
Spring Has Sprung Book Tag

Hello all! Happy Thursday! I hope you’re all doing well! I honestly can’t believe today is Thursday, it feels like it could be Tuesday… I’ve lost all track of time!

Today I’m going to be doing the Spring has Sprung book tag. Ever since April started… meaning yesterday, the sun has come out so Spring really feels like it has sprung! ☀️
I was tagged by Rachel @Rachel Tea Reads. Thank you so much, you should go over and check her blog out, she’s got great posts and a cute atheistic!

1. Flowers: All the flowers we remember are blooming again. Pick a book that’s a fresh take on a retelling.

I’m going to go with Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood; I just posted my review of this on Monday, and it’s not a direct retelling of The Tempest but it’s really interesting, I definitely recommend!

2. Cadbury Mini Eggs: Obviously the superior springtime candy of choice. Pick a book that you consider to be a sweet treat.

Oh any contemporary could work for this! The first one that comes to mind is The Unexpected Everything by: Morgan Matson.

3. Allergies: Seasonal allergies often make your eyes water. Pick a book that made you cry.

You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour and David Leviathan. Wooof I was not prepared for the tears I was going to cry!

4. Spring Cleaning: Out with the old and in with the new. Pick a book to unhaul.

Hmm. Probably Ambush by: James Patterson… I’m not a fan of his… but then again I feel like I should still give this book a chance.

5. Spring Break: It’s the perfect time for an adventure. Pick a book involving a road trip.

I just watched All the Bright Places a few weeks ago and I forgot about the whole traveling around Indiana they do… it really made me want to travel around my own province!

6. Mating Season: It’s that time of year in the animal kingdom to make some babies. Pick a book with some smutty delights.

I’m going to have to pass on this because I don’t read smutty books, just not my thing!

7. Rainbows: I just feel like Spring is made of freaking rainbows. Pick a book featuring an LGBTQ+ character(s).

Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by: Jaye Robin Brown. This was everything I didn’t know I needed!

8. Spring Awakening: This is one of my all-time favourite musicals even though it’s filled with completely dysfunctional characters. Pick a book that’s also filled with completely dysfunctional characters.

My first thought was The Lovely Reckless by: Kami Garcia because all those characters had these problems, but then they had these dysfunctional/problematic parents. What a hot mess!

9. In like a lion, out like a lamb: Pick a book series that didn’t get better as it progressed.

The Red Queen series by: Victoria Aveyard. The first novel was good, I really did enjoy it! But then the next books just kept falling flat, which was disappointing.

10. Fun in the Sun: Tag some Friends! Just a few today!

Emer | Jenna | Alex

If you see this and feel like doing this tag, please go forth and take part! Happy Spring! 🌷

16 thoughts on “Spring Has Sprung Book Tag

  1. Oh Cadbury’s mini eggs…. I dream of them these days. What I’d give for a pack right now. Thanks for the tag lovely <333

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I know! I’m so with you! I won’t be missing the allergies because I get them pretty bad in the Spring. one good thing coming out of all this, I guess! 🙂

      You’re welcome, can’t wait to read your answers! 😀 💞

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! 🙂
      It’s the first series that ALWAYS comes to my mind when asked that question! Right?! Oh well, at least I can say I tried!
      Can’t wait to read your answers! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally recommend Hag Seed… it’s such a weird book, but weird that kept m intrigued because I’ve never read anything like it before!
      The traveling was the best parts of All the Bright Places, in my opinion!
      So glad I’m not alone in my feelings for the Red Queen series, which is such a shame! So much great potential there!

      Liked by 1 person

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