Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: The Incredibles 1&2

Hi guys! Happy Friday! I’m scheduling this post as I’m on my way to Niagara Falls for the weekend. Last weekend I had the pure pleasure of seeing The Incredibles 2; today I’m reviewing both movies!

The Incredibles: The super duo, Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl are out saving the world, one crime at a time, but when Mr. Incredible is sued for saving someone’s life who didn’t want saving, things start to go downhill. As the years go by and parenthood kicks in, they all have superpowers that they must hide to fit into society. Tired of his life, Mr. Incredible starts to secretly go on missions again. This film was really well done; it was action packed from start to finish, and quite entertaining. It was great to see the family dynamic because it was true and relatable, minus the superpowers, that just made it that much more fun to watch. The dialogue in this film wasn’t as funny as other Disney movies seem to be, but it worked because this film succeeded in the action and adventure that the dialogue didn’t need the extra wit. This was definitely a good, fun family movie that is enjoyed by everyone.

The Incredibles 2: Superheroes have been made illegal and this causes the Incredibles family to stay in hiding, that is until this big-wig who believes in superheroes, Winston Deavor, wants to bring them back. He recruits the Incredibles to help him out, namely Elastigirl. This leaves Mr. Incredible at home with the kids, when one of them, Jack-Jack, is just breaking into his powers. This made for a wonderful dynamic that was just very enjoyable to watch. To see the characters struggle outside of their comfort zones was very human, especially for superheroes. The writing was brilliant and so spot on. It was witty and the dialogue felt so real and timely. The overall dialogue of the movie felt relevant and fit right into today’s current affairs. This film definitely hit on politics and it felt like this was more for adults than it was for kids. Sure there were the great action scenes that kids would love, but the underlying tones were political. That doesn’t mean that this made the movie bad in any way, instead it made it better because it really brought something to the table. This film felt like it hit on family dynamics perfectly; both parents and kids could relate from both ends of the spectrum. The plot was fast-moving, and extremely hilarious. There wasn’t a moment when this film wasn’t good; even the slower moments were that good. It feels like because it took 14 years between films that they really took their time to make it the very best that they could, and it was definitely seen and appreciated. This film definitely has re-watchability.

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