Children's Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Anne of Green Gables

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all keeping well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of L.M. Montgomery’s novel Anne of Green Gables.

Read more: Review: Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables by: L.M. Montgomery: Marilla and her brother Matthew Cuthbert, decide they’re going to adopt a young boy to help around the house, only to their surprised, a young girl, Anne, shows up at the station. Determined to send her back to the orphanage, Anne soon starts to win them over and she gets to stay at Green Gables. This novel was such a delightful read. The reader got completely lost in Anne’s adventures as she learns of life. The stories were so well written and beautifully told. The illustrated edition also added an extra layer of beauty to the story. For the most part, the pacing was really good. It wasn’t until about the second half of the book where things started to speed up as we watched Anne grow from a child to a young woman. The reader wasn’t really prepared for so many years to elapse in such a short amount of time; it worked but the reader would have liked to take the time, instead of abruptly moving so quickly. That aside, this was still such a great read. Anne is such a wholesome character; she’s truly a treasure to read and it’s hard not to love her. She’s quirky and just full of love and wonder. As she grows older she definitely loses a bit of that childhood wonder, but for the majority of the novel the reader got to bathe in the fascination she has with life. The characters in her life were fun to read too, especially Marilla. It takes time to warm up to her as a character, but by the end the reader can’t help but love her too. The balance between Marilla and Matthew was such a great dynamic, it was slightly stereotypical, but it really worked and helped to shape Anne into the person she became by the end. Her rivalry with Gilbert was fun to read as well; that was a dynamic that truly blossomed for the good. The reader wasn’t prepared for how sad this was going to end, but it still played out well. Now, we’re left curious where Anne’s adventures can take her next. As for this, that can be read as a standalone, was such an enchanting read, with such charming characters.

18 thoughts on “Review: Anne of Green Gables

  1. I’m so glad you enjoyed this! It really is the book of my heart, as I grew up with Anne (both in the sense that I read her while I was growing up and that I’ve grown as a person alongside her through the years). Anne certainly grows quieter, learning to share her inner thoughts with those who’ve earned her trust, but I love that she’s the same imaginative Anne Girl to the end, even when her own children have grown. If you want to the rest of the series, I definitely recommend them, too!

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    1. Oh I definitely want to continue with the rest of the series because I love Anne SO much! I’m so glad to hear how much you love Anne too, she’s just something so special! ❤️

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  2. I have heard nothing but wonderful things aboutis and your review was no exception! I didn’t even know it was a series and I can’t wait to pick it up too! 🥰 Wonderful review as usual Meghan! 💕

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