Monthly Wrap-Ups

March 2024 Wrap-Up

Hello friends, happy Monday, and happy April Fool’s Day! I hope you didn’t get fooled! Today I’m wrapping all that was March in my life, let’s jump right into it!

Currently Reading:

On page 46

Skeleton Crew by: Stephen King. I’m jumping right into my next King read, his next collection of short stories. I’m not very far, but so far I’m enjoying the beginning of the Mist. I already know that King is good at writing stories that revolve around survival, so I expect good things.

On page 390

The Canterbury Tales by: Geoffrey Chaucer. I’m still kicking away at this, but I’ve made quite a big dent this month. It has gotten easier to read now that I’ve found a bit of a pattern to it, but I’m still having trouble understanding actual stories and what’s happening. I have a feeling it won’t get much better, but I still have the last quarter of the book to find out!

What I’ve Read:


Cowboy Graves by: Roberto Bolaño. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ A nice collection of short stories; I didn’t quite connect with them, but I thought they were well written.

When She Reigns by: Jodi Meadows. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ A good ending to a trilogy I didn’t always care for; this felt like it was longer than it needed to be, but I still enjoyed all the dragons.

Reuniting With Strangers by: Jennilee Austria-Bonifacio. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really, really enjoyed this; from the writing to the characters and the heart, it was just so beautiful.

Mamaskatch by: Darrel J. MeLeod. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was long listed for Canada Reads and told a harrowing tale, but also an inspiring one.

The Talisman by: Stephen King & Peter Straub. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I finished my next King read, woo! I enjoyed this, I didn’t love it; I wish it had been shorter, but it was still entertaining.

The Light Between Oceans by: M.L. Stedman. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was an emotional read, but a really well written and fully invested read!

Zainab Takes New York by: Ayesha Harruna Attah. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really liked the concept of this story, but it could have used some work. This was this author’s debut and I look forward to where she grows.

Links to my my blog posts this past month:

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

The Orangutan Librarian talked about AI and Art Theft

Christina @The Bookshelf Corner posted book titles that would make great candle names

March has been another whirlwind of a month. I thought it would be slower… it was not. I’m not complaining because it’s been fun, but I do miss reading and watching things (my poor Disney project!).


✨Went glow in the dark mini putting

✨Celebrated one of my best friend’s birthdays by going out to eat and going axe throwing

✨Threw an axe for the first time

✨Went out to drinks with friends

✨Got my hair cut

✨Went out to dinner quite a few times

✨Found a new family doctor

✨Spent some time at the lakeside in Port Credit

✨Finally went to sing karaoke – it’s been years and it was so much fun!

✨Celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by going to an Irish pub!

✨Took a day trip to Buffalo with friends to go shopping… I literally thought I was going to drop 😄

✨Went bowling for the first time in years, too… I am not good. 😂

✨Bought new shoes that are better support for my feet – yes, I’m really proud of this!

✨Explored new restaurants

✨Went to the Rec Room with friends

✨Celebrated Easter with family, lots of food!

What I’ve watched:

Angel; season 2. This season was wishy-washy for me. I enjoyed it, but the first half wasn’t my jam. The whole Darla plot and Angel’s obsession with her drove me mad. I couldn’t wait for it to be over. The second half of the season was better. As much as Angel going into that depression and basically leaving his friends sucked, I like that he slowly found his way back to them. I also liked the addition of Gunn. We met him at the end of last season, and watching him become one of the crew was fun. I like his relationship with Cordelia… I mean, I like all their relationships with her because they look out for her and they really love one another and it shows. To me, if they ever wanted to explore her and Gunn as more than friends I would be okay with that, but we’ll see. I also LOVED the addition of the karaoke bar and Lorne! OMG he’s SO funny and I love everything about him. His plotline and how his family fits into the second half of the season was so good! I’d watch that for a few seasons, I was hooked. Curious to see where season 3 will go as in the timeline, we’re now just finding out that Buffy died on Buffy, so I’m assuming we’ll get a few crossover epiosdes.

The Shadowhunters; season 3, part 1. I managed to finish the 10 epiosdes of the first half of the season. I can see that the show started to take its own turn on things that happened in the books, granted I don’t remember every detail, but I 100% didn’t remember some of this stuff so I knew it was the show creating it. I thought it was a good plot because it kept me hooked. I had no idea if Jace was going to be okay or not. I kinda like how the first half ended on a cliffhanger… but I feel like it’s not truly a cliffhanger because we’re left wondering if Clary is alive… but when she’s the main character, are they really going to kill her off? I highly doubt it, but I’d be okay with being proven wrong. In the last episode where Simon has to tell his mother that he’s dead… oh man. I remember that from the books and it was just SO emotional watching it… like I teared up because it was both for his mother and for Simon. I’m super curious to see how the end everything.

List of Movies:

  • Disney Movies
    • Again I’m keeping this here for when I finally get back to this.

Taylor Swift: Eras Tour. My mom wanted to watch this… I’m seeing Taylor in November so I wasn’t that interested in seeing it, but it was still fun and singing along to all the songs. I loved that for each era, all her costumes were sparkly, it was so mesmerizing to watch. I can see why Swifties would be very into this!

What I’m watching:

Boy Meets World; season 4. I’m still chugging away at this. I’m halfway through the season. The Thanksgiving episode was really heavy, but also really well done; then the episode I just watched where Shawn starts to date a girl who doesn’t want him to see Cory anymore was genius! The way they made it like an affair between the two was so creative and SO funny! I can’t wait to see what else season 4 has to offer!

Bear and the Big Blue House; season 2. I’m making a slow progress on this show, but so far this has been going the same way as season one and I’m enjoying it.

Angel; season 3. I’ve jumped back over to Angel for now. I’m only a few epiosdes into this season and so far I’m liking it, but I’m not sure why they decided to make Fred a new character. We met her at the end of last season and Angel saved her… and now she’s part of the main crew but she doesn’t really do anything, so I don’t get it yet. Also they’ve hinted at Darla coming back because she’s pregnant… not looking forward to see where that goes.

Star Trek: Voyager; season 7. I have the finale left to watch… I’ll talk more about the season as a whole next month.

The Simpson; season 15. I have a few epiosdes of this season, so again I’ll talk more on this next month.

The Good Doctor; season 7. There have been a few more epiosdes released this month and they’ve been good. The two new characters they’ve added as the new resident doctors are both very interesting. One has a disability, quite similar to Shaun’s… and Shaun can’t stand her, it’s quite an interesting dynamic. Then we have another who faints or throws up at the sight of blood; at first I thought that was odd, but we slowly learn he’s just doing the surgeon rotation because he has to as part of his course. It does make for something interesting to watch.

New Girl; season 1. This is a re-watch and something I’ve been putting on in the background so I’ve put it here but it’s not something I’m seriously consuming.

Law & Order: Toronto; season 1. This is still going strong; I like how intricate the plots are and how it makes you really think about who’s committing the crimes. I also like that we got a Rob Ford sort of story… that was hilarious to watch as someone who was in Ontario during his run as Toronto mayor.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 20. This hasn’t really wowed me yet, but I’m still here to watch it.

Station 19; season 7. Like the above, this hasn’t wowed me yet… but I’m ready to see where the season goes. I’m not really feeling Herrera as captain, I guess we’ll see how it goes.

Instagram & YouTube videos from the month:

How was your March? Read, watch, do anything interesting? Let me know!

5 thoughts on “March 2024 Wrap-Up

  1. Great wrap-up and thank you for including my post! Glow in the dark mini putting sounds so cool! I’ve never done karaoke but would like to someday. Finding the perfect shoes that properly support your feet is always a plus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! You’re very welcome, I really enjoyed reading it! 😄 I only do karaoke in the private roomed bars… I could never do it in front of strangers!
      And yes! The perfect shoe really makes all the difference! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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