Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Night Circus

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re well. Today I’m posting my review of Erin Morgenstern’s novel, The Night Circus.

Read more: Review: The Night Circus
The Night Circus

The Night Circus by: Erin Morgenstern: Le Cirque des Rêves is a circus that shows up without warning and opens only at night. Behind this circus is a competition that two young magicians, Celia and Marco have been forced into by their instructors. For years, neither of them know who the other is, but once they meet, a bond is formed and they are struck by love. This begins to set off the course of the circus and all the performers. Now the two must find a way to save the circus, while also saving their love, if they can. This was a magical and lyrically written novel. The reader enjoyed this in the end because it didn’t start that way. This started slow and the timeline was really hard to follow. Not only were we trying to figure out what this world was about, but we were trying to learn about the characters in these different times, which made it super confusing and a little frustrating to read. The writing was always really well done and that’s why the reader kept going to see and hope that it would get better, and it did. This took a long time to get situated into this world but once the reader started to get there the plot and characters really started to open up. The plot was this complete fantasy which then kind of ramped up to become a mystery that was alluring and intriguing. The characters lacked a bit because it felt like we never truly got to know them. Some felt more surface level than others, but none of them felt completely flushed out. The love story was beautiful and the ups and downs we learn about all of them and how they’re all connected in this circus game was interesting and captivating, but there was nothing extremely memorable about any of these characters’ personalities, just the things that happened to them. Despite it being hard to get into, the pace was always really fast and had the reader flipping the pages, even if they didn’t completely understand what was happening. In the end though, this turned out to be charming story with a lot of different elements that came together in a beautiful way. 

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