
The Harry Potter Book Tag

Hi guys! Happy Friday & Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🍀🍀 Today I’m coming at you guys with another tag: The Harry Potter book tag! I was tagged by Lois and David @Loisreadsbooks, so thank you, and let’s get started!

A Book whose Theme you liked but would rewrite

Maybe the Divergent trilogy. No, Allegiant, I would rewrite that because what was that ending?

The First Book in a Series that got you Hooked
Going Wild

I’m going to say Going Wild by: Lisa McMann. I can’t wait for the second book to come out this October!

A Book You wish you could have right now

Lord of Shadows by: Cassandra Clare

Like I mentioned in The Sims Book Tag, I am in love with Clare’s books so I’m very excited for this.

A Killer Book, both senses, take it as you’d like

I’m not really sure what this means 🤔 but I’m going to say the Dark Hunter series by: Sherrilyn Kenyon, even though it feels like there are hundreds of books in that series (and I’m about half way through) I like how dark, and full of fantasy they are. Not a big fan of the romance plots so much, but they’re still pretty good.

A Book you found really Confusing
An Ember In The Ashes

I wouldn’t say I found it really confusing, but An Ember in the Ashes by: Sabaa Tahir. She kept changing points of view and it got to the point where I was like who’s thinking?

Your Spirit Animal Book

I’m going to have to go with my favourite book of all time: The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde. I love it to pieces. I can just picture a young Dorian as my Patronum, what fun!

A Dark and Twisted Book

I’m going to say the entire Bill Hodges trilogy by Stephen King. There were a lot of scary sociological and psychological things going on. I really don’t want to know where King gets the ideas for some of his characters.

A Book that Surprised you in a great way. Reveals to be more than it is
The Rest of Us Just Live Here

The Rest of Us Just Live Here by: Patrick Ness. That book really surprised me by how well it was written, and how well anxiety was written.

Okay! So I’m just going to tag a few people, forgive me if you’ve already been tagged! Obviously you don’t have to feel obligated to do the tag either! 🙂

Deepika @BookHearts Forever
Sarah @Between the Pages
Alex @Whimsy Pages 

10 thoughts on “The Harry Potter Book Tag

  1. Great picks for this tag Meghan, I completely agree with your desire to re-write Allegiant. I really enjoyed the Divergent trilogy but I was definitely not a fan of that ending. It just seemed like a waste after all the fighting they did and the whole journey they took to get there.
    Also I really enjoyed the Dark Hunters series when I was reading it. I haven’t in ages so am now way too many books behind to catch up but I did enjoy the books a lot.
    Again great answers for this one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Beth! I completely agree, it was like I read the whole series for nothing pretty much.
      You’ve read the Dark Hunter series? I don’t know anyone else who has, I don’t feel so alone anymore! Oh gosh I know, I’m at book 14 and I still have like 10 books left to go, the series feels so never ending, but at least it’s enjoyable.

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      1. That’s all right, and god it always sucks when books make you think that doesn’t it? Especially when it comes to series conclusions.
        Yeah, but I think for me it was one of those series that just continued a little too long and eventually there were so many characters I couldn’t keep track of them all in my mind, so I stopped reading. But I do remember really loving the books, and still do actually. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It really does!
        Tell me about it, I’m still waiting for all the characters that she’s introduced to meet each other and I kinda want her to stop creating new characters because it’s almost the same storyline when two meet and fall in love. I’m hoping the next one I’m about to read, Archeon, will be good. It’s massive!

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      3. Yeah, and I think there are still characters from some of the earlier books who’s stories haven’t been told yet, but we were getting introduced to new character who I just couldn’t care about as much.
        Archeon is massive but from what I remember a really good book.

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