Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: I Was Here

Okay, so this novel I had high hopes for, and it kinda let me down. I was excited because the main characters were named Meg & Cody. But that let me down too, let’s get into this….

Spoilers are coming so if you read further into this blog, I suggest you either not care about the novel, or you’ve already read it.

So first off Cody… is a girl. I thought Cody was a boy name? I’ve never heard it used as a boy name, so I was bloody confused when I started reading to find Cody was going to wear a dress, like okayy. So that let me down. I should also mention that I don’t read the synopsis of a novel before I read it, I just read the novel based on the covers, and titles. So I thought it was going to be some sort of love story… in which case it was still considered a love story, but not in the way I pictured it.

Second, the novel dealt with suicide, that’s like the second novel this month that’s dealt with it. This novel was completely different from the other, All The Bright Places. All The Bright Places I found approached the  topic a lot better. I think now I’ll get into my review of the novel.

I Was Here


I Was Here by: Gayle Forman: Meg an 18-year-old has been found dead, a suicide. Cody, her best friend is devastated. She sets out to Meg’s place to pack up her belongings, where she finds out there is a lot of things she didn’t know about her best friend. She sets out on a mission to figure out how Meg could do this to herself, believing that the person she thought she knew would never do such a thing. It’s a novel dealing with suicide, but also a novel dealing with how well we know people, or how well we think we know the people in our lives. It had a good plot, and the plot had purpose. The characters were fully developed. But there was something about this novel that just made it average, and not exceptionally great. Like the topic has been done before, but the author only scratched the surface. Critically, it’s a well-written novel, with great attention spent to details, and prose; creatively, it’s an average novel that can be picked up, read, and forgotten about. Overall, it was an okay novel about the power of friendship, and the hardship of suicide.

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