
The Fall Book Tag III

Hello friends! Happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be doing the Fall Book tag. I was tagged by Daniella @Reading With Daniella. I’m excited to get into this tag once again! I love fall! 😀 🎃

The Rules:

  • Please link back to Bionic Book Worm, as the creator of this tag!! She wants to see your answers!!
  • Use the graphics – if you want 🙂 (I did; they’re gorgeous!!)
  • Have fun!

Behold the Dreamers by: Imbolo Mbue. This novel was something different and really worth reading because it told a story from a perspective that isn’t heard from.

The Chalk Man by: C.J. Tudor. What a freakin’ novel! I now recommend this novel to everyone, even if horror is not your genre!

The Museum of Heartbreak by: Meg Leder. I didn’t expect to like this book as much as I did. I’m very glad I enjoyed it!

I recently finished The Rosie Result by: Graeme Simsion and DAMN, it that cover orange!

My recent read: Sword and Pen by: Rachel Caine. I loved this series it was so much fun, and the way it all ended was just as good.


Kopp Sisters on the March by: Amy Stewart. I don’t know when I’m going to get to it, but I’m really excited to dive back into this series because it’s SO good!


I’m going to be hella lazy and say if you’re feeling this tag, I tag you! 🙂

20 thoughts on “The Fall Book Tag III

    1. I hope you enjoy Behold the Dreamers! At first I wasn’t totally into it, but as I dug deeper into the story was very invested in the story!
      I know! I need to read her second book still!

      Liked by 1 person

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