and I don’t know it makes me wonder if I’ll be like that. Scares me a little. I’m going to continue to see where this goes, because as of right now I have NO idea where this plot is going.

What I read this month:

I read a total of 7 books this month, not bad. I’ve had a lot on my mind this month and it’s really taken me out of my reading mojo. I’m hoping to get back into it in October. I think my Instagram has been doing well; I posted all (but 2) of the books I read this past month, and I’m proud of that.

Ghosts of the Shadow Market by: Cassandra Clare
Island of Dragons (Unwanteds #7) by: Lisa McMann
Eclipse (Twilight #3) by: Stephanie Meyer
Gemini by: Sonya Mukherjee
The Rosie Result (Don Tillman #3) by: Graeme Simsion
We Are Not Such Things by: Justine van der Leun
Sword and Pen (The Great Library #5) by: Rachel Caine

Book Reviews this month:

Learning to Swear in America by: Katie Kennedy
The Memory Bank by: Lara Avery
Ghosts of the Shadow Market by: Cassandra Clare
The Unwanteds (#1-7) by: Lisa McMann

Currently Watching:
Season 4

Continuing my re-watch of Fresh Prince of Bel Air aaaaaand this is the season where we get the new Aunt Viv and I’m just not feeling it. Not only did the actress change, but it feels like the writing changed too. It seems really cheesy, jokes are off-putting and slightly sexist, Donald Trump makes an appearance, so it’s been an interesting experience.

Season 3

All the TV shows are coming back. The Good Doctor was the first show to come back and so far it’s been really good, and I’m invested.


Season 4

This is Us came back Tuesday night, and man the new season has me asking SO many questions. Who are these new characters? Where do they fit into the story? I can’t wait to see our old characters again and see what they’re up to! I think this is going to be an interesting season; I think I’m ready for it.

Season 16

Thursday night was popping, first off Grey’s Anatomy came back for a womping season 16! I was surprised to see that characters I thought were leaving the show are still on the show. I have to say, that first episode was filled with so much drama, I’m not used to it. I’ve been watching a lot of ER and comparing the two, damn. They are two different shows.

Season 8

Speaking of ER I’m into season 8… and all my favourites be leaving the show, I’m never prepared for it. I do have to say though, some old favourites have made a return too so it hasn’t been all bad. Honestly, I love ER with every fibre of my being. One of my new favourite comfort shows!

Season 4

Going back to my Thursday line-up, The Good Place returned for it’s final season. As soon as I started watching, all the things that happened last season came rushing back and just made me sad. I’m expecting a really good season since the creators are leaving on their own terms.

Season 6

Also speaking of final seasons, How to Get Away With Murder is back for it’s sixth and final season. I feel bittersweet about this. The show has gone on some crazy rides, and honestly where else can this show go? Oh, killing the main character, that’s where. I like this idea though, and I’m excited to see where this season goes.

Season 36

And of course, Jeopardy is back for season 36! This season started with Jason Zuffranieri winning all those games and a lot of money. It was fun to watch him keep winning. Sadly, last week he was beat off the show. I didn’t get to see that episode but I’m sure there will be more in store this season!

What I Watched this month:
Season 1

I finished the first season of The Umbrella Academy and all I can say is, when does the next season come out? I can’t wait for it. The action, the stories, the music, dude it all comes together so well.


Season 2-3

I’m continuing with my re-watch of Fresh Prince and RIP the good times of the show. These seasons had the old Aunt Viv, and I miss her dearly. The show is not the same without her.

28 Days

I forgot to add 28 Days to the list last month, as I watched it so close to the end of the month. I didn’t expect to like this as much as I did. I seem to like everything I’ve seen Sandra Bullock in so far. It definitely had feel good moments throughout.

Spider Man Far From Home

My friend and I have been saying we’re going to go see Spider Man Far From Home since July… when it came out, and we just never got around to it. So when I found out they were bringing it back into theatres for an ‘extended cut’ I said to her, we actually need to go. We did, I loved it. It was cute and really well done.


I really love Get Out, so when Us came out, I was really interested in seeing it. I gotta say, it fell flat for me. It was really slow, the pacing just made it really hard to want to continue watching. It felt like there was way too much set up and it took an hour to get to the real meat of everything. It was just a meh movie for me.

Season 3

Oh. My. God. Was season 3 of Stranger Things SO good! I enjoyed every minute of it. I laughed, I cried… scratch that I weeped like a baby, that ending?!?! I wasn’t prepared for that! Honestly 8 epiosdes was so short, now I gotta wait how long for another season!? There’s something about this show, that even though its focus is on monsters and is quite scary, I find the show such a comfort. They film it so well and the acting is a-mazing!


TV Tuesday Posts:

Let Talk About… Dead to Me Season One
Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Five

Posts from the Month

Music Monday: Call Me Maybe by: Carly Rae Jepson
Music Monday: Tongue Tied by: Faber Drive

The Blogger Recognition Award IV
Quick Fire Fantasy Book Tag
My Twitter Party Review: Eclipse

I started September on a high note. Even though it was cloudy and a little rainy going out to the CNE on the first was a great way to start the month! My brother and I went like we do every year, we saw the Super Dogs, the lanterns, we rode some rides and played some games. We won nothing, but it was still a lot of fun. You can check out my photo blog if you’re curious!

Like I mentioned above, my friend and I went to the movies. This was actually the first time the two of us have hung out together just the two of us. We’ve known each other over 10 years, you’d think we would have already, but nope. It was a lot of fun, and we have so much in common that I honestly don’t know why we don’t hang out more. I think this experience has brought us closer together because we message each other every day now and it’s nice. It’s nice to have someone just get you!
Anyways, we went to see Spider Man, and I like I said, I loved it. Tom Holland makes a great Spider Man!

Work has been stressful on what seems like every level so I’ve been extremely exhausted and worn out. One Friday I honestly had had it, and I don’t know man, I believe there are signs because I got a message from my friends asking to go bowling. I definitely needed it, it was such a stress reliever to see them and hang out. Obviously a few drinks were consumed. We had this professional bowler right next to us, and watching us made him shake his head so he tried to give us pointers. Then he looks at me and says I’m a lost cause because I granny bowl (and I’m hella proud to be a granny bowler!!!) he said I would make the retirement community proud! Hell ya! That’s when my friends started calling me Nonnameg (since Nonna is grandma in Italian) 😂 Definitely a fun night out.

Then, the following weekend I got to hangout with my OG crew as we had Sunday dinner together. It always makes me feel good to hangout and chill with my friends! We had good food, I baked cookies that I didn’t have time to take a photo of (sorry… y’all know what chocolate chip cookies look like! 😝) That night, me and my 2 friends bought tickets to go see the Toronto Maple Leafs play a pre-season game the following Wednesday!

What a blast we had! I asked my brother to come along, seeing as he’s a Montreal fan, and we were playing the Habs. Great game, great seats (I still can’t get over how good they were!) and great company, even though my brother was kinda sour that his team lost. I was all celebratory to the Leafs wining! 😀

My September has been topsy-turvy, but I managed to make it out alive! It’s also the beginning of festive season and I’m very excited for Thanksgiving and Halloween, my birthday, and soon Christmas!

I hope you all had a good September, and that October brings the spooky good vibes! 👻🎃

8 thoughts on “September 2019 Wrap-Up

  1. Ooooo … good on you with King’s The Shining … I want to read his books but then I wouldn’t sleep at night ha-ha! I loved ‘The Umbrella Academy’! I NEED SEASON TWO!!!!!!!!!! And I can’t wait for season 4 of Stranger Things … whenever that releases.

    I’m rewatching Friends … again … I seriously need to buy the DVD collection set … it’s like the only show I watch. Though I do think I want to start watching Fresh Prince. I love the show but I’ve never watched it from beginning to end.

    Great post and happy October! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh haha! I love Stephen King. This is my second time reading it, and I love it all over again!
      They just released a teaser for season 4 of Stranger Things so I think it may be sooner rather than later!

      Haha! I’ve never watched Fresh Prince all the way through either, so that’s why I’m doing it. It’s really interesting because it’s SO stuck in the 90s. Some of it is better than others, but it’s still re-watchable!

      Thanks! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m currently reading my first Stephen King book – «Cell» (we won’t count Carrie cause it was too long ago) 😀 And it’s actually pretty good! I want to read more of this post-apocalyptic thrillers. Have you read it?

    And we also watched the first two episodes of season 5 of Black Mirror. I’m not sure how I feel about them yet… They seem to have a different style now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! That’s exciting! 😀 I haven’t read Cell. It looks to be a newer release so I won’t be getting to that for a long time! I’m glad you’re enjoying! 😀
      They are very different, but I love the in depth stories we get instead of just the short little snippets.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. September has gone by waaay to fast for me too! I seriously have no idea where that month went. 😅 I love that you include your instagram pictures in your wrap ups. It’s just nice to get a glimpse into your life that way. ❤
    I'm so exited for The Umbrella Academy season 2! I can't wait to see where the story is going to go from where the first season ended. Hopefully it will be coming out soon! 🙂 I really want to watch Spider Man Far From Home, but I have yet to watch the last two Avengers movies, so it's going to be a while before I can do that.
    I hope that you will have a wonderful October! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right!? It was just a blimp on the calendar it seems!
      Thanks! I’m glad you enjoy seeing my Instagram photos! 😀
      SAME! The first season was so good, I was like it’s over… I need more! I’m with you, I hope it comes out soon!
      Ah! I know what you mean. I wanted to go see Spider Man with my mum, but she was like 2 or 3 films behind and I’m like you can’t see Spider Man without seeing everything before hand!
      Thank you so much! You as well! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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