Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #23 đŸ

Hi friends, welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 684
On page 241
On page 62









The Stand: I’m 59% of the way through; I’m hitting a part of this novel where I’m getting tired of it. Like, one chapter I read this week was SO repetitive of everything I’d just read. What was the point of the first almost 700 pages if you’re going to wrap it up in 40 pages? I’ve liked getting to know the characters, but don’t waste my time.
Extras: I’m 57% of the way through; Tally has pinged Aya, she hasn’t shown up yet, but I have a feeling she will soon. I’m excited for them to meet as Tally is very famous for everything she did in the past three books.
Lastly I’m reading The Suffering by: Rin Chupeco. I really liked the first novel, this one is just super high school and there is a lot of bullying and I’m just not enjoying it as much, but I’m going to continue to see where it goes. 









I finished my re-read of Hollow City by: Ransom Riggs and it was enjoyable. This, like the first novel was a lot of slow build up to get to the main plot, but that ending? Damn, I didn’t remember it being so intense! I can’t wait to continue reading this series.


As I’m reading slower than I think I’ve ever read, I’m going to continue with my re-read of the Peculiar Children series with Library of Souls being next.



What are you all reading?

5 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #23 đŸ

    1. I agree, I just forgot how slow the build up is. I figured I should re-read the first three since I haven’t read the last two that came out recently!
      Ah yes! All the books, trust me my TBR is full of new books I want to read… I’m just waiting for the library to re-open!!

      Liked by 1 person

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