Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: You Are Awesome

Hi friends, happy Monday! It’s sunny today ☀️yay! My workload actually lightened up today, which made for a nice ease into the week! I hope you’re all continuing to keep safe. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Neil Pasricha’s book You Are Awesome.

You Are Awesome

You Are Awesome by: Neil Pasricha: A self-help, yet inspirational look at how to be awesome, or more importantly how to be kinder to yourself. Pasricha takes the reader on a journey by providing nine secrets to being awesome and how to enrich your life. Filled with antidotes from his own life, he puts into perspective how we perceive ourselves to how others really perceive us, and the likes of how we’re so hard on ourselves towards failures, but he points out the positives it in all. Pasricha really has this way with words, he can captivate a reader so easily and even if his advice may come off as preachy at times, it doesn’t stay that way for long and it’s just this outpouring of positivity that he shines light on. This book was fast-paced and he really let the reader into his life with so many personal stories that the reader found comfort in. In the end, this was such a feel good type of book that actually does make the reader feel better about themselves; a definite recommend read for everyone no matter where you are in life because there is something to take away from all perspectives.

6 thoughts on “Review: You Are Awesome

  1. Amazing post! Surely adding it to my TBR.
    Btw I too blog @ The Confessions Of A Music And Book Addict and would appreciate some support!
    Stay safe,
    -Prutha xoxo

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