
3 Quotes in 3 Days: Day 3

Hi guys! Welcome to Day 3 of the 3 Quotes in 3 Days challenge! Thanks one last time to Birdie for nominating me, it has been fun sharing with you some of my favourite quotes! ☺️

My last quote is from Cassandra Clare’s City of Bones. I thought I’d end this challenge on a fun, light note. I love Jace’s wit and sarcasm. I’ve always found it humorous.

Day 3 Nominations: 

Sarah @Reading & Writing Posts
Lauren @Wonderless Reviews
Beth @Reading Every Night

Well I did it! I’m proud of myself 😀 Again don’t feel the need to do this tag, especially if you’ve done it before! This was fun! 🙂

11 thoughts on “3 Quotes in 3 Days: Day 3

  1. Thanks so much for the tag Meghan, and this is a great quote to end your three day challenge on. I have actually read City of Bones (the first three Mortal Instrument books are the only ones I’ve read by Cassandra Clare, I have a lot to catch up on) and I love pretty much all of Jace’s quotes. He’s just so sarcastic and I kind of love that in characters! 😀
    Thanks again for the tag. 🙂

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      1. I need to try and get around to it before next year. My hope is before the next book comes out (Lord of Shadows I think) but if not then at least before the end of 2017.
        I love characters that can make me laugh, and Jace is definitely one of them! 😀

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