Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Where Am I Now?

Hi guys, happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Mara Wilson’s book, Where Am I Now?

Where Am I Now?

Where Am I Now? by: Mara Wilson: This biography takes a look at child actor, Mara Wilson, from her very early days when she decided to become an actor, and why, all the way up to the beginning of her adulthood life. From life lessons, to losing her mother at a young age, dealing with mental health and so much more, this biography really digs deep into her life growing up. For the most part this book is set up in chronological order, but there are moments where she bounces around to really make a point. Wilson is a great writer and she’s able to captivate her audience with humour and funny antidotes about herself and the people in her life. Even when she wasn’t using humour, she still has this ability to make her reader feel engrossed in her stories. The reader was very unprepared for how much this was relatable, and just how much this book felt like it spoke to the reader, letting readers they aren’t alone in their struggles and that everything you feel is valid. Even if readers don’t relate to this book, the stories are still fascinating, and it’s always interesting to read what happens to child actors. This was definitely a funny, fast-paced, heartfelt read.

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