Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Ralph Breaks the Internet

Hi guys! Happy Friday & happy first day of February! 💞 I can’t believe we’re already through the first month of the year! I hope you all have kick started your February on the right track! Today I’m going to sharing my thought on the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet.

Ralph Breaks the Internet: When a new game gets plugged in, everyone gets excited about it. Turning out to be the Internet they are warned not to visit just yet. But when Ralph changes Vanellope’s game and causes it to break he realizes they can go to the Internet to fix it, what they find is a whole new world. The plot was solidly put together; from the adaption of the modern world and Wi-Fi to the unforgettable characters and the adventures they go on. The way the creators depicted the Internet was so well done, it was so accurate and definitely what you would think of if the Internet were a real place you could go. The representation of the good, the bad and the ugly sides of the Internet were all accounted for and it really moved the story along really well because it played into the main theme of the film: friendship. The friendship between Ralph and Vanellope was so precious. They know who they are as friends, but this time around, the two really have to learn who they are as individuals and that was really wonderful to see. It was really good to see the good and the ugly of friendships. It’s good for kids to see that friendship take work and compromise, and a good reminder for adults. This film was not only cinematically captivating, but the story was also engaging, witty and relatable making it a film for all ages.

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