TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Six Feet Under Season Four

Happy Tuesday friends!  Today on TV Tuesday I’ll be chatting all about Six Feet Under, season 4.

From left to right: Frances Conroy as Ruth Fisher, Lauren Ambrose as Claire Fisher, Michael C. Hall as David Fisher, Matthew St. Patrick as Keith Charles, Peter Krause as Nate Fisher, Rachel Griffiths as Brenda Chenowith, Freddy Rodriguez as Federico Diaz and James Cromwell as George Sibley.


We start up right where we left off. Lisa is dead and Nate finally returns home. Everyone else in the Fisher family had to endure the noises of Ruth and George on their wedding night. Two completely different nights.

In the morning Nate and Ruth reconcile and it’s really good to see. Now Nate has to go and pick Lisa’s body up. The only thing we’re told about her death is that she drowned, nothing more. I kinda want more, apparently she could swim so was it on purpose? David goes with him and when they get back all of Lisa’s family is there and they have conflicting views about what to do with the remains. Nate wants to do what Lisa wanted, which was not to be embalmed and to buried in the dirt with no box, while her family want to cremate her and put her in the family mausoleum. 

In the end Nate pretends to cremate her, instead he gives them the ashes of some other guy. He takes her out to the middle of nowhere and buries her the way she wants to be buried. And he also looses himself, which he has every right to.

And we find out that they are going to keep Brenda in the story with her neighbour who is her new boyfriend? Joe is interesting, I wonder where this plot is going.

Claire calls Russell to come to the funeral and it’s there that she tells him about the abortion, and he looses it. Damn. I didn’t think he’d take it so hard, but then again it’s Russell so it makes sense, he feels everything so strongly.

And then there is David and Keith. Everyone keeps asking David if he’s back together with Keith and he keeps denying until he finally can’t anymore and the two decide to reconcile and do better for each other.

Nate is having a hard time dealing with Lisa’s death; he keeps telling their clients how to feel even though everyone feels grief in different ways. So in the end he realizes that his job is not for him and he quits. David is extremely angry about this, so we’ll see where Nate’s life goes.

Claire has made some new friends. They are bold and intense, but they inspire her and that’s a good thing.

So I don’t know what is going on with Federico. He’s still talking to his stripper friend, Sophia. He’s now buying her groceries and things for her, now he drops everything, including work to be with her, but not for sex, or well it hasn’t been for sex yet.

I like how open David and Keith’s relationship has gotten. David tells Keith about a blow job he received from a plumber and Keith just laughs it off. This is a new Keith. He also has a new job where he’s supposed to be a body guard for celebrities. He’s not allowed to touch anyone and he’s supposed to stop a situation from escalating. We’ll see how that goes.

HAHA someone sends George poop, that’s freaking hilarious! They have no idea who it was, but what?! Where does that even come from? Ha. Just after he complains to Ruth that none of her children seem to like him, he gets literal crap ha. Seems someone else dislikes him even more.

Well they get more shit sent to them, and now Ruth seems to think it was Arthur. She confronts him and he just quits and leaves in the middle of the night. Now it’s just David and Federico. And here David and Keith thought Arthur was gay.

I have no idea what is going on with Federico. Like he’s helping Sophia out, but what does he get out of it? Now he’s agreeing to pay 5000 for her to get a boob job, like what?!

I also have no idea where Brenda’s plot is going. She’s dating Joe but they’re having a sex issue. She wants normal sex, and he I guess wants more complicated and fantasy sex. I don’t know, there’s something weird about him.

I think Keith is liking his new job, but they keep nit-picking everything he’s doing. This is going to get to him I can feel it.

Now that Claire has these two new friends, she likes getting inspiration from them. The whole family has a garage sale and everything they didn’t sell, they burn. Getting rid of the old. Nate claims that he has everything he needs and doesn’t need to get rid of anything, but after a one day stand (as it happened during the day) with a mom from Maya’s mommy and me program, he throws all of the stuff from the room he shared with Lisa. Good bye old.

He also moves back into the house (taking Arthur’s room) and Claire moves out to the room Nate was in.

More shit has arrived and Ruth is dead set on it being Arthur. But that’s when George tells her it’s his son, as the shit the received was in a dump truck, haha. Well that’s when he tells her that he has another son, a son he barely knows so Ruth wants to go meet him and now she’s mad that he never told her about him. So what do they do, go visit him.

Well it doesn’t go very well, as Kyle his son, is super angry at George, and George is angry at him. It’s just a huge mess. And Ruth well she just feels sorry for him. Of course she does.

Nate, ugh Nate. Just when you think he’s getting better, nope! So now he goes to a physic who tells her Lisa is still alive. I don’t think she is, but if they make her alive, ugh this show.

Claire is apparently dealing with her sexuality. She’s now seeing a new guy, Jeremy, but she gets mad at him for not knowing what to do during sex. When she tells her new friends (which I guess I should stop calling them that) they think she’s never had an orgasm before. Her one friend Edie is gay and thinks girls are way better than guys ha.

David’s old girlfriend, or well fiancé, father dies and he has to arrange the funeral. She also looses it on him because she hates that the love of her life turned out to be gay. In the end she apologizes for that because you can tell she still loves him and he her.

Then there’s Brenda. She’s still with Joe and when Nate shows up one day she introduces him to Joe. I guess they get along well.

After she and Joe have dinner with her mother and boyfriend (Claire’s old professor) this gets Joe thinking that he wants to have children… with her Brenda. So are they going to have children now.

Now Federico is getting really getting annoyed with Sophia calling all the time. He yells at her that she’s not his wife, so he could possibly getting rid of her. Well he still wants to hangout with her in a non romantic way. When she shows up at his job, he freaks because he wants her to go, but then agrees to hangout. This whole plot is getting old and stale so it better go somewhere.

Oh how the tables have turned. Now David is mad at Keith for not telling his coworkers that he’s gay. But I don’t think David will break up with Keith for that.

Now Keith is away for three months for work, and David well he decides to pick up a hitchhiker and well things don’t go so well. The guy looks all fun and games, until he pulls out a gun, makes him dump the body that he was picking up, and then gets him high on crack. Wow does David go for a trip.

When he comes down, we almost see the end of David as this guy was a complete psycho holy shit. He almost shoots him, and then throws gas all over him, about to light him on fire. I feared for David’s life. His whole life flashes before his eyes and I really thought it was the end of him. But then the guy drives away and David is left to walk home. It looks like he’s hitchhiking and I’m like, didn’t you learn the first time what can happen, why are you doing that!? But he does find a cop so all is well.

Meanwhile, Nate goes to his first support group meeting, but when he gets there everyone is old. Nate hates it because he can’t relate, he didn’t have a lifetime of memories with Lisa so he can’t relate. I like that he does say all this, but just as he says it the fire alarm goes off. So we never really get a resolution from this.

Ruth thinks she’s being smart by hooking up her friend with George’s son Kyle. George is completely mad, I don’t know what Ruth has with fixing his son.

And Brenda meets with her mother at her campus because Brenda has gone back to school to become a therapist of all trades. We’ll see how that goes, because we already know her mother is on the fence about her being successful.

David now has to deal with the aftermath and we think he’s okay, but really he’s not. I love that Keith comes home for him, and stays and is willing to stay even if that means loosing his job. It’s very sweet, but now it’s David who doesn’t want the help.

It’s his birthday and they throw him a dinner, a really odd dinner, everyone is rather crazy. Claire is high on something while her friends are in her room all high. Then Ruth and George are fighting so that makes things awkward, and George got David a neaty pot… something for your nasal passage and Ruth explodes because she’s so tired of him keeping secrets (because apparently he uses his own neaty pot in the kitchen without her knowing).

Talk about a crazy family dinner.

So George still doesn’t sit right with me. He’s so mean lately and picking small fights and hating that Ruth cares about his past and when she finds out about one of his past girlfriends and how he just left one day, Ruth worries that could be her next.

David thinks he’s dying when he has a panic attack, but I love the scene that follows when he opens up and tells Claire everything that happened. That’s when Claire takes it upon herself to go to Nate and beg him to come back and help David out with the funeral arraignment stuff. Nate is so not about that, as he just started a new job working at this dog camp that trains dogs. But what gets Nate to change his mind, when Claire says he’d do it for you, Nate dresses and goes downstairs. I’m not going to lie that scene made me tear up, uhhh David is my favourite character and to see him starting to get back on his feet is good.

Brenda is now thinking about moving in with Joe, along with trying to have a baby with him. But she freaks after they look at a house and she’s shopping for bedding. That’s when she goes to Nate and tells him she doesn’t think she can change, and obviously they kiss because that’s what they do.

Also at the party, Ruth mentions to Vanessa that she met her friend Sophia. Vanessa obviously has no idea who that is, and confronts Federico about it, and damn is he getting really good at lying. He says she’s a mother in need and he’s helping her family, which is true, but he says there’s a father (which there clearly isn’t) and that he’s giving the Fisher’s old stuff to, which Vanessa thinks is weird that Ruth wouldn’t know about it or who Sophia is. So he says Ruth doesn’t know that Sophie is the mother in need, and to top it off he says it’s with the church, charity work, which again Vanessa doesn’t know why he’s keeping charity work a secret, and his response he started it when he couldn’t talk to her because she was depressed. Oh the webs we weave.

Well now Vanessa is stalking Federico and she’s obviously pissed when she sees Sophia. Federico decides to end it, so let’s see how this plays out. Not very good; because Vanessa looses her shit and then Federico has sex with Sophia.

Nate and Brenda are now having sex but they both know it’s not good, but they continue to do it. Nate is also seeing a woman he met at the dog camp he worked at for all of 5 minutes. When Nate has this bizarre dream about Lisa she tells him to stop being with Brenda and build a new life with this new girl, so he does. Or well he tries to, but Lisa comes back, and she doesn’t want a relationship with her either (which her name is Miley and I don’t care for it). Lisa tells Nate that she’ll say and do anything to get him away from Brenda, then she makes a comment about a tumour, could that be foreshadowing?

Now Brenda has to confess to Joe that she’s been having sex with Nate. She doesn’t name Nate, but Joe is completely at a loss.

Ruth decides to go out on a hike to look for fossils with George. They hike so far that she decides to visit her sister. Her sister is doing so much better than the last time we saw her, she’s teaching art part time, seeing a guy, and feeding burritos to the homeless. We get to see Bettina, I have missed her. Their reunion was amazing, I loved every moment of it. I kinda like that her sister says that George reminds her of Nathaniel, and that she thinks we all date the same person over and over again. It’s a nice moment.

Claire is still trying to figure herself out, and when her friend Edie kisses her she freaks, the next morning she wants to sleep with her.

Keith finally tells his coworkers he’s gay after they go to a gay bar, and now he thinks one of the guys is hitting on him. He calls David to ask if he should make a move, but this just sets David off as he’s still having a very rough time.

Well everyone is just pissed off. Ruth is still pissed at George. When she lets loose on him, man she’s good. But she’s right, he doesn’t know what a marriage is. But he doesn’t want a divorce so I have no idea what he wants. I really, really, really don’t like him. He’s so rude and doesn’t like or understand people.

In the end Ruth just runs away, leaving a note to say that they shouldn’t worry. Who would have seen that coming?

And if they’re not pissed off, they’re all going through some sex issues. Claire tries to have sex with her friend Edie but it turns out she can’t do it at all.

Brenda still wants to hangout with Nate and so one day they end up fooling around while Joe isn’t home, but he walks in on them, well joe freaks the fuck out and leaves her.

Federico is going through too much. He has nowhere to live, he’s actually slept with Sophia and then he tells Vanessa it was only the one time. This leads to Vanessa and her sister going after Sophia. Nothing good comes of it as Vanessa beats the crap out of her car.

Then there’s David and Keith. So David sleeps with a guy from paint balling, and then when the guy wants him to leave David freaks. He’s seriously loosing it. He tells Keith he has to go home, so when Keith goes to resign from the job we find out the singer he’s working for, Celeste already fired him, all because he slept with her last night. I did not see that coming at all! Damn.

So we find out that Ruth went to go stay with Bettina. After a while Bettina gets bored and says they should go out, so what does Ruth suggest, a trip to Mexico! They have a good time even though the conditions weren’t the greatest.

Then there is George on the other hand who is too hardheaded to say sorry, but he ends up breaking down a bit in front of Maya to show that he is human.

Now George is giving Federico marriage advice, this is probably not the greatest. George tells him that maybe it’s time to find a new woman, that he’s been with his wife for too long. Then he starts to compare humans to primates and it’s just weird.

Billy’s back! He’s filling in as Claire’s teacher and so they’re back to talking. I have no idea what I think of Billy anymore.

Claire is still having a hard time with her sexuality. Now a lot of her friends know she’s never had an orgasm, and she’s completely embarrassed. On top of that, Edie is pissed at her for bailing on sex that she doesn’t want to hangout anymore. That’s when Jimmy wants to try this new move, and he asks to try it with her. I think she’s finally had an orgasm.

Speaking of weird sexual tension, David and Keith are back at home together and David is now going through this weird boob obsession and he thinks Keith is going to flip back to being straight because of his night with Celeste.

Nate is still sleeping with Brenda, then he freaks on her when she tells him she loves him. He goes through this weird period where the dead people in his life are taking over and Brenda just gets really high. After all is said and done, Nate goes back to Brenda with Maya so I have a feeling the two will end up together.

Now that they’re together they are better than ever. But when Nate has to go to Iowa for a ceremony for Lisa with her family he brings Brenda with him. He doesn’t want Lisa’s family to know they are together, and they almost make it through the weekend, until the very end and even then Nate tries to make it seem like they aren’t together, but you can tell Lisa’s sister hates Brenda.

Also from that trip, because they take Lisa’s ashes out, the guy who was putting them back has a suspicion that they aren’t Lisa’s. He says because there are a lot of bone fragments he thinks it’s from a very old cremation, because technology has advanced so much that ashes no longer have bone fragments in them.

I wonder if they can test the bones?! Oh freakin shit!

Ruth finally decides to go home, even if she doesn’t really want to. She makes rules for their marriage to have compromise. When George breaks down I don’t feel sorry for him, but of course Ruth does.

In the end she gets his son Kyle to come over, and they actually get along and then Kyle gets him hooked on the internet and George can’t sleep knowing there is so much information out there and that he can’t do anything to stop the world from ending.

David has baby fever and I think he really wants to adopt, but who knows about Keith.Also David is going through some weird things because he’s mad that the world has dictated who can have children and then at a restaurant he goes off on a guy who is rude… he bites the guy’s ear… where are we going with this?

And Claire is now a complete stoner. She can’t live without getting high. She’s become the new Brenda.

So now the guy that David bit is suing him, go figure. David has gotten really hostel. So the only way to get the guy to drop the charges is to sleep with him, and he has a huge thing for Keith. And that’s what Keith does because he wants things better for David. Hopefully things get dropped. Then David gets a call that he has to go identify his attacker. I feel like this is only going to make matters worse for David.

George is now going crazy. He thinks that the end of the world is coming so he’s stalk piling everything and making himself a place in the basement. I think Ruth is worried about him.

Nate’s story is getting insane. So Lisa’s family come over for dinner to confront Nate, and I’m really surprised that he tells them the truth about the ashes. But then things get out of hand and they are very worried about Maya. I knew from the moment they said it raised a lot of questions that they would try to take Maya away, bam next scene they want Maya to live with them. If it goes to court I’m going to be so angry!

On top of this, Brenda wants to have a baby with Nate well after all of this has happened he’s not in the mood to have any other children.

Then there’s Federico. So he and Vanessa are officially separated and he’s mad that he can’t see his kids, which makes sense. I can’t stand these two at all. Vanessa is now dating already and Federico isn’t happy, but he still wants to come and go into his house as he pleases, but lord Vanessa doesn’t want that. Will we ever get anything settled with them? I guess not because Federico goes over to apologize and wants to get back together, but Vanessa wants a divorce, and Federico is devastated.

In the season finale things get a little crazy! So Claire has this great big art opening. She gets to display all her papermache photos. It goes so well, only Richard is pissed that she’s taking all the credit for their work. Really it was just Claire who ran with the idea that they had while fooling around one day and Richard can’t deal. Then Jimmy is pissed at her for not talking to him all night. He thinks because he got her the show that he deserves to be recognized. In the end she goes home with Billy and in pretty sure they sleep together.

Just when we thought Nate couldn’t get any more fucked up, well something shitty happens. So when he gives a book from his niece (Lisa’s sister’s daughter) to David, David finds a picture of Lisa. Nate notices it one of the new shirts she’s wearing and the beach where she died. He needs answers because he knows something was up, so he drives all the way to Iowa to get them. He questions the daughter and she knows but she’s not going to tell, she says to go talk to her father instead. So Nate does, and he demands to know what happened that day, he knows Lisa wouldn’t commit suicide and he figured she wasn’t alone since someone had to take the picture, so he confesses to killing her because he didn’t like hearing about how unhappy she was. Two seconds later he puts a gun in his mouth and kills himself. Lord I did not see that coming, woah. Well at least we can finally put Lisa to rest.

David goes to identify the guy, but afterwards he still feels even worse. It’s Keith who tells him that he should go to jail to tell the guy how he feels. David at first is completely appalled by that, but in the end goes. It just shows him how sick the guy is, as he keeps playing the victim and blaming David for everything. I think that makes David feel somewhat better, but it’s the ghost talk he has with his father that makes everything okay, because his father tells him he can do anything because he’s alive- which is true.

Then there’s Keith. So the ear guy, that’s what I’m going to call him, contacted him again because he says he needs a bodyguard and Keith doesn’t know what to do. I have no idea where they are going to take this, if they decide to take it anywhere at all.

Ruth is really worried about George. Well she finally gets to meet his daughter Maggie, and she knows what her father is like. She kinda warns Ruth, but not really. So we’re getting to see a completely different side of George. He’s completely worried about everything. Now he’s starting to talk to himself because he’s seeing someone named Emily who is warning him about a storm coming. Now he’s dead set on living in his bunker he’s built, telling Ruth that that is his home.

I don’t even know how to wrap this up, like this season has been insane and that last episode was intense. Season five is the last season and I can only imagine where we can go from here.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Six Feet Under Season Four

  1. I need to start watching this! I don’t know why i keep putting it off for the past 10 years tho… wasn’t it one of those series that just stopped at one point? As in got cancelled?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No I don’t think it got cancelled, but if it did they did a very very good job ending the series, I think it’s one of the best series finales I’ve ever seen!
      You should definitely watch the show- so good!


  2. I just finished watching the show this week. It may have some boring moments but at the end of the day all is forgiven for the acting and poignant scenes, some of them like the Bike ending at season 2 or the final 10 minutes of the last episode are gonna be stuck in my head for a while.

    Liked by 1 person

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