TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season Three

Hello everyone, I hope you’re all keeping well! Today has been a day. That is all. I hope everyone is ok and safe.

Welcome back to TV Tuesday! It’s been a little while, but I’m ready to come back and talk about the shows I’ve been watching. Up first is the third season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

This season starts where last seasoned ended… Sabrina willing to go to the depths of hell of her boyfriend, Nick. Now she’s enlisted her friends to come with her, and of course they can’t say no. They’re not going to let her go alone.

So all 4 of them go. They are instructed not to go off the red path, but when Theo sees his dead uncle he can’t help but go after him. Each and every one of them then begins to see their dead loved ones, Harvey sees his brother and Roz sees her grandmother.

They do run into Dark Lord himself, the one who calls himself Sabrina’s father, and that’s where Nick is. Nick doesn’t think he’s worth it to be saved but of course Sabrina thinks otherwise.

She’s able to bring him back to the Academy locked up in their dungeon but the Dark Lord is using Nick’s body to stay alive. So Sabrina needs to find another body for the Dark Lord to stay in to free Nick.

As well, when she runs into Lilith, Lilith appoints Sabrina as the Queen of Hell as a punishment for bringing Nick back, which comes with its own set of rules.

Meanwhile, Prudence is on the hunt for her own father so she can save her siblings and stop him from the destruction he could cause, but he’s not willing to give up that information.

I didn’t know Prudence and Sabrina’s cousin, Ambrose were a thing, they’re an interesting couple.

Sabrina’s aunts are looking into restoring the Academy after it was destroyed. It’s not going so well because someone is calling Zelda a bitch.

I have to say that this season has started off with a bang alright!

It’s fun to watch between all the serious plots there are these mundane teenage plots. For instance Sabrina’s four friends are in a band, they play the the cheesiest songs haha, and Roz has made Sabrina join the cheer squad.

As Queen of Hell it is now Sabrina’s job to help people who are about to die get to the afterlife. She’s technically supposed to make them all join hell, but her first victim she brings to heaven… not hell. This upsets Lilith so her next victim she has to ensure they go to hell… only that easier said than done.

This guy is smarter than Sabrina and knows that he’s going to die, he’s passed up death a few times. This time he was told if he offers up an innocent soul, he could live for 7 more years… so he steals a child and now Sabrina wants to, I think, do more than to drag him to hell.

She thinks she can use his body to house the devil but that doesn’t work out.

While all of this is going on, her aunts have no idea any of this is going on! They’re about to really yell at Sabrina that is until Ambrose and Prudence arrive with Blackwood’s body.

The two found him… along with her siblings… who are now years older, interesting time warp.

So is Theo going to get a love story? I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet. Robin seems like a good guy, but something looks off to me.

Sabrina thinks everything is going to be okay… that is until one of her Hell pals, mainly the Prince of Hell, Caliban, wants to run against her for her spot on the throne. In order for her to seal her spot she must go on this quest find a crown, a crown that could save all the witches in Greendale.

Ambrose helps her find the crown in Riverdale… is this some sort of crossover waiting to happen?

Along with the crown a creature follows… and he wants his crown back. And get his crown back he does… then Caliban ends up with the crown.

They then rise and celebrate… SEE I KNEW ROBIN WAS BAD! He’s there rising and celebrating this creature. There’s something so off about the whole carnival.

Wow, Hilda’s boyfriend asks her to marry her, awww. But it happened at the carnival so I’m hoping nothing weird happens.

The witches powers continue to dwindle and they need to come up with a solution and fast. They come up with a plan that deals with angel’s blood… but when she goes to get that blood she finds Nick… with sex demons. Damn the man is into BDSM. He’s really struggling since having the Dark Lord in his body.

Speaking of sex, I like the sex-positive conversations that Roz and Harvey are having. I like how it’s Harvey who isn’t sure he’s ready for sex.

The witches are about to do their hare moon celebration when the carnival people, who are pagan witches, show up wearing these masks.

Things don’t go well, at all. The pagans believe that the old ways are coming back, and they’ve given three days to decide what they are to do.

While this is happening, Harvey thinks the woman from the carnival was weird (which she is…) and when his dad wakes up with her he asks Roz to use her powers to look into her… bit something happens to Roz… she’s turned into stone.

Nick and Sabrina have a really big fight, Sabrina just wants to help him, but he just wants out, he doesn’t want to feel anymore pretty much. He tells her that she wasn’t worth going to hell for, and that every time he looks at her he sees her father. Poor Nick, like he must really be suffering and at this point I feel like the only person he can take it out on is Sabrina, which sucks.

He decides he’s going to, what kill the Dark Lord once and for all? All this does is leave him bloody and unconscious… and where did Blackwood’s body go?

Sabrina wants to help Nick, but Hell calls and she must continue on with the next challenge for her victory to the throne.

She was get Pontius Pilate’s bowl, but that is apparently very hard. She gets to the depth of hell realm where’s she’s put in jail… and guess who’s there with her, Caliban. He risks getting whipped for her, which gives her a way to get out and steal the bowl… but that also leaves him behind. There’s this weird connection going on here and I’m like, I’m all for it. Like move over Nick hello Caliban.

When she comes back with the bowl the Hell pals want to know where Caliban is… just when they’re about to say he’s gone for good, the guy shows up.

What’s the deal with Hilda turning into a spider? Like we know the pagan witch cursed her but only Hilda can see it happening. Well now her boyfriend sees it, but Hilda thinks that there is no hope for her, so he’s trying to do everything to make her comfortable until the end. NO! She can’t die!

And Speaking of the pagans… they don’t want to settle with them, they want to take over using their blood. Yikes! How are they ever going to get out of this?! At the same time, is the Dark Lord for these pagan witches? What is happening?!

So they want virgin blood that’s why they’ve gone after Sabrina, Harvey and Theo. And now Robin is saying that he grew up with them but he doesn’t believe in what they want… I don’t know how much I trust Robin yet. He still feels odd to me.

Zelda, oh Zelda she’s really having a time this season. She feels like everyone is leaving her or betraying her, and now that she has no powers she’s feistier than ever. When all their efforts keep failing, she then summons all these head witches to help. Prudence summons a witch she knows and this threatens Zelda because she knows that this other witch can take over.

Then we have stone Roz… Sabrina with the help of Caliban… he all of a sudden shows up to help her. They also speak of the third task and he tells her they could continue to work against each other, or they could work together… and then he just outright proposes marriage. She is totally taken aback, as she should, and she doesn’t agree. They find a spell that will hopefully work to save Roz.

Now all Harvey has to do is say the spell to Aphrodite claiming Roz is his true love and kiss her… well it doesn’t work… which is the imply that Harvey still loves Sabrina. Caliban is very invested in her love life.

Ooo Sabrina is so good at putting people in their place, like damn she puts Nick in his place real fast!

Why does everyone assume that Sabrina is sleeping with Caliban? Geez. The way he does look at Sabrina I can kinda see why, but still!

Since that spell didn’t work… Sabrina with the help of Ambrose and all the witches she goes to the carnival to find one of them who can change things with her hands. This woman is then able to turn Roz back into flesh and bone.

Apparently there is going to be a lot of hate towards Robin with the pagans… I still have a funny feeling about Robin.

Okay WHAT just happened? Hilda calls Zelda as she’s become full on spider and she’s killed her boyfriend… she thinks that if Zelda kills her, it will solve their problems… so Zelda does. But I have a sneaking suspicion she’s not coming back.

So we’ve seen Miss Wardwell throughout the season as herself again now that Lilith gave her her body back (even if Lilith still looks like Miss Wardwell). The real miss Wardwell can’t remember anything that’s happened to her and now that the Dark Lord is roaming free Lilith goes to protect her from him. This freaks Miss Wardwell out and she ends up at the Spellmans where Zelda just thinks it’s Lilith not realizing it’s Miss Wardwell… and Wardwell just shoots Zelda because there are witches in Greendale. Uh what? The way she goes down though is so Zelda, she takes one last drag of her cigarette and then falls. Damn.

So Lilith separates Blackwood’s body from the Dark Lord’s and now Blackwood is against the witches and has joined forces with the pagans. On top of this Lilith is now pregnant with the Dark Lord’s child… a son.

So the Dark Lord and Lilith have teamed up so to speak and now want Sabrina to finish the challenge that has been started for the throne.

Meanwhile, all Sabrina wants to do is save her aunts. Because she has no power, she must ask her mortal cheer friends for help.

While they’re doing that, her aunts are in this in between place. Zelda wants out, but then their brother, Edward Sabrina’s father shows up to guide them. He’s showing them past and future, the different faces of the moon. That’s when Zelda figures out what she needs to do to save the witches… she wakes up… only to be stabbed by Blackwood. Oh come!

Now that Blackwood is free from the Dark Lord he wants to know where his children are… he ends up killing Prudence without getting any info.

Sabrina then has no choice but to go on the last quest… and boy is it a challenge. She has to find all these pieces, betray people she loves, and face an awful vampire, all so that Caliban can trick her into thinking she’s doing the right thing. Caliban doesn’t think so, he doesn’t think she should be doing the quest while her family are lying in a weird realm and her friends need help.

Speaking of her friends, the pagans are under attack. They manage to get a message to Nick of all people… but will he be able to help?

The pagans require the blood of a virgin to help rise the Green Man and end all life in Greendale, and now Harvey is they only virgin as Theo slept with Robin… and so he’s exposed while Theo and Roz are tied up. My question is where did Robin and Nick go?

How is this all going to end?

So Sabrina gets trapped in rock in hell for decades, it’s only herself that somehow saves herself and lets her free. What she finds is that Caliban has won the throne but has failed to rule it.

Back on earth everyone is dead… everyone but Ambrose. The pagans have won and now Sabrina has to find a way to save both worlds.

She uses this spell to go back in time, a time before everyone has truly died. They save Zelda but when she finds out Hilda never rose… she puts on a really big spell to save her… I honestly didn’t think Hilda would rise, but she does!

Now they’re all banned together to get rid of the pagans. But now that Sabrina has all the knowledge because she’s future Sabrina, and they sacrifice Wardwell as the virgin, which leads to corruption and this makes the pagans recoil and call Greendale tainted.

That’s when the witches attack leaving the pagans to really flea.

Is this foreshadowing? Roz kills one of the pagans and tells Harvey, lets save her head, we might need it some day.

After saving Greendale and the witches future Sabrina goes back to hell to release her past self and end the time loop. But when she gets there she releases why does she need to close the loop, past Sabrina wants the crown, and future Sabrina wants to be with her family and be an teenager. So they agree not to end the loop and now there are two Sabrina’s around. Interesting, I wonder how well that is going to work out.

Ambrose is not happy that there are two Sabrina’s floating around. He knows something bad is going to happen.

Then there’s Blackwood who opens this I don’t even know what it is but he says that it could end the Spellmans.

What a way to end the season. What a whirl of a wind of a season. I’m really excited for another part so that I can see where the two Sabrina storyline is going to go.

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