
Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag

Or well, you know way past mid-year, ha! Hello my fellow friends, I hope you are all having a lovely labour day weekend, I know mine is going swell, too bad it’s almost over. I thought I’d change things up since today is a holiday and post a tag! I was nominated to do this tag by Sumaya at Sue’s Reading Corner, and just recently Paige at Paige’s Pages thank you both so much for tagging me! πŸ™‚

Best book read in 2016 so far:

This is hard, I’ve read a few really good books because I rarely rate books 5 stars (Goodreads rating) but I’m going to go with
The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly by: Matt McCarthy

The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly

Best Sequel Read in 2016 so far:

Does Stars Above count? Because I thought that was really good!
Stars Above by: Marissa Meyer

Stars Above

New Release You Haven’t Read But You Really Want To:

I’m going to go predictable on this and say The Cursed Child by: John Tiffany, Jack ThorneΒ & J.K. Rowling

Most Anticipated Release for the Second Half of the Year:

I’m not sure when this is coming out since it was supposed to be released in August, but wasn’t- The Burning World by: Isaac Marion

Biggest Disappointment:

An Ember in the Ashes by: Sabaa Tahir (although I will be reading the second book because I can’t not ha!)

An Ember In The Ashes

Biggest Surprise:

The Rosie Project by: Graeme Simsion

Favourite New Author:

This is really hard, maybe Graeme Simsion, I truly love his writing.

Newest Fictional Crush:

This is SO hard! Maybe Thomas from More Happy Than Not– he’s just so sweet.

More Happy Than Not

Newest Favourite Character:

These keep getting harder! I’m re-reading Ramona by: Beverly Cleary and I love, love, love Ramona, I may have loved her as a kid, but now that I’m an adult I appreciate her character more!

Book That Made You Cry:

So far none…

Book That Made You Feel Happy:

The Start of Me and You by: Emery Lord

The Start of Me and You

Favourite Book to Movie Adaption:

Seeing as I’ve only gone to the theatre twice this year… I’m picking one from last year, I really liked Paper Towns (it’s my favourite John Green novel, and I think it was done really well).

Favourite Post You Wrote:

I’m proud of my 30 Rock blogs, the second more so than the first.

The Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought or Received This Year:

Lady MidnightΒ by: Cassandra Clare

Lady Midnight

Book You Need to Read by the End of This Year:

After You by: Jojo Moyes

Favourite Book Community Member (blogger, booktuber, bookstagramer):

I really love dreambyday_bookreviews on Instagram, her photos are always perfection! It makes me strive to be better!

That being said, you can follow me on Goodreads, Instagram, and if you want Twitter, although I don’t tweet much.


I’m not going to bother tagging anyone because this tag is a little overdue- BUT don’t let that discourage you from joining in the fun. If you haven’t already done this tag feel free to do it! πŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag

  1. OMG! I loved The Rosie Project (even though I have yet to read The Rosie Effect)! And I haven’t read The Start of You and Me by Emery Lord but it sounds pretty interesting from what I’ve been hearing… πŸ˜‰ Loved reading this post, btw!

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    1. The Rosie Project was so good, I started off not liking it at all, but it really turned around and it was beautiful. I have The Rosie Effect just waiting on my shelf for me to read haha! You should definitely read the Start of You and Me, it was a very cute read. Thank you! & thanks again for the tag! πŸ™‚

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  2. It’s funny we’re both determined to read a Jojo Moyes books before the end of the year! What surprised you/delighted you about The Rosie Project? I’ve heard great reviews from people who don’t usually read that genre, so that appeal is intriguing me… πŸ™‚

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