Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Iron Cast

Hello friends, happy Monday! As much as today as been rainy, it was a day off here in Canada, [happy Victoria Day to my Canadian followers! 🙂 ] and I’m happy for any day that I don’t have to work! I hope you’re all doing ok! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Destiny Soria’s novel Iron Cast.

I wrote a First Impression Friday on this book waaay back in March, if you’re curious what my first thoughts were. First Impression Friday: Iron Cast.

Iron Cast

Iron Cast by: Destiny Soria: Ada and Corinne are an unlikely pair, with an ability like no other; together they work beautifully to create a good time by putting on illusions and playing with magic on stage at the Iron Cast nightclub. During their day job they use their abilities to con the elite to keep the club going. But when a job they’re on goes bad, things get ugly, truths come out and massive betrayals are witnessed. This novel was definitely action-packed; the moment the novel started the reader was hooked because they wanted to find out more about these two girls. After the first chapter, the story waned a little and the story felt a little dull. Once the reader hit just before the mid-way point, things started to pick back up again. The story itself was really thought out, and this whole story arc felt like something the reader would see in a duology or trilogy, but the fact that Soria kept this within one novel was impressive because it worked really well. Not only was the story good and well worth investing, her characters were too. The characters were so well created and developed, especially the two main ones, Ada and Corinne. They weren’t afraid of anything and they just went for what they strived for. They truly made the story worth reading. On top of that, the character betrayals and love-affairs were all really something to read. Soria’s writing was so well done; it was not only filled with beautiful prose but good action scenes as well. For her first novel, this had a great plot, with excellent characters that the reader had such a fun, yet emotional roller coaster reading.

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