Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Alex, Approximately

Hi friends and happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Jenn Bennett’s novel Alex, Approximately.

Alex, Approximately

Alex, Approximately by: Jenn Bennett: Movie buff, Bailey, known as Mink online, has a friend, Alex, who she talks movies with constantly. The two have never met, but when the opportunity to live with her dad, who happens to live in the same town as Alex, arises Bailey has to think about it. In the end, she chooses to move, but with all the chaos that is her new life, job and friends, she forgets about Alex, sort of. This novel was super fluffy and full of teenage drama; it also explored some heavy, yet important topics too. The reader really appreciated how Bennett handled all the topics brought up, whether that was dealing with first relationships, trauma, anxiety or antisocialism it was done well and dealt with care. The main story arc was fun and the way Bennett weaved in movies to tie everything together was clever and really cute. This was so fast-paced it was hard to put down because even though the reader could predict from the beginning what was happening, they weren’t quite sure how it would all play out and it was exciting to follow along. This also really brought up the importance of friendship and not to take advantage of friends when starting a new romantic relationship. All the relationships in this novel developed in such an organic way and gave the main character something to think about and the reader too. The characters were so deeply developed that they felt like real people. Learning about them through each other was a good way to get to know them and watching them grow as the story progressed was very wholesome. Overall, this was predictable at times, but the story and the evolving characters made up for that.

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