TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Seven

Hi guys, happy Tuesday! I hope you’re all doing well, today is the start of week 10 working from home… things are starting to open up slowly, but it still may be a while before we’re back in the office. Today I’m going to be talking all about season seven of Brooklyn Nine Nine.

The season starts off with everyone acting weird. I didn’t really care for the first episode. Holt is now in uniform and not the captain, Jake doesn’t know what to do with himself because of that, Terry thinks everyone is talking about him and Amy thinks she could be pregnant which Rosa is helping her kinda deal with. The whole episode was just everywhere.

The nice thing though was the end when Amy tells Jake she thought she was pregnant, turns out she isn’t, and they both feel kinda bummed that she isn’t so they plan on starting to try. Cute. I love their open communication.

The second episode was better. Captain Kim joins the 99 and everyone is skeptical of who it’s going to be, when they meet Kim for the first time they still aren’t quite sure. As she gets to know them she plays on all their likes and Jake and Holt think it’s a setup.

When she invites them all to her house for a party this gives the two of them time to spy on her. Well that backfires because when Jake thinks she’s hiding something in a locked room… turns out it’s a pit bull. He lets it out accidentally which leads to the destruction of her house, yikes.

Turns out that Holt and Jake didn’t have to worry so much, she only joined because she loved Holt’s work and he was a personal hero of hers. Well. I was totally on Jake and Holt’s side, I totally thought she was up to something she felt so artificial and she didn’t feel genuine about all of her intensions.

All of that though, she ends up leaving the precinct.

Adrian Pimento is back! I love his character. He comes claiming someone is trying to kill him… like always, only this time it seems to be true.

The kicker of it all he can’t remember anything so it’s a constant loop of him remembering someone is trying to kill him then he doesn’t remember. Jake uses this to tell someone that he and Amy are trying to have a baby. Amy has instructed him not to tell Charles because Charles is well Charles… so obviously the only thing Adrian does remember is he’s going to be a dad and he blurts it out in front of Charles.

This upsets Charles, but when Jake tells him it killed him not to tell him, it was so sweet to see. They honestly have the craziest friendship, but it’s so honest and open.

I don’t know how much I care for this new character Debbie. She’s so self conscious and doesn’t want to do anything because she thinks she’ll be bad at it. It’s Charles who keeps prompting her to be apart of their group. Once she kinda does, she almost dies, then she steals all the evidence out of the evidence room… why?! Is she insane or something?

I truly laughed out loud when they competed in the Jimmy Jab games; they are so hilarious and outrageous that you can’t help but laugh out loud.

We also go some classic Holt and Rosa time, those two have an amazing friendship. When he finds out that Rosa’s girlfriend broke up with her he goes and listens to heavy metal with her even if he hates that music… so freaking sweet.

So uhm so Debbie is super weird. She runs off with all this cocaine and Jake and Rosa go after her, pretend to be bad guys so that she’ll trust them, but that goes horribly because Debbie ends up doing cocaine. This takes her to a whole new level of crazy, then her mother shows up to point out all her flaws which doesn’t help any. In the end it’s Rosa who gets through to her to tell her that everything is going to be okay. Debbie is still going to prison but not for life. This was such a weird plot, entertaining but weird.

Madeline Wuntch dies, but Holt at first doesn’t believe it, she’s too treacherous to just die. But in the end she is actually dead. Her last act on him is to say something nice at his NYPD memorial, which is physically impossible for him. He spends so much time antagonizing over it. When it comes to her memorial he finds someone who hates Wuntch just as much as Holt does and this makes him angry. He didn’t like being double played by Wuntch, he wanted to be her one true enemy.

So when it’s found out that this guy really isn’t her worst enemy but her nephew, Holt is one step ahead of him. I don’t even know how he could be one step ahead, because all of a sudden Holt goes ‘this is a fake memorial, and all of these are improv students’, he just knew there would be one more test!

When it comes to her real memorial he says he’s just going to speak the truth… which we all think is going to be bad, but it turns out to be this really sweet speech. He was really able to turn it around.

Then after Amy has been going through all these emotions, she finds out she’s pregnant! I’m so happy for her and Jake! I was wondering when they were going to be pregnant because she looks very pregnant in real life.

JUDY IS BACK! I love the Judy episodes and I always wish he was around for more than one episode, but when he shows up it’s always the best!

So this time Jake finds out that Judy is getting married and hasn’t invited him to the wedding, so Jake finds a way to be invited to the bachelor party in Miami… with Judy’s criminal friends. Jake pretends to be a criminal, Shawn, so that his friends don’t know Jake is a cop. But then guess who shows up, Trudy Judy and blows his cover. When Judy’s criminal friends commit a crime, Jake feels the need to arrest them. So they come up with a heist plan to reset what they stole. It works, but Jake still arrests them.

This leaves Judy and his sister very upset with Jake. Now Jake knows that their friendship could possibly be over… until, Judy comes back and tells him it was a a set up. He couldn’t have his criminal friends at his wedding, his soon to be wife is a criminal lawyer. So instead of telling them they couldn’t come, having them in jail is easier. That’s when Judy asks Jake to be his best man! Ahhh so sweet. There’s something about this duo that is so strange, yet so satisfying to watch. Judy has really turned his life around since we first met him… and the guy has been in what 7 episodes, yet his character arc is so good!

J.K. Simmons appears for an episode as Dillman a skilled detective… the best one Holt has ever worked with. He was an interesting special guest, but he really opened up to let Jake’s colours shine, which was nice.

When a glitter bomb goes off Holt brings him in to solve the case. Jake uses this as an opportunity to get the new detective roll, but he spends most of the episode trying for all the glory. When Jake finds out the Holt was going to chose Boyle, this crushes him. Dillman then accuses Jake of the crime but it’s Boyle who comes out swinging and the one who’s done all the detective work. We find out it was this side character Booth who we only met at the beginning of the episode.

This was a great episode because it not only showed how skilled Boyle is, since we never really get to see that side, but also we get to see Jake and Boyle’s relationship grow stronger; those two have an amazing best friend complex.

Jake and Amy finally announce that they’re pregnant… even though the whole team already know… they are detectives after all. They get a cake to have a gender reveal party. Jake is worried that if he has a son that he’s going to be an awful father like his dad was to him and grandfather was to his dad. So to break this said “curse” he invites his grandfather over so that he and his dad can reconcile.

At first, it doesn’t go well, then it actually starts to go well… until they knock over the gender reveal cake. I knew something was going to happen to this cake. So they clean it up “bird box” style. They think they’ve gotten it all, but really they’ve just smeared the cake all over the kitchen. So now Jake knows he’s having a son, but he doesn’t want Amy to know he knows. So he invites Charles over to help bake a new cake… only the reveal is green icing.

I like that Amy says she likes their Shrek baby.

But all the craziness aside this really showed that Jake is going to be a good father because he cares and that this stupid curse doesn’t really exist.

It’s heist time!! I think it’s really creative what they did to make it an Easter Heist. It started at Halloween, as it always does. The objective is to grab all the gems from the fake, Russian version of the infinity stones. They are all partnered up… and handcuffed to their partners. Jake and Holt, Amy and Charles, Rosa and Scully.

When Jake’s plan to fog the office and grab the gems goes very wrong when Cheddar eats the gems. They then have to wait for him to pass them.

Now it’s Valentine’s Day and they’re continuing the heist. This time the gems find their way into Scully’s mouth and he swallows them. They must wait until he then passes them to continue. This is when Rosa declares she doesn’t want Scully as a partner anymore, so they handcuff her to a filing cabinet.

This leads us to Easter. Now everyone has the same plan (because they eavesdropped on Jake’s fake therapy session) dress up like bunnies and steal the gems. Just when everyone thinks Rosa is coming attached to the filing cabinet – it’s not, it’s surprisingly Terry, the guy who wanted to ‘retire’. So while they all thought it was Rosa, they miss the bunny who jumps off the roof with the gems… that’s actually Rosa.

So Rosa wins the heist… but what we find out is that she won all three times. She was manipulator behind both Cheddar and Scully swallowing the fake gems, and she had the real ones the entire time. So she managed to get all three sets of gems. Damn Rosa. It was a lot of fun to watch, as usual. At first it was kinda annoying to watch it be moved so many times but it was still fun to watch the team come undone ha!

Cheddar gets kidnapped- dognapped- and this drives captain Holt and Kevin insane. They are so irrational about their fluffy boy. Jake steps in to help and they don’t think he can do it. It goes so far that Jake has to learn to be Kevin since Holt doesn’t want to get Kevin involved. It’s a funny bit.

What was funny was all the John Wick references that went over my head. I’m pretty sure that ending where Holt takes down the bad guy was a scene right out of the movie, but I have no knowledge of it, but it was pretty freakin cool!

I am liking all the little scenes between characters. I like Amy and Rosa getting closer, and Rosa going so far as to try and win a baby stroller for Amy, it was very sweet. And seeing Charles and Terry try to start up a company together: “work bone buddies” that was hilarious!

The season ends, more or less the way I thought it would. I figured Amy was going to have her baby, like they couldn’t not end the season that way… although that would have been surprising.

Just as Amy is about to go on maternity leave, there’s a blackout which causes Jake to go out and inspect the source and Amy to stay behind and keep things in check… well while drilling everyone into work she goes into labour, which she tries to hide but Rosa sees through all her lies.

Meanwhile Jake is stuck with the guy who caused the blackout, a very ageist, sexist, racist woman, and all he wants is to get back to his wife. Obviously that’s harder than it seems and every obstacle gets in his way.

Amy, of course doesn’t want to leave the precinct and when she waits too long, ends up having the baby at the station. I love how it was Hitchcock and Scully who create this very nice birthing room for her. Just when Amy said they weren’t good in a crisis they came through!

I also love Holt and Terry in this episode! They get trapped in an elevator when the power goes out, so in order to take Holt’s mind off being stuck, Terry teaches him some dance moves… they then use these moves to calm Amy down when she goes into active labour.

Jake ends up making it for the second half of the birth, all because Charles put aside his hate for Peanut butter, a horse, to get Jake to the station.

The way this team pulled together for Jake and Amy and their little son was very sweet and you can see how much this team means to one another. It was a beautiful season finale.

I’m interested to see what next season is going look like now that Jake is into the next phase of his life, fatherhood. I can already predict that this is going to change dynamics throughout the whole team because Jake is the centrefold of the show.

7 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Seven

    1. Although my friend says I have some Holt mannerisms… I’m choosing to take that as a compliment because I’ve seen the gifs and well… he’s just fabulous isn’t he … so very like myself 😂😂😂
      This is on my TBW (is to be watched a thing??? Let’s make it a thing if it isn’t!) but yes… I know I need to watch it. It sounds marvellous

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I LOVE Holt! He’s the best!! He’s so witty, without trying too hard. Plus just the words he uses, like his vocabulary range is stellar, but then he can come at you and say “fluffy boy” you’re like, huh what, but it also fits him!
        I can’t tell you how much fun this show is. 100% recommend. I started watching this because my coworker said I reminded him of Gina (who isn’t on the show anymore)… and from there I was sucked in 😛

        Liked by 1 person

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