TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Creepshow Season Three

Hello friends, happy Tuesday, I hope you’re well! Today I’m going to be talking about the the third season of the TV show Creepshow.

Read more: Let’s Talk About… Creepshow Season Three

This season follows the same format as the first two, anthology stories where each episode has two short stories. If you haven’t seen this and you plan to watch it, I spoil all the stories so read at your own risk!

Mumms – This one was creepy and definitely had a good ending. This started off very predictable, the dad is a bad guy (in this he’s some confederate nuthead, gross) and the mom wants to get away with her son. I was bored by the premise, but then the story continued and it got better. Obviously the dad convinces the son that his mother needs help (yeah ok) and takes her away and kills her, then buries her in their front yard (that was smart). The son plants his mother’s flowers and the next day they blossom. When he spills his blood on the earth I think that’s what brings her to life because then it’s a little unclear if she possesses the son and gets him to kill his father, aunt and uncle so he’s alone, but he does this with her help and now he’s free. In the end it shows him driving off to go find his mother’s family… he’s all of like 14 but he’s driving, which I thought was strange, but I liked how it all played out.

Queen Bee – This was interesting. This pop star who is mega famous is about to have a baby and her three biggest fans need to be there. When her biggest fan tells them where, I think because her mom works at the hospital she’s giving birth, they go. Once they get there, everything is dark and all the doctors are under some spell. It isn’t long before they figure out that the pop star is really a monster and has everyone fanning over her because she can control them with this sound she makes. It kills one of them and it’s down to two. The one girl is determined to get out and tell the police, but the number one fan girl is like no, you can’t do that, she has tickets to the next few concerts and she’ll get to be the babysitter of her larva babies (gross). The other tries to get free, but in the end she’s no match. It was gross and just really a weird concept for a story. 

Skeletons in the Closet – This was a lot of fun. This played on a lot of other horror movies tropes, as the two main characters own a museum that shows off artifacts from horror movies. Watching them come to life was fun. There are all these skeletons in this museum and the girl thinks it’s kinda weird, but goes with it. Then when this guy comes in and threatens them, the girl, out of self defence ends up killing him. Now they have to clean up the body… the only way her boyfriend knows how… skin the body alive until it’s just a skeleton left. As the story goes on we soon learn who each of the skeletons are and it’s creepy… yet also really interesting. The storytelling in this one was so good!

Familiar – I’m not sure if this story is called that because the story is familiar to the viewer… or it has to do with a familiar… or both? Either way, clever, but this was kinda boring. This looks like it was a modern day take on the original story ‘The Crate’. I didn’t like that short story, so that’s why this one didn’t do anything for me. This guy and his girlfriend go to a psychic and after that nothing is the same. He sees things and his girlfriend is teasing him for it. He realizes that he needs to capture whatever it is that’s following him… somehow this leads to him capturing his girlfriend in a crate and tossing her in the lake… only guess what… she comes back all waterlogged and ready to bounce. If you liked any of the original Creepshow stuff, this felt like a decent homage to it. 

The Last Tsuburaya – First off, I liked this one, but damn did I also hate it a little too. So this kid is told he’s related to this ancient Japanese artist and they just found his last painting that no one has ever seen. Obviously people are offering him a lot of money to buy it off him. Here enters Richy McRich who storms in, offers the kid 20 million and tells him he’s not allowed to see it. The kid is so confused, but in the end takes the deal. We flash to the next night where he decides to have a reveal party this house… where the reveal is him viewing the painting and then burning it… what a jackass. Rich people are so weird, plus he’s not even a nice or good guy. Then he starts to be haunted by whatever was in that painting; good serves him right. We get exposition on how shitty a person this guy is, so watching him self destruct was satisfying. This story paid off in the end because man I wanted to beat him myself.

Ok I’ll Bite – This one was so boring; my gosh the amount of exposition was like, I’d rather read a book right now. Every little thing is explained and I’m like, you can show what is happening, you don’t have to tell so much, it took a lot away from the story. What I will give this story is that it was creepy with all the spiders. So this guy is in prison for killing his mother, really he was assisting her death because he didn’t want her to suffer anymore. He’s up for parole but he’s not granted it because this officer can’t have him leaving because he supplies drugs to the other inmates. One night he’s attacked and the spiders (who are his pets, ick) try to save him, but the other prisoners claim they’re too dangerous to have around, so they remove them. I’m pretty sure he was getting the drug supply from the spider venom so that creates a problem. Tired of it all he wants out, and he gets it. He’s sent a letter and in it is some ritual that has to do with his spiders… and essentially turn him into a spider… and he does just that, killing the prison officer with his web… nice!

Stranger Sings – I think this was supposed to be a woman’s empowerment story because there was a lot of tropes in reverse. Usually the man is the dominant, tries to intimidate the woman, get him to do what he wants and here the roles were reversed.   This woman lures a man back to her place, at first we have no idea why exactly other than possibly to kill him. When he finds a dead body in her bathroom he wants to run, makes sense. That’s when we learn there are two women; one is the one who lured him, an ordinary woman who seeks revenge on all the men that have hurt her, and the other is a siren, who can control him with her voice. She doesn’t want the voice anymore and so the other woman gladly will take it, so they want him to do a surgery on them to removed the voice box and place it in the other. The guy is like I’m not that kind of doctor, but what choice does he have? None. So he does it, both are happy. It was obvious that the ordinary woman, turned siren was going to kill him… only she’s stopped and killed by the other woman… I didn’t see that coming. It was an interesting power dynamic of a watch that I didn’t totally hate. 

Meter Reader – This one confused me, it gave me Gunslinger/fantasy vibes. I don’t get how the dead heads truly played into this. I guess there are people who go around killing people, basically performing exorcists, and in the process sometimes it kills them. This girl’s father is one of those killers. They are waiting for him to come home, but if he comes home after a certain time, they don’t let him in because he could be infected. But when he comes home late, their mother wants to let him in… the girl thinks it’s a bad idea, and yep it was a bad idea because he was infected and he starts to take the rest of the family. She tries to save them but it’s too late. In the end, she takes on the family business essentially and becomes what her father was. I spent this one kinda bored; even though it had entertaining elements it didn’t really do anything for me. 

Time Out – This one was actually really terrifying. So this kid has been gifted a dresser from his grandmother. It’s not just a regular dresser, it has powers. If you step into it, you gain time… but you can’t go in without the key. He first sees it when he’s a child, but then he receives it in law school. When he runs out of time to study for an exam, he hops in and it let’s him gain as much time as he wants to study, without losing any time in the real world. But clearly when he steps out, we can see he’s aged… so the downside to going in is aging rapidly… which makes sense if you’re trying to cheat time. Over the years he uses it to give himself more time and over time we see him degenerate faster and faster. One night he has to work on a case for work so he makes a trip. His son finds him before he goes in, distracting him from the hole in his pocket where the key falls out of. So when he goes in and wants to come out… he can’t. We see him age like crazy as he tries to get his son’s attention on the outside. His son is moving in slow motion, which I thought was kinda funny. The kid finds the key, opens the door, but it’s too late for his dad, he disintegrates before our eyes. The worst part… the kid get into the dresser… WITHOUT THE KEY!!! That poor kid just lost his entire life; I screamed when I watched him walk in. 

The Things in Oakwood’s Past – This one was animated, which I don’t know if I liked more or less than all the others. I mean, it wasn’t bad, it was still a gruesome story. They find this crate from 1821 and they think it’s a time capsule. The town can’t wait to open it to find out what was put in 200 years ago… although wouldn’t most of it be decomposed by that time? Anyways, this librarian is convinced that this crate (why is Creepshow obsessed with crates?) is evil. No one believes her and her father is the mayor, who’s trying to silence her. Cut to the night of the reveal… and the librarian warns them… but they open it anyways. Guess what’s inside? A crate full of monsters waiting to seek their revenge of the town. Man, there are so many gruesome, gross deaths. The way the newscaster goes out was terrible. Poor guy got ripped to shreds. The only thing that ends up saving the librarian is the fact that she made it feet onto the other side of the town. Apparently these monsters can’t leave the town lines, wow. It was definitely entertaining and creepy.   

Drug Traffic – What. The. Heck was this story? We see this councillor who’s running for president and his whole platform is affordable healthcare saying they shouldn’t have to go to another country for medicine. He also plays on America not treating people of colour right… although that turns out to be a front (I wasn’t truly surprised, what politician doesn’t lie and try to look good for the votes?) At first, we’re lead to believe the guard at the boarder is a redneck racist, but as the weird story continues… we learn that he’s actually not that bad of a guy and the councillor is the really racist one. Like wow. They’re on their way back from a trip to Canada to get drugs and they’re at boarder control on the US side. All this Asian girl needs is her medicine to help her. We soon learn that the medicine stops her from becoming this flesh eating monster. When her mother is detatained because she has all these pills, the girl loses it and her head detaches from her body and she’s on the kill. Her mother keeps trying to warn them, but they won’t listen. All they know is they have to kill the girl. Once they think they do, the mother knows what she has to do… she kills herself by cutting her head off – ew – and now her daughter’s head takes over her body and lives on. Talk about creepy as hell! It was gruesome and just suuuper weird, but not totally bad. 

A Girl Named Sue – I’m still confused by the premise of this one. It’s told in all black and white except for a blue hair tie and a red ring, that are supposed to signify this little girl. Everyone in the town is on the hunt for the mayor’s son, they believe he did something to this little girl. When they find him, they bring him in (there was a lot of talking in this… and it didn’t help me understand this any better) and lock him up. When the chief finds the guy, he notices a blue hair tie and just knows he has something to do with it. They find the girl, but she’s a monster and they set loose her on the guy. Now I don’t know if he tried to kill her or he made her into the monster she became. In the end, all I know is that she ended him off. It was a weird story to end the season on because it wasn’t that strong. 

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