
The Real Neat Blog Award

Hi friends, I hope you’re all enjoying your Tuesday. I was nominated by Emer @A Little Haze Book Blog for this award. Thank you so much Emer. If you’re not following her, I highly recommend you do 🙂

This award was created by Dear Kitty, Some Blog. The award came about as a way to highlight bloggers that need more attention because of their awesome content on their blogs.

The Rules:

  • Display the Award Logo.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the seven questions of the one who nominated you.
  • Nominate seven bloggers to receive the award and tag/pingback to their blogs.
  • Ask them seven new questions.

Emer’s Questions

Time for some self love. What is your favourite thing about yourself?

I’ve been having a hard time answering this question. Physically, probably my eyes; personality, how much I care (sometimes I think it’s a bad thing because caring too much can really hurt a person) but in the end I like that I care.

It’s late. You’ve had a crazy long day and you are super hungry. What is your go to quick meal? Mine is baked beans on toast with a little grated cheese melted on the top… and when I say a little cheese I mean a lot of cheese…

Haha, Emer that sounds tasty. Mine is probably grilled cheese. I love cheese too. There is nothing better than cheese and grilled cheese is so comforting to me. I used to make them after I’d write an exam in my school days.

List the best five books that you have read in the last 12 months.

I’m going to go from June-November of 2019 because I plan to post about my best 2020 books later this year.

Where Am I Now? by: Mara Wilson.
You Know Me Well by: Nina LaCour & David Levithan.
The Nix by: Nathan Hill
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by: Jaye Robin Brown
The Chalk Man by: C.J. Tudor

Would you rather be an oak tree or a butterfly?

Definitely a butterfly… I don’t like sitting still, I need to be able to spread my wings and fly.

What book have you reread more than any other, or if you do not reread then why is that?

Most definitely, The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde. I read that every year because there is just something about the story that I love to come back to.

If you were a kitchen appliance which one would you be? I am a kettle for sure, always getting boiled up about something…

Ha! I think I have to agree with you Emer, I’d definitely be a kettle too. I have a tendency to start talking about something and then as I get more passionate, the louder I get… 😅

Would you rather win an Oscar (award for acting) or a Grammy (award for music)?

An Oscar, I don’t have a musical bone in my body. I’ve been told multiple times I should voice act… maybe one day.

And that’s a wrap. This was fun! I’m not going to be tagging anyone for this, but if you see this and want to answer these questions, go right ahead! 🙂

15 thoughts on “The Real Neat Blog Award

  1. Fun tag! I love The Picture of Dorian Gray too. I actually have the uncensored version too but I haven’t read it yet. I’m really looking forward to it though!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks 😊 Wilde submitted Dorian Gray to his editor for the magazine it was originally published in and the editor “cleaned it up” bc he thought it was too vulgar/offensive. Wilde didn’t see the changes until the story was already published in the magazine which is just insane. I think only about 500 words were cut so it won’t make a huge difference but still, I’d like to read it the way Wilde originally intended.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh wow, I didn’t know about this! I don’t know how I didn’t… that’s really cool though!
        I’d like to know how it reads! You’ll have to let me know!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, right?! 🙂
      Oooo cheese and olives sounds lovely. It really depends for me what mood I’m in what kind of snack I want because I love salty and sweet snacks equally!

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  2. ❤️💙💛💜 I’m glad you were able to answer the self love question. It’s so important to just sit back and think about ourselves positively for a little bit. I know I’m always super critical of myself so it’s a tough question for me too, and I would have a similar answer. I care a lot about others and even though that can be very emotionally demanding I wouldn’t change it about myself ☺️☺️☺️ ALSO HELLO FELLOW KETTLE!!! 😂😂😂 Although I think I’d choose the tree over the butterfly, I like to sit and watch 🤷🏼‍♀️☺️💙💖💜💚

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    1. Thank you, I have to say it was really hard and the way I’ve been feeling recently it took some time to come up with an answer- it was definitely the last question I answered!
      It can be SO emotionally draining… especially if the person (or people) you’re caring about don’t care as much back!!
      I’m glad you wouldn’t change that, I don’t think I can change that about myself ❤️
      HA! HI! 👋🏻
      That’s a good thought, I never thought about a tree that way! 😀 Thanks for tagging me again! 💞

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  3. I loved reading your answers! I’m really craving grilled cheese now… 😀
    I would absolutely choose a butterfly too. They always make me happy when I see one, so I think it would be great if I could do that too 🙂
    Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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