
Reading Firsts 2024 Book Tag

Hi friends, happy Monday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m doing something a little different, I’m doing a book tag! I have to thank both, Lucy @Elise LMC and Eli @Ace Reader for tagging me! Please check out their amazing book blogs! 😊 Let’s get into it!

First Book Read In 2024

Blood Like Fate by: Liselle Sambury. This was the second book in this duology and I loved it just as much as the first. I love how much family was important to the main character and the fact that this series took place in Toronto/Mississauga felt so much like home.

First Review of 2024

Moon of the Crusted Snow by: Waubgeshig Rice was the first review I posted on the blog this year. I still have to read the sequel to this, but this one was long-listed for Canada Reads last year and I enjoyed it immensely. The folklore and the mystery were so good!

First Debut Read in 2024

I’m guessing this means an author’s debut novel. Reuniting With Strangers by: Jennilee Austria-Bonifacio. This novel had so much heart and I loved it to pieces I honestly don’t feel like I can gush about it enough; it hit me in all the feels in so many ways, just go read it!

First β€œNew to Me” Author of 2024

Woke Up Like This by: Amy Lea. I haven’t read anything by this author, but this novel was SO good that I’d read more from this author. This was a cute rom-com, 13 going on 30s vibe and it was just such a fun read!

First Book of 2024 That Slayed Me

Again, I have to use Reuniting With Strangers – that book had me feeling everything and I loved it so much.

First Book of 2024 That I wish I Could Get Back the Time I Spent Reading It

I thought there had been a book I rated 2 stars and looking back I can’t find one. Everything has been at least a 3 star. Even if I haven’t liked a book, there’s usually a redeeming quality to the book that has me bumping up the rating. I think Broken Beautiful Hearts by: Kami Garcia came close to a 2 star, but the ending got me.

First 5 Star Book of 2024

That would have to go to Junie by: Chelene Knight. This book was so well told; had a lot of impact and the look on mother/daughter relationships was just so beautiful.

And there we are, my first book tag in what feels like years! I like that most of the books I used as answers were Canada Reads nominated books.

Thanks again to Lucy and Eli for tagging me again!

I tag anyone who wants to do this!

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