Photography · The Every Day Life

Collection of Photos

Last month I said that I wanted to take more photos. I figured in order to do that, I should give myself a challenge to make sure I stick to it. I found a monthly challenge. The challenge listed something to take a photo of every day for the month. So for the month of March, I tried, I really did. It didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to, but I did get some photography time in.

So here is my collection of photos from March:

March 1: Light

I played with the exposure and the shutter speed to create this.

March 2: Look Down

This is a look at what I was working on that day. When I’m not writing my own words, I’m reading someone else’s.

March 3: Where I Am

An Instagram photo from my day interviewing restaurants across Kensington Market in Toronto. This is from the Grilled Cheese. So good!

March 4: Smile

I realize my face looks very sun burnt in this photo, I wasn’t sun burnt. Just the lighting in the room, and the reflection of the pink sweater I’m wearing.I probably should have taken that off!

March 5: Colourful

This was actually taken a year ago. I just never had anywhere to showcase it.

March 6: Friendship

This part of a note that I had written to my best friend growing up. I was known to write novels in our Christmas cards!

March 7: On The Go

Another Instagram photo. Everyone thought I was going to a party!

March 8: Free

An interpretation of free.

March 9: Round

A golf ball from Darien Lake.

March 10: Sign

Signs are everywhere, you just have to look for them. I believe in them.

March 11: A Pair

A little lame- a pair of earrings, but they were hard to photograph!

March 12: Tells a Story

I was being very artistic here.

March 13: Fresh

I really like how this photo came out. Food is fun to photograph!

March 15: Lucky

Here is where the days start to drift away. Some lucky charms.

March 16: Starts With ‘S’

Scotland Yard anyone? It’s such a crazy game. This version is from the 80s.

March 17: Green

I didn’t go traditional with a leprechaun or anything like that, I decided on texture.

March 18: Shadows

Here is the end of the photos. I kinda gave up half way through, I didn’t even post that many photos on Instagram, what I have here is everything. The only thing I can do is try harder!

I hope everyone had a swell March, and are ready for April!

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