Memes · Music Monday

Music Monday: Comin’ Home by City and Colour

Greetings from Cuba! ☀ This week I’m away and I’ve scheduled a few posts for this week. In light of starting to do memes this week I’ve chosen to take part in Drew @The Tattooed Book Geek‘s Music Monday!

For my first Music Monday Drew jokingly told me I should pick a musician from my country, to which I said challenge accepted! He wanted me to pick Justin Bieber… I’mma tell you one time… that no I won’t be picking him. Canada is known for way more than just him, sometimes I wish not but what can you do? No today I’m going to be showcasing one of my favourite artists ever:

City and Colour.

He’s alternative/folk and I love him. He is also amazing live 😀 I had SUCH a hard time choosing a song because they are ALL so good! I decided to go with one of his first singles ‘Comin’ Home’ from his first album Sometimes (2005).

Well I’ve been down to Georgia
I’ve seen the streets in the West
I’ve driven down the 90, hell I’ve seen America’s best
I’ve been through the Rockies, I’ve seen Saskatoon
I’ve driven down the highway 1 just hopin’ that I’d see you soon
‘Cause I’m comin’ home, I’m comin’ home
I’ve never been to Alaska, but I can tell you this,
I’ve been to Lincoln, Nebraska and hell you know it ain’t worth shit
I’ve been through Nova Scotia, Sydney to Halifax
I’ll never take any pictures cause I know I’ll just be right back
‘Cause I’m comin’ home, I’m comin’ home
I’ve seen a palace in London, I’ve seen a castle in Wales
But I’d rather wake up beside you and breathe that ol’ familiar smell
I never thought you could leave me, I figured I was the one
But I understand your sadness so I guess I should just hold my tongue
‘Cause I’m comin’ home, I’m comin’ home
I know that we’re takin’ chances, you told me life was a risk
But I just have one last question
Will it be my heart or will it be his?
I’m comin’ home

9 thoughts on “Music Monday: Comin’ Home by City and Colour

  1. A pretty cool song and not a Bieber in sight!😂

    Though “Canada is known for way more than just him, sometimes I wish not but what can you do?” that quote says that Canada is “known for way more than just him” and then “I wish not” implies you wish that Canada was known just for him!?!🤔🤔🤔 Interesting!😂

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