Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Gemini

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Sonya Mukherjee’s novel Gemini.


Gemini by: Sonya Mukherjee: Conjoined twins, Clara and Hailey have spent their whole lives in a bubble essentially, living in a small town where everybody knows who they are, and no one stares. Now that the girls are getting older and graduation looms, they are thinking about their future and what they would like to study, and where. This novel was definitely a fresh take on a coming of age story. This left the reader curious to learn more, as this novel felt like it just scratched the surface on conjoined twins. For the purposes of this story, it did a good job introducing readers into this world. The plot overall, was good, it was relevant to teens as they try to navigate who they are and figure out who they want to be. Obviously this novel touched on boys, but it was good to see that it didn’t focus on them getting the boy in the end, but instead on the girls and their dreams of getting out of town to become someone. The characters were well created, they were raw and emotional and completely realistic. The reader felt for all of them for different reasons because Mukherjee did a great job of creating these dynamic characters. As a whole, this novel was fast-paced and well put together that kept the reader invested and engaged.

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